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研究生: 周梅雀
論文名稱: 尋找心中的那朵玫瑰花: 一趟教師課程意識的敘事探究之旅
Searching for the roses :An exploratory journey for discovering teacher’s curriculum consciousness through narrative inquiry
指導教授: 陳伯璋
Chen, Bo-Zhang
Chen, Hsiao-Lan
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 341
中文關鍵詞: 課程意識敘事探究課程潛力
英文關鍵詞: curriculum consciousness, narrative inquiry, curriculum potiental
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:479下載:0
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  • 我寫這本論文基本上有三個主要目的。首先我想了解教師課程意識的理論與實務的可能性。其次我想知道敘事探究的理論與實務運作的可能性。最後我想探究敘事能否幫助教師提昇課程意識。

    There are three main purposes in my study: to find out the essence and meaning of teacher’s curriculum consciousness; to explore the promise of narrative inquiry in curriculum study; and to know how narrative inquiry can help understanding the essence of teacher’s curriculum consciousness.
    Based on the above attempts, I did literature review on critical pedagogy and teacher practical knowledge, and tried to construct a theory of teacher’s curriculum consciousness. For my study, I invited three elementary teachers to participate in my inquiry on curriculum consciousness through a narrative approach.
    After a three-year exploration, I found teachers were able to be aware of their own beliefs in teaching and learning through exploring their curriculum consciousness. They could also expand their vision, improve their pedagogical practice, as well as elicit their curriculum potential. I also found narrative inquiry is a suitable approach to examine teacher’s curricular experience. It could not only highlight teacher’s curriculum consciousness, but also give opportunity for teachers to have a say on what they know about curriculum and why they make certain decisions in their pedagogical pactice.
    In conclusion, I urge that teacher’s curriculum consciousness and narrative inquiry approach need to be paid more attention in curriculum study. As for me, I will keep expanding my inquiry journey about these important curricular and methodological issues.

    楔子─尋找心中的那朵玫瑰花…………………………………………1 第一章 其實我們不曾想過……………………………………………4 到底有什麼不對勁?─我的關懷……………………………………….. 4 試著來解開迷團吧!─我的期待………………………………………….12 第二章 那是個什麼樣的世界……………………..……………….15 在一個小小的星球─教師課程意識的立論基礎………………………….16 有一天她亮相了─教師課程意識的意涵…………………..…………….26 我如何從她的嬌美中得到快樂?─教師的課程覺知…………………….38 我如何了解她想傳達的意思?─教師課程意識的提昇………………….53 第三章 帶著好奇心與望遠鏡上路吧!…………………………...68 我們的裝備─敘事探究法………………………………………………….70 我們的旅行計劃─探究藍圖……………………………………………….92 第四章 我看見他們一路行來的身影…………………..…………106 非常特殊的小人兒─與我的夥伴們相遇…………………………………106 你從哪裡來呀?─我的夥伴們的過去……………………………………111 你在這裡做什麼呢?─我的夥伴們的現在……………………………..134 第五章 我聽見他們內心的喧囂…………………………………..152 你們在找什麼呀?─對自我的覺知……………………………………..154 那會是隻什麼羊呢?─對學生的覺知……………………………………172 有永恆不變的東西嗎?─對課程內容的覺知…..……………………..190 這是個什麼樣的地方?─對教學環境的覺知………..………………..202 第六章 可能有什麼原因…………………………………………….221 師長形象影響自我教師意象形塑…………………………………..……222 學生激盪提昇教學覺知與能力…………………………………………..231 家長回饋激發教學反省………..………………………………………..241 學校環境與同事促動專業成長…………..……………………………..246 教育改革促進課程知識與思維的更新…………………………………..251 生活體驗引發課程關懷…………………………………………………..258 第七章 或者有什麼途徑……………………….……………………266 從懵懂到覺知………………………………………………………………268 從覺知到批判………………………………………………………………272 從批判到行動………………………………………………………………279 意識提昇是個循環的過程..………………………………………………283 完全意識的提昇有可能……………………………………………………288 敘事探究提昇教師課程意識的可能、問題與反省醒……………………295 第八章 找到心中那朵玫瑰花…………………………...…………..301 星星很美麗因為有朵看不見的花─我的夥伴們找到的玫瑰花…………301 所有星星的笑聲都甜甜的─我找到的玫瑰花……………………………305 這是件非常奧秘的事─展望未來…………………………………………317 參考書目………………………………………………………………319 附錄……………………………………………………………………326

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