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Author: 陳宜樺
Chen, Yi-Hua
Thesis Title: 透過氫氣作用控制磁性層間交互耦合效應
Modulation of magnetic interlayer-coupling in Fe/Pd/Fe/MgO(001) through cyclic hydrogenation
Advisor: 林文欽
Lin, Wen-Chin
Degree: 碩士
Department: 物理學系
Department of Physics
Thesis Publication Year: 2017
Academic Year: 105
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 36
Keywords (in Chinese): 磁性合金薄膜氫氣效應
Keywords (in English): Magnetism, alloy, thin film, hydrogenation
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
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  • 長期以來,鈀一直作為氫氣解離和吸附的高效催化劑。在鈀合金或內米結構中,鈀的氫化容易引起相鄰材料有顯著的鄰近效應。在本實驗中,我們在超高真空中使用電子束蒸發磊晶法,在MgO (001)的基底上製備了磁性界面耦合系統。通過退火處理,可以得到平坦的MgO (001)表面,用來沉積Fe/Pd/Fe三層膜。

    Pd has long been used as a high efficient catalyst for hydrogen dissociation and absorption. In the Pd-alloys or nanostructures, the hydrogenation of Pd easily brings in pronounced proximity effect upon the adjacent functional materials.
      In this experiment, we prepared the magnetic exchange interlayer coupled system, Fe/Pd/Fe trilayers, on MgO(001) substrates using e-beam evaporation in an ultrahigh vacuum. Through a suitable annealing process, a flat MgO(001) surface can be achieved for the deposition of the Fe/Pd/Fe trilayer.
      With a certain Pd thickness, clear double hysteresis loops were observed in the Fe/Pd/Fe/MgO(001) system by using magneto optical Kerr effect in the in-plane direction. This indicates the antiferromagnetic coupling between the top and bottom Fe layers. With cyclic hydrogen absorption and desorption at room temperature, the antiferromagnetic interlayer-coupling was considerably and reversibly changed, as indicated by the change of the shift field of the double loops. This observation suggests that the Fe/Pd-multilayer system can serve as a GMR sensor for sensitive hydrogen sensing in the future applications.

    摘要 I Abstract II 目錄 III 第一章 緒論 1 1-1氫氣對磁性的影響 1 1-2層間耦合(Interlayer coupling) 4 第二章 基本原理 7 2-1晶格結構 7 2-2磁性材料 8 2-3氫氣系統 9 第三章 實驗儀器 11 3-1高真空系統(UHV) 11 3-2鍍膜系統(MBE) 13 3-3磁光柯爾效應(Magneto-Optical Kerr Effect, MOKE) 14 第四章 實驗結果與討論 17 4-1 MgO基板處理 17 4-2 製備Pd/Fe/Pd/Fe/MgO 22 4-3 Fe/Pd/Fe/MgO (001) 薄膜在不同氫氣濃度下的磁性變化 23 4-4 Fe/Pd/Fe/MgO (001)薄膜的剖面結構與成果分析 26 第五章 結論 28 參考文獻 29 附錄 31 致謝 35

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