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研究生: 曹筱玥
Tsau Saiav-yue
論文名稱: 從解嚴前後(1977~1997)的全省美展西畫部門得獎作品~~ 看省展風格的移轉與權力結構的互動關係 ~
An Analysis on Prizewinning Western Paintings of Taiwan Art Exhibition from 1977 to 1997~ To Investigate Interaction Between Style Shift and Power Structure
指導教授: 黃光男
Huang, Kuang-Nan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 98
中文關鍵詞: 全省美展
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:138下載:32
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  • 全省美展創立至今已邁入半個世紀之久,是台灣規模最大,歷史最久的官辦美展,也可說是台灣的「沙龍」美展;光復初期,藉由全省美展的推動,許多畫家從中獲得成名的途徑,進而掌握了藝術的主導權。但曾幾何時,曾經叱吒藝壇的全省美展,卻在今日櫛比鱗次、各式各樣美術競賽競爭下,失去了昔日影響舉足輕重的地位,因此在此對省展做一時代性的回顧,可謂是十分有意義的;本文的研究時間鎖定以解嚴前十年(1977)為始直至今日做一全面性觀察,企圖將省展風格是否因解嚴而產生有什麼影響,及其結果背後所反映及隱涵的社會蘊意。

    The Taiwan Art Exhibition, with a history of around 50 years, is the biggest official art exhibition in Taiwan. This “salon” is also the first to appear on the island. During the early days of Taiwan’s retrocession from Japanese rule, many artists became renowned through the popularity of the Taiwan Art Exhibition, and then further acted as key figures in the Taiwan art circle. Before long, however, the Taiwan Art Exhibition lost its decisive role it enjoyed in those golden days when various art contests sprung up like mushrooms. Therefore, it is rather meaningful to review the chronicle of the Taiwan Art Exhibition. This thesis focuses on the period starting from 1977, ten years before the martial law was lifted, to nowadays, and investigates if the style of the Taiwan Art Exhibition has been affected after the martial law was lifted. The social implication behind these changes is also discussed.
    This thesis is divided into five chapters. The first chapter presents the research purpose, scope, and methods, as well as its importance in this field. It also contains the literature review of related researches, illustrates the overall structure of this thesis, and states major questions which are to be investigated. In the second chapter, it displays a summarized account of the Taiwan Art Exhibition under the marital law period. In the third chapter, it is a comprehensive presentation to analyze internal factors of the exhibition style and its development over the years. In the fourth chapter, it discusses the causality between the unitary style of the Taiwan Art Exhibition and its judge system, which is ascribed to the logic of power structure. This style had significant influence on arts during the early days of retrocession and the martial law period, as well as on the painting style in Taiwan. Moreover, the public art taste and painting contests held by other groups were more or less affected by this style. Afterwards, with Western influences spreading to the East, the Taiwan Art Exhibition started to embrace various styles such as soil culture realism, semi-cubism, post-painting abstractionism, and photo-realism. While this slow transformation toward modernization has been no match for sharp critique from other painting groups.
    In the fifth chapter, the conclusion probes into those prizewinning western paintings before and after the martial law was lifted (1977-1997), analyzes characteristics of the time reflected from those works, and reviews how we developed Taiwanese styles of western paintings out of the Japanese influence. It also discusses if this transformation of painting styles has any relationship with our post-colonization qualities. Finally, it concludes with the importance and meanings of the time which the Taiwan Art Exhibition presents in the Taiwan art circle.

    謝辭 摘要 目錄 附表目錄 附圖目錄 第一章 緒論 --------------------------------------------------------------------- P1~10 第一節 研究動機與目的 第二節 文獻探討與研究回顧研究方法與研究範圍界定 第三節 研究進路與論文章節說明 第二章 省展至九0年代的歷史發展狀況 -------------------------- P11~24 第一節 省展的組織概況及其創立宗旨 第二節 省展的評審制度及成員之組成 第三節 全省美展制度運行之檢討 第四節 小結 第三章 省展西畫部得獎作品風格類型取向之析探 ----------- P25 ~ 66 第一節 戒嚴時期省展西畫部得獎作品風格類型取向之析探 第二節 解嚴以後省展西畫部得獎作品風格類型取向之析探 第三節 解嚴前後省展西畫部作品風格之品味趨從機制 第四節 小結 第四章 省展制式化風格的社會性意涵 - - --------------------------- P67~84 第一節 官方品味現代化緣出的背景及其轉折情形 第二節 省展風格之外部因素析探 第三節 省展評審中保守勢力的防衛機制與權力結構之分析 第四節 小結 第五章 結論 ------------------------------------------------------------------- P85~90 第一節 全省美展的限制與反思 第二節 全省美展在今日藝壇所扮演的角色及其地位 參考書目 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P86~95 附 錄 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- P96~98 一、臺灣省第28屆全省美術展覽會辦法 二、臺灣省第33屆全省美術展覽會辦法

    1. 中文參考專書:
    王素峰 編,《一九四五 ~ 一九九五台灣現代美術生態》,台北︰臺北市立美術館,1995。
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    2. 英文參考書目:
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    4. 畫冊:
    (1) 省展專輯
    1977 ---- <臺灣省第31屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1978 ---- <臺灣省第32屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1979 ---- <臺灣省第33屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1980 ---- <臺灣省第34屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1981 ---- <臺灣省第35屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1982 ---- <臺灣省第36屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1983 ---- <臺灣省第37屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1984 ---- <臺灣省第38屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1985 ---- <臺灣省第39屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1986 ---- <臺灣省第40屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1987 ---- <臺灣省第41屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1988 ---- <臺灣省第42屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1989 ---- <臺灣省第43屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1990 ---- <臺灣省第44屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1991 ---- <臺灣省第45屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1992 ---- <臺灣省第46屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1993 ---- <臺灣省第47屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1994 ---- <臺灣省第48屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1995 ---- <臺灣省第49屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1996 ---- <臺灣省第50屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1997 ---- <臺灣省第51屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1998 ---- <臺灣省第52屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1999 ---- <臺灣省第53屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    2000 ---- <臺灣省第54屆全省美術展覽會展品彙刊>
    1995 ---- 《全省美展五十年回顧展專輯》,台中:省美館。
    (2) 其他畫冊
    (3) 畫冊文章