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研究生: 謝瑞麟
Rey-lin Hsieh
論文名稱: 掀開芬妮的秘密: 約翰‧克里蘭之《歡場女子回憶錄》哲學的/社會歷史的/文本的研究
Unfolding Fanny's Secrets: A Philosophical/Social-historical/Textual Study of John Cleland's Memoirs of a Woman o f Pleasure
指導教授: 賴守正
Lai, Shou-Cheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 1999
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 十八世紀小說書信體性意識唯物主義常態色情作品
英文關鍵詞: eighteenth century, novel, epistolary, sexuality, materialism, normality, pornography
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:127下載:0
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  • 約翰‧克里蘭之《歡場女子回憶錄》(《芬妮‧希爾》)是一本由兩封虛構書信所構成的性小說(sexual fiction)。在書中,敘事者芬妮向受信女士透露其賣淫史。疊藏於此書信體小說乃芬妮的性秘密。此篇論文旨在以三種不同的(哲學的、社會歷史的及文本的)觀點來檢視芬妮的性秘密。

    Composed of two fictional letters, John Cleland's
    Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (commonly known as Fanny Hill) is a sexual fiction in which Fanny, the narrator, confides her history of prostitution to her addressee, Madam. Folded within this epistolary novel are Fanny's sexual secrets. This thesis aims to examine Fanny's sexual secrets from three different (philosophical, socio-historical, and textual) perspectives.
    In chapter two, a certain link is made between Descartes, La Mettrie, and Fanny Hill. Descartes believes in the immaterial soul and the uniqueness of human speech, while in L'Homme machine La Mettrie sees human being as a machine made of springs in which the soul is one part of its mainspring, and he speculates on the possibility of teaching an ape to speak. Besides, La Mettrie elaborates on the notion of imagination in L'Homme machine. The materialist images of the machine and the spring also appear in the Memoirs, and, like La Mettrie, in the Memoirs Cleland shows the importance of imagination and the interplay between imagination and sexuality.
    In chapter three, first, I offer an academic reconstruction of sexuality in the Enlightenment Britain and I demonstrate the Memoirs as an Enlightenment product. Then, I examine the novel's construction of the sexual ideology of sexual ab/normality. In the Memoirs, Cleland constructs marital, reproductive heterosexuality as the sexual normality, which excludes all the other sexual practices in the novel as sexually abnormal.
    In chapter four I try to see the Memoirs as a successful sexually-arousing literary text. The focus is on its narrative techniques and the use of the first-person narrator. The Memoirs is filled with descriptions of sexual organs and narrations of sexual activities that keep seducing the reader, but it is also concerned with representation of other aspects of life. It is not a timeless/placeless pornotopia. In terms of the narrator, the textually female "I" offers a textual/ imaginary space where male author and reader can fulfill their sexual desires. Hence, Fanny's sexual secrets are in fact men's sexual fantasies.
    Chapter five recapitulates the previous three chapters. Besides, it points out that this thesis is a process of unfolding Fanny's secrets.

    Table of Contents Chapters One Introduction: Fanny's Folded Secrets------- 1 Two A Philosophical Study of the Memoirs: Descartes, La Mettrie and Fanny Hill------- 9 Three A Socio-historical Study of the Memoirs: The Construction of Sexual Ab/Normality in Fanny Hill----------------------------- 30 Four A Textual Study of the Memoirs: Narrative and Narrator in Fanny Hill------ 61 Five Conclusion: Fanny's Secrets Unfolded------ 82 Works Cited -------------------------------------- 90

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