簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 陳碧瑤
Chen, Pi-Yao
論文名稱: 探討中華郵政支局經理的管理技巧
Exploring the Managerial Techniques in Chunghwa Post: A Branch Manager’s Perspective
指導教授: 許書瑋
Hsu, Shu-Wei
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA)
Executive Master of Business Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 47
中文關鍵詞: 中華郵政管理技巧教育訓練
英文關鍵詞: Chunghwa Post, managerial technique, employee training
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900010
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:87下載:19
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  • 中華郵政股份有限公司是全臺灣擁有最多營業據點的國營事業機構,具備郵務、儲匯、壽險三業合一的特殊性質。隨著時代的變遷及組織的改革,為提升民眾滿意度及迎戰同業的激烈競爭,支局經理身為中華郵政第一線的基層管理者,肩負所屬支局的經營全責,帶領同仁團結合作,對外必須滿足客戶需求,對內必須達到績效配額。但是身負重任的支局經理並未被賦予強力的管理工具,郵政公司雖然於2003年改制公司化,由責任中心局驅策所轄各支局追求經營績效,但是對基層員工而言仍然是相當穩定的工作環境。也就是說,責任中心局將業績額度配發到各支局,經理必須負責帶領該支局衝刺達到績效目標,但是經理對於治理下屬卻沒有效果直接的獎懲手段,在這種環境條件下,支局經理的管理面臨很大的挑戰。

    本研究透過訪談方式歸納分析中華郵政支局經理的管理技巧,探討支局經理如何運用相關技巧,包括如何盤點內外資源、帶領同仁創造經營績效、維繫局內和諧氣氛、創造互信尊重關係、教育問題員工等。透過本研究歸納得到的管理技巧建議,郵政公司未來在辦理基層主管教育訓練時,可以作為有系統的教材,以個案研討方式運用在職外教育訓練(Off Job Training , Off JT),或是運用在工作現場培訓 (On the Job Training, OJT),以受過管理技巧訓練的資深經理帶領經驗不足的經理。

    Chunghwa Post Co., Ltd. is a government-owned corporation which has the largest number of branch locations throughout Taiwan. The specific nature of its business covers postal services, money savings, and life insurance. To adapt to the current times and to respond to the restructuring of the corporation, branch managers who generally serve as first-line management will have to assume full responsibility in managing their branch offices, the goal of this being to better satisfy public demands and meet the challenge of fierce competition in the industry. Branch managers will create an environment that values teamwork; ultimately, this is to meet the customers’ needs and to achieve Key Performance Indicators (KPIs). Even with such a heavy responsibility, branch managers do not have the authority and management tools to assist them in this task. While Chunghwa Post was restructured and became corporatized in 2003, in which the responsible centers undertook the responsibilities in driving the branch offices under its jurisdiction to pursue business performance, overall job stability for first-line employees is still secure. That is to say, the responsible centers will assign performance quota to each branch, and the branch manager must be responsible in leading the branch to achieve the performance goals. However, branch managers do not have the authority supervise their team members by directly rewarding or punishing them. Hence, this situation presents a great challenge for branch managers.

    This study summarizes and analyzes the managerial skills of the Chunghwa Post Branch Managers through qualitative interviews. We explored how branch managers could use required skills, including: stock take of internal and external resources; to lead the team to achieve business performance; to create a harmonious and peaceful workplace, to show respect and mutual trust relationships with an open door policy, to manage employee discipline. In conclusion, the skills of branch management in this study may be used as systematic curriculum materials for the professional training of front-line managers at Chunghwa Post. The methods can be applied via individual cases for study Off Job Training (Off JT), or directly used in On the Job Training (OJT) where senior managers trained with managerial skills can buddy-pair with less experienced managers.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機與目的 2 第二章 中華郵政基層主管教育訓練 3 第一節 簡述現行基層主管教育訓練 3 第二節 基層主管教育訓練的缺口 4 第三章 研究方法 6 第一節 中華郵政公司組織架構 6 第二節 訪談對象的選擇及介紹 8 第三節 歸納管理技巧 10 第四章 研究結果 11 第一節 盤點內外資源的技巧 11 第二節 經營績效達標的技巧 17 第三節 維繫局內和諧氣氛的技巧 23 第四節 創造互信尊重關係的技巧 27 第五節 教育問題員工的技巧 32 第五章 建議與結論 41 第一節 建議優化基層主管教育訓練 41 第二節 建議創設支局經理的夥伴制度 42 第三節 結論 44 參考文獻 45 附錄:訪談題目 47

    OJT Solutions 股份有限公司(民106)。TOYOTA 職場教戰手冊。(陳美瑛譯)。臺北市:台灣角川。(原著出版年:2015年)

