簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 李育渤
Li, Yu-Bo
論文名稱: Two-gap 超導體:Ax(NH3)Fe2Se2 (A=Ba, Sr or Ca)的超導性質研究
Two-gap superconducting properties of Ax(NH3)Fe2Se2 (A=Ba, Sr or Ca)
指導教授: 徐鏞元
Hsu, Yung-Yuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 物理學系
Department of Physics
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 66
中文關鍵詞: 超導鐵硒氨熱法超導性質
英文關鍵詞: superconductor, iron selenide, ammonothermal, barium, strontium, calcium, superconducting properties
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DP.002.2018.B04
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:108下載:17
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  • 高純度超導體Ax(NH3)Fe2Se2 (A =鋇, 鍶 or 鈣)是經由氨熱法將鹼土金族鑲入belta-FeSe裡,製作出來的樣本是純超導,在過去245-phase的反鐵磁相會跟超導相一起共存,這是一個很頭痛的問題,因為反鐵磁相會影響超導性質的基本量測。 利用氨熱法製作的樣本之基礎超導性質像超導臨界溫度Tc (Tc = 39 K for A =鋇, 44 K for鍶 和43 K for鈣),然而Tc的增高引起了大家對於Ax(NH3)Fe2Se2 (A = alkali 或 alkaliearth)產生了高度的興趣,不只是好奇為何Tc會增高,還包含了一連串超導性質與機制。 而經由X-ray的測量後,我們發現Bax(NH3)Fe2Se2與Srx(NH3)Fe2Se2的c-axis的變化,進而讓鐵硒原本的三維費米面轉化為近似二維費米面,除此之外,這篇論文還會提供基本的超導性質像超導低臨界場Bc1(0 K) (30 G for A =鋇 和24 G for A = 鍶) 和超導高臨界場Bc2(0 K) (13.4 T for A =鋇 和60.7 T for A =鍶)隱喻了Ax(NH3)Fe2Se2 (A =鋇, 鍶 or 鈣)是two-gap model、超導相干長度xi(0) (4.96 nm for A = Ba和2.33 nm for A = Sr)、Ginzburg-Landau parameters kappa(102.4 for A = Ba和266 for A = Sr)、超導穿透深度penetration depths lambda(0) (508.2 nm for A = Ba和620 nm for A = Sr)以及超導能隙分別為delta1 = 6.47 meV 和 delta2 = 1.06 meV。

    High purity samples of Ax(NH3)Fe2Se2 (A = barium, strontium and calcium) superconductors were successfully synthesized by intercalating alkaliearth metals into tetragonal belta-FeSe by liquid ammonia. The ammonothermal method employed is known for capable of preparing single phase alkali/alkaliearth-intercalated iron-basic superconductors. The coexistence of antiferromagnitism in the alkali-containing iron-selenium superconductors synthesized by conventional thermal process is a huge barrier interfering detail studies of superconductivity. Beside the pure phase for superconductivity discussion, the enhancement of critical temperature Tc (Tc = 39 K for A = Ba, 44 K for Sr and 43 K for Ca) after alkali/alkaliearth intercalation into belta-FeSe attracts even more interests. In this work, the details of belta-FeSe preparation, ammonothermal intercalation process, lattice structure and magnetic properties measurements are described and used for physical parameters derivation.
    The elongated c-axis and almost unchanged a-axis of Bax(NH3)Fe2Se2 and Srx(NH3)Fe2Se2, comparing with -FeSe, suggested an unchanged intra-Fe2Se2-layer structure and the Tc enhancement is due to a 3D to 2D-like Fermi surface transformation. The superconducting properties coherent lengths xi(0) (4.96 nm for A = Ba and 2.33 nm for A = Sr), Ginzburg-Landau parameters kappa(102.4 for A = Ba and 266 for A = Sr) and penetration depths lambda(0) (508.2 nm for A = Ba and 620 nm for A = Sr) obtained from the extrapolated lower and upper critical fields Bc1(0 K) (30 G for A = Ba and 24 G for A = Sr) and Bc2(0 K) (13.4 T for A = Ba and 60.7 T for A = Sr) indicates that both compounds are typical type-II superconductors. The temperature dependence of 1/lambda2(T) of Bax(NH3)Fe2Se2 deduced from the low field magnetic susceptibility shows a two-gap s-wave behaviour with superconducting gaps of delta1 = 6.47 meV and delta2 = 1.06 meV.

    國立臺灣師範大學碩士論文通過簽名表 p4 國立臺灣師範大學學位論文授權書 p5 致謝 p6 摘要 p7 Abstrct p8 List of the figures and tables p9 Chapter 1 Introduction p13 1-1. Prologue p13 1-2. Superconductivity of iron-based system p13 1-3. Motivation p16 Chapter 2 experimental details p20 2-1. Preparation of beta-FeSe p20 2-2. Preparation of Ax(NH3)Fe2Se2(A=Ba, Sr or Ca) p25 2-3. Analysis of structure by X-ray differaction p27 2-4. Magnetism measurement system p28 2-5. Electric resistance measurement p30 Measurement system p30 Closed-cycle refrigerator p32 Instrument setup p34 Measurement control by Labview p36 Data selection p36 Heat controller p36 Chapter 3 Result and discussion p37 3-1. The selection of Fe1+xSe p37 3-2. Result of Ax(NH3)Fe2Se2(A=Ba, Sr or Ca) p42 3-3 Superconducting properties of Bax(NH3)Fe2Se2 and 2-gap superconducting model discussion p48 Chapter 4 Conclusion p60 Reference p62

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