研究生: |
黃鴻達 Hong-Da Huang |
論文名稱: |
國中學生平面鏡成像概念之研究 A Study of The Concepts of Image in a Plane Mirror for Junior High School Students |
指導教授: |
Lee, Tien-Ying |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 90 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 139 |
中文關鍵詞: | 平面鏡成像 、學習環 、實驗活動教材 |
英文關鍵詞: | image in a plane mirror, learning cycle, experimental activity content |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:300 下載:15 |
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本研究以三種教學法探究學生對「平面鏡成像性質」的概念,同時探討學習環教學模式與實驗活動教材之效果,以作為國中教師在平面鏡成像教學時的參考。本研究以「學習環教學模式教授實驗活動教材」(A組)、「慣用教法教授實驗活動教材」(B組)、及「慣用教法教授課本教材」(C組)等三種教法進行「平面鏡成像」教學,對象為台北縣瑞芳區某國中一年級共174名學生,分成三組,分別進行三種不同之教學。學習成就以自編之「平面鏡成像性質」測驗卷(α=.85)來測量,測量結果以單因子變異數分析及卡方考驗來檢視三種教法之學習成效。研究結果顯示:一、學生對於「平面鏡成像性質」之主要迷思概念有(一)成像位置在鏡面上;(二)成像在眼睛和物體的連線上;(三)以觀察者為參考點決定成像。二、A組在「平面鏡成像性質」測驗卷的表現顯著優於B組(p<.05),B組亦顯著優於C組(p<.05),顯示學習環教學模式的教學法及實驗活動教材比起慣用教學法及課本教材更有助於學生在「平面鏡成像性質」之學習。三、A、B兩組在平面鏡成像性質之:成像位置在正前方(水平方向) 、像的位置不隨觀察者移動而改變、成像位置在鏡後、像距等於物距、像和物大小相等、像的大小不隨物體移動而改變、像的大小不隨觀察者移動而改變、像的大小不隨光源移動而改變、像的位置不隨光源移動而改變等九個概念上有顯著的進步,而C組在成像位置在鏡後、像和物體的大小相等、像的大小不隨物體移動而改變、及像的大小不隨觀察者移動而改變等概念上有顯著的進步但程度明顯不如A、B兩組。本研究建議未來在平面鏡成像單元宜利用壓克力板之實驗活動教材協助教學。
The purpose of this study was to explore students’ concept of image in a plane mirror through three approaches, and to investigate the effect of learning cycle teaching model and experimental activity content, which can be utilized as the reference for teaching in this topic. Three different approaches-“learning cycle teaching model with experimental activity content”(group A), “traditional teaching style with experimental activity content”(group B), and “traditional teaching style with traditional content” (group C), were applied respectively to three groups of 174 students in the 7th grade in one of the junior high schools in Rei- Fong. “Test for Image in a Plane Mirror” (α=.85) was used to evaluate students’ achievement. Data were analyzed through one-way ANOVA and χ2-test. The result indicated some facts. First, students had three major misconceptions as follows: (a) the image is located on mirror; (b) the image lies along the line of sight to the object; (c) students decided the position of an image by themselves as a referenced framwork. Second, in generally, the achievement of group A was significantly superior to group B (p<.05), while group B was significantly superior to group C (p<.05). Third, approaches of group A and group B were significantly effective in nine concepts of image in a plane mirror, group C made progress concepts such as “the image is located behind mirror”, “the size of image equals to object”, “the size of image is independent of the position of object”, and “the size of image is independent of the position of the viewer”. However, not effective as group A and group B. It is recommended that teachers adopt the experimental activity content in this study when they teach image of mirror.
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