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研究生: 林道榮
論文名稱: 印刷用紙多頻譜分析之研究
A Study on The Multi-Spectral Analysis of Papers for Printing Industry
指導教授: 周遵儒
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖文傳播學系
Department of Graphic Arts and Communications
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 81
中文關鍵詞: 印刷用紙光源頻譜色差演色指數
英文關鍵詞: paper, multi-spectral, color difference, color rendering index
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:57下載:0
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  • 紙張是所有印刷品主要的被印物,需要經過印刷加工,完成印刷品後將表現所需要的色彩,這當中人眼判斷紙張或印刷色彩的顏色認知,將是重要的產品商業品質。紙張或印刷品的顏色是透過由物體的反射譜、光源的頻譜分佈及人眼感知三項變數交互作用而成。由於紙張是平面傳播主要的載體,也是商業認知產品良好與否最重要的介質。同時,光源種類也日益增多,其不同頻譜也影響著觀察者對印刷品的評價。所以本研究目的是希望能釐清不同的光源頻譜對不同用途印刷用紙所產生的顏色影響程度,並確立不同光源頻譜下各種紙張產生的色差的變異性,讓實際使用紙張的印刷加工與委印者者能預測紙張顏色的變化,以作為商業上印刷品溝通的認知參考。
    基於上述的動機,本研究進行市場上流通性高的紙張收集共37種,以及各區域室內外不同人工照明光源的頻譜量取共150組。光源頻譜經過演色指數的篩選出23組光源,再配合運用三刺激值的公式計算出每一種紙張的色度座標值,並評估每一座標值之間的 色差變化情形。
    研究結果在光源頻譜中以相關色溫4,750~5,120 K及標準照明體D50最適合當作觀察與評價以紙張為載體之印刷品的光源,降低色彩管制與認知的差異,作為產業界各項應用的標準。紙張色調有偏向米色或其他色系時,在不同光源頻譜下產生顏色的變異性高,而較白的紙張之間在不同光源下具有較高的色差值,但彼此之間的色差值變異性則較小。這些結果可以提供商業市場上依不同用途及要求作為選擇適當紙張的依據,建立對印刷品色彩共同的認知基礎,降低商業用紙溝通上的差異,同時,也可以建立上中下游不同產業間對應用紙張為印刷品之色彩評價依據。

    Paper is the major printed material of all printed matter. The correct hue of printed matter is produced from a processing of printing. The quality of commercial printed matter in colors is decided by eyesight on papers and recognition of the hue. The hue of paper or printed matter is produced by interaction of three various factors, which are spectrum reflective of objects, the distribution of an optical spectrum and judgment on eyesight. Paper is the major carrier of Graphic Communications and it is also the most important medium of commercial products. Meanwhile, the variety of light source is increasing and different spectrum of light source also influences the observer's assessment of the print. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to clarify the influence of the light sources on the hue of printing paper, the color difference in degree produced by the various light spectrum on the different kinds of paper, prediction of changes in the color paper by the users during the actual application of the printing and processing paper, and communication tools and platforms of commercial printed matter.
    Based on the above motivation, this research will collect 37 types of popular used paper in market, as well as measure 150 groups of the light spectrum under different artificial light sources indoors and outdoors. The 23 groups of excellent light source are selected by light spectrum of color rendering index. The chromatic coordinate value of each kind of paper is calculated by the formula of tristimulus values, and is assessed variability of CIEDE2000 the cooridate values.
    The result is that the most appropriate light source as observation and evaluation of the printed paper is the light spectrum during 4,750~5,120K color temperature and standard illuminant D50. The most appropriate light sources reduce color control and the cognitive differences, as well as is the application of industry standards. When the hue of paper is beige or other colors, the variability of color is high under different light spectrum. The more white papers have higher color value under different light source, but their variability of color value is lower.
    These results may provide the commercial market as the basis for choosing the right paper according to different uses and requirements, establish a consensus on the color of printed matter, reduce diverse opinions about commercial paper, and build on a common judgment about printed matter between different industries on production line.

    中文摘要…………………………………………………………………Ⅰ 英文摘要…………………………………………………………………Ⅱ 目錄 …………………………………………………………………Ⅲ 圖目錄 …………………………………………………………………Ⅴ 表目錄 …………………………………………………………………Ⅵ 第一章 緒論.............................................1 第一節 研究背景與動機.................................1 第二節 研究目的.......................................3 第三節 研究問題.......................................4 第四節 名詞解釋.......................................4 第二章 文獻探討.........................................8 第一節 紙的起源.......................................8 第二節 印刷用紙分類..................................11 第三節 光譜色度系統..................................14 第四節 色差的評估....................................22 第五節 小結..........................................28 第三章 研究方法........................................29 第一節 研究流程......................................29 第二節 研究設備與工具................................30 第三節 光源頻譜量測..................................31 第四節 光源頻譜演色性的評價..........................32 第五節 本研究選用之紙張..............................36 第六節 色度運算方法..................................43 第七節 小結..........................................44 第四章 實驗結果與討論..................................46 第一節 光源頻譜演色性篩選結果分析....................46 第二節 特定光源頻譜照射不同紙張時色彩差異分析........51 第三節 特定紙張在不同照明光源頻譜之顏色差異分析......62 第四節 不同紙張類型在不同照明光源頻譜下顏色差異分析..71 第五節 小結..........................................73 第五章 結論與建議......................................75 第一節 結論..........................................75 第二節 未來工作與建議................................78 參考文獻................................................79

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