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研究生: 成悅滋
Yue-zi Cheng
論文名稱: 無限趨近:論柯慈《麥可•K的生命與時代》中的遁逃路線
Always Almosting: The Line of Flight in Coetzee's Life & Times of Michael K
指導教授: 梁孫傑
Liang, Sun-Chieh
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 遁逃路線生命政治阿岡本例外狀態潛能基進被動閒怠無為彌賽亞主義《麥可•K的生命與時代》
英文關鍵詞: line of flight, biopolitics, Agamben, state of exception, potentiality, radical passivity, inoperativity, messianism, Life & Times of Michael K
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:162下載:20
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  • 本論文藉由義大利當代哲學家阿岡本的生命政治和神學政治的視角,嘗試探討JM•柯慈小說《麥可•K的生命與時代》中例外狀態下的脫困之道,並析辨故事主人翁的基進被動性如何帶來彌賽亞的救贖,以重新思考麥可•K作為一個弱化的彌賽亞所具有的政治性。本論文開始於一段坎尼爾伍斯(Kenilworth)營地醫務官對麥可•K逃脫的描述:麥可•K藏匿的菜園不在任何地方,卻也在任何地方(nowhere and everywhere);他逃,但也不逃。這般的遁逃正是阿岡本挪用德勒茲和瓜塔里的逃逸路線所強調的「不逃往他處的內部逃逸」(a flight with no elsewhere)。阿岡本的思想縱橫於律法、政治、歐陸哲學、宗教、文學等範疇,集中營和裸命則是他反思當今政治現狀的範型。本文企圖揉合阿岡本的《神聖之人》、《潛在性》和《餘留時間:羅馬書注疏》,覓尋貫穿他思想脈絡的核心,作為理論展演的根基,並主張麥可•K的遁逃路線踐履了阿岡本暗示的政治出路。此閱讀策略除了顛覆早期評論對麥可•K所持的偏狹思維外,同時也迥異於近期研究所希冀的一個美好新世紀的來臨。誠如阿岡本詮釋聖徒保羅的現下時間(honyn kairos, the time of now),以及他所側重班雅明式的彌賽亞觀:每一個當下(Jetztzeit, now-time)都充滿了彌賽亞時刻的碎片。麥可•K作為一位逃脫藝術家,他不是等待彌賽亞的來臨,而是參與斡旋其中,進行權力結構的位移和翻轉。

    第一章著眼於小說和理論的互文比較,鋪陳阿岡本拓樸化例外狀態的理念,並進而提出此一命題:麥可•K遁逃於生命政治的莫比氏環的結構場域,其關聯著律法和生命互為滲透的複雜性。第二章引介漸近線的原理,主張麥可•K不單單螫伏於不實現的純粹潛能之中(potentiality to not-be),他體現的無限趨近(always almosting),是同時快要實現,卻總是還沒有的潛能(potentiality always not yet to-be)。第三章討論「使不運作」或「閒怠無為」(inoperativity)。我探索麥可•K何以讓自己成為不是(Hōs mē, as not) 麥可•K的源由。藉由微型調整,麥可•K逆反了原本的例外狀態,帶來了彌賽亞時刻。而他的基進被動在完滿實踐律法時也中止了律法。結論再次觸及阿岡本所關注的既定再現框架的還原,呼籲拆卸其中武斷連結的論點,與德希達共在(being-with)的倫理向度有異曲同工之妙。

    This thesis aims to investigate the possible way out of the state of exception in JM Coetzee’s Life & Times of Michael K. From an Agambenian perspective on bio- and theo-political dimensions, I attempt to analyze how the protagonist brings about the messianic redemption via his radical passivity. I rethink the political significations in Michael K by deeming him as a weak Messiah. The thesis begins with a description of Michael K’s escape. As the medical officer at Kenilworth describes, the garden Michael K hides in is nowhere and everywhere. This peculiar escape has parallels to the concept of “the line of the flight” by Deleuze and Guattari. The Italian philosopher Giorgio Agamben appropriates it as “a flight with no elsewhere.” Following the movement of his thought from Homo Sacer, through Potentialities to The Time That Remains, I attempt to argue Agamben implicates this line of flight full of revolutionary potential could be a response to the present political situation. And I apply it to analyze the text. This strategic reading subverts the early biased and reductionistic phrasings of Michael K. Yet this alternative approach also goes against the mainstream that focuses on the political futurity. I employ Agamben’s interpretation of the Pauline idea of “the time of now,” as well as “the chips of messianic time” in Walter Benjamin. I argue Michael K as a great escape artist does not wait for the coming of the Messiah. Instead, he participates in the political interventions, in which the internal power structures are transformed.

    Chapter One examines the intertextuality between the fiction and the theory. Agamben’s topological rendering of the state of exception constructs the solid ground for my proposition: Michael K’s line of flight is on a biopolitical Möbius strip, which involves the complexity of the relation of law to life. In Chapter Two, I introduce the mathematical concept, asymptote. In light of its principle, I argue Michael K does not simply dwell on his pure potentiality (potentiality not to-be), but rather, he moves in the mode of always almosting (potentiality always not yet to-be). Chapter Three discusses the concept of inoperativity, or désœuvrement. I observe how Michael K lives “as not” (Hōs mē) Michael K. By making small adjustments, he reverses the state of exception to the messianic horizon. Discussion also centers around Michael K’s radical passivity, by means of which the law is fulfilled in its suspension. The final chapter reiterates the necessity to undo the set categories of representation. Agamben’s assertion to destabilize the arbitrary linkage echoes Jacques Derrida’s ethical concern in his “being-with” politics.

    Introduction 1 Chapter One The Biopolitical Möbius Strip 16 “He baulk[s] like a beast at the shambles”: Toward Bare Life 20 “Just do what you’re told”: The Sovereign 28 “[T]here is a war on!”: The State of Exception 29 The Biopolitical Möbius Strip of Exceptional Law and Life 31 Chapter Two A Dwelling in Always Almosting 38 (Im-)potentiality 38 From Bartleby to Michael K 45 Before Michael K: Inversion of Kafka’s “Before the Law”51 Always Almosting 57 Chapter Three The Line of Flight with No Elsewhere 63 The Messiah in Judaism and Christianity 63 The Messianic Inoperativity: Agamben and Michael K 65 Michael K’s Radical Passivity: Another Strategic Escaping75 The Link between Always Almosting and the Möbius Strip 79 The Messianic Moment 90 Conclusion 98 Works Cited 103

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