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研究生: 黃哲奎
Che-Kuei Huang
論文名稱: 體操技術報告-以2007年曼谷世界大學運動會黃哲奎選手鞍馬項目為例
Che-Kuei Huang's Pommel Horse Performance in the 24th Summer Universiade Bangkok 2007 - A Gymnastics Technical Report
指導教授: 俞智贏
Yu, Chih-Ying
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動競技學系
Department of Athletic Performance
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 138
中文關鍵詞: 技術報告,競技體操,鞍馬
英文關鍵詞: Technical Report, Artistic Gymnastics, Pommel Horse
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:124下載:16
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  • 摘 要
    近年來我國男子競技體操鞍馬項目在國際上均獲得不錯的佳績,這說明了鞍馬項目可視為我國重點發展的項目。本報告旨在透過黃哲奎選手參加2007年曼谷世大運之訓練及參賽過程進行分析紀錄與檢討,希望藉此報告從中找出優缺點,作為往後教練選手訓練的參考與依據。本報告分成四個章節重點摘要如下第壹章個案描述:黃哲奎選手出生於屏東縣,九歲開始練體操,大學時期因選上國手長期進駐國家訓練中心培訓,經過系統化與週期化的訓練明顯看出國際成績的進步。第貳章學理基礎:體操運動有90﹪能量來自於磷化物與乳酸系統,因此訓練時須針對此能量系統訓練。在心理技能屬性方面,鞍馬屬於系列性及內在閉鎖性的運動項目。在體能訓練部分以高強性間歇訓練來提升磷化物與乳酸代謝混合型系統為一種有效訓練方法。心理訓練部分則包括意像、建立例行性動作、模擬比賽訓練、注意力訓練等。技術訓練部分為單個動作、聯合動作和成套動作訓練等方法。第参章訓練及參賽計畫:本訓練計畫是以雙峰週期結構來劃分,在訓練計畫安排前需針對內外部環境進行S.W.O.T分析及訓練特殊性分析後才擬定訓練計畫。訓練安排透過體能、心理、技術檢測後在第二階段週期規劃訓練內容方向如下:體能部分需提升專項體能如鞍馬馬圈圈數,心理部分需在專注力、自信心、作戰能力上利用心理訓練技巧來加強不足的地方,技術部份:在Stockli hand stand. travel 3/3 dismount(結束動作)失敗率高,需特別加強。在參賽計畫安排上從主要比賽(2007世大運)出發至結束時間共九天,期間安排了三天一般訓練,一天賽台訓練,兩天調整訓練,一天比賽。第肆章訓練及參賽成果與建議:訓練過程中從第二階段特殊準備期至賽前期發現成績退步,退步原因為Reverse Stockli hand stand. travel 3/3 dismount(結束動作)失敗率高達14次以上。在比賽過程中因結束動作停頓不被鞍馬主任裁判承認,起評分少了0.9分,最後得分以14.1分預賽排名11名而無緣進入決賽,結束所有賽程。建議:選拔部分協會應儘早確認選拔日期,訓練部分應把訓練組織建立起來落實於平常訓練分析、計畫、執行、評估,尤其在計畫執行要求部分應確實。參賽部份應積極培養國際競技體操裁判員並促進國際間交流,個人技術方面須培養個人獨特技術及突顯自己動作的與眾不同,以增加往後比賽更多裁判的認同及獲勝的機會。



    Recent remarkable competition results of Taiwanese gymnasts in international men’s Pommel Horse competition have proved Pommel Horse deserves to be a national key event. Thus, this technical report aimed to shed light on both the merits and demerits of how athlete Che-Kuei Huang was trained for, and how he performed in, the 24th Summer Universiade Bangkok 2007; through which, reference and implication for prospective training programs related might be provided. In what follows, the findings of four chapters constituting this report are summarized. Chapter One, Case Description: Che-Kuei Huang, the author as a subject, narrated his outstanding background of physical education, training, and performance. Huang was born in Pingtong County and was an initiate into the field of gymnastics at his age of 9. Selected as a national gymnastics representation in college days, Huang subsequently received systematic and periodical long-term training program in National Sports Training Center and eminently progressed in international competitions. Chapter Two, Literature Review: Several dimensions involved in the training for gymnasts are considered. Firstly, Up to 90% of the energy for gymnastics derives from ATP-PC & Lactic Acid System; the energy system for this reason should be strengthened in the training program. On account of the fact that Pommel Horse is categorized as an event of a series skill and an internally-closed system in terms of psychological skills, gymnasts in this field must rapidly accommodate themselves into a mental condition appropriate for competition. Thirdly, highly intensive intermittence training has proved a valid way of enhancing ATP-PC & Lactic Acid Mix System and a great contribution to physical strength. Fourthly, imaging, establishment of routines, simulated competition, and attention training constitutes the course of psychological training. In addition, technical skill training comprises trainings of individual, combinative, and entire exercises. Chapter Three, Training Program for Competition: S.W.O.T Analysis of intrinsic and extrinsic elements and analysis of specific characteristics of training should be completed prior to the target training program, which was schemed based on Bi-Cycle structure. According to the results of physical strength, psychological quality, and gymnastic skill tests, the objective of the 2nd stage of the training program was established as follows. In terms of physical strength, specific physical strength item enhancing program as numbers of Pommel Horse rounds was the requirement. Psychological training skills as concentration, self-confidence, morale and fighting power, in addition, were adopted for reinforcing weak points. Magyar, LL180°, Tong Fei, SSLL, Reverse Stockli hand stand. travel 3/3 dismount were the practice foci to meet the requirement of technical skills. As for the nine-day schedule of competition (Universiade Bangkok 2007), three-day general exercise, one-day podium exercise, two-day amendment exercise, and one-day competition were managed for. Chapter Four, Results and Implications: More than 14 failure times of Reverse Stockli hand stand. travel 3/3 dismount during Specific Preparation and Pre-game Phase in the 2nd training stage led to Huang’s regress. In competition, the pause of Huang’s ending move, according to the Code of Points, was not accepted by the Chief Judge and subsequently a deduction of 0.9 point was taken from the start values. Ultimately, Huang was given 14.1 points and fell into the 11th place in the qualifying, which did not meet the requirement for final. Based on the findings of the report, suggestions and implications were revealed as the following. First of all, the selection date should be confirmed as earlier as possible. Besides, the training organization should be instituted aiming not only for routine training, analysis, planning, and evaluation, but for its effective implement as well. Third, programs for training international artistic gymnastics judges and projects for popularization of communications with other countries are strongly recommended. Furthermore, personally unique and distinctive technical skills equipping gymnasts for future accomplishment are imperative.

    Key words: Technical Report, Artistic Gymnastics, Pommel Horse

    目 次 第壹章 緒論........................................1 第一節 前言.......................................1 第二節 個案描述................................... 2 第三節 個人體能、心理、技術檢測安排..................3 第四節 個人體能分析................................4 第五節 個人心理分析................................7 第六節 個人技術分析................................8 第貳章 學理基礎.....................................11 第一節 體操發展簡史................................11 第二節 項目特性分析................................13 第三節 體能訓練方法................................17 第四節 心理訓練方法................................42 第五節 技術訓練方法................................56 第參章 訓練及參賽計畫................................79 第一節 內外部環境SWOT分析..........................79 第二節 訓練特殊性分析..............................80 第三節 訓練計畫...................................91 第四節 參賽計畫...................................103 第肆章 訓練及參賽結果與建議..........................109 第一節 選拔、訓練、參賽過程之基本描述..............109 第二節 選拔、訓練、參賽過程之檢討..................116 第三節 選拔、訓練、參賽過程之建議..................129 參考文獻...........................................131 中文部分..........................................131 外文部分..........................................133 附錄 一、 96年大專運動會成績表.......................136 二、 2007年曼谷世大運成績表......................137 三、 個人小傳...................................138

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