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研究生: 張凌嘉
Chang, Ling-Chia
論文名稱: 教師適性教學調整與學生數學學習成效之交互影響
Iterative and Reciprocal Predictions between Teachers' Instructional Adaptations and Students' Mathematics Learning Outcomes
指導教授: 吳昭容
Wu, Chao-Jung
口試委員: 林世華
Lin, Sieh-Hwa
Kung, Hsin-Yi
Tseng, Jiin-Dar
Chen, Huey-Jiuan
口試日期: 2021/06/16
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 184
中文關鍵詞: 適性教學教學調整適性標的階層線性成長模式交互延宕縱貫模型適性-情意-成就模型
英文關鍵詞: adaptive teaching, instructional adaptation, adaptive targets, hierarchical linear growth model, cross-lagged panel model, adaptability-affect-achievement model
研究方法: 準實驗設計法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100613
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:276下載:0
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  • 有效能的教師依據學生個別差異進行教學調整,然而教師宜以哪些個別差異作為適性教學之依據,且隨時間依據不同個別差異之適性教學調整又如何影響學生的情意和認知成效,是當今適性教學研究亟需補足的缺口。本研究以成績、興趣和多元智能三種適性標的,反映學生於認知與情意面之學習結果、行為表現及發展潛能之個別差異,探討教師依據多元(三種)適性標的進行教學調整與學生數學學習成效之成長趨勢與交互影響。本研究採準實驗之不等組前後測設計,以方案成效評估者身分,針對108學年有無實施適性教學介入方案之實驗與對照兩組,三所國小三、四年級共31位教師和685位學生,進行教師教學調整問卷、學生學習情意問卷,與數學評量試卷之追蹤測量。應用階層線性模式(hierarchical linear model, HLM)之成長模型及偏最小平方結構方程模式(partial least squares structural equation modeling, PLS-SEM)之交互延宕縱貫模型等分析方法,三個研究問題的結果顯示:

    Effective teachers adapt their methods to students' learning differences. However, the way these instructional adaptations affect students' affective and cognitive outcomes over time has not been explored much. Three types of adaptive targets—grades, interests, and multiple intelligences—were proposed in this study to represent individual differences related to learning outcomes, behavioral expression, and developmental potential across cognitive and affective domains. The study aimed to investigate the iterative and reciprocal predictions between teachers' instructional adaptations to multiple (three) adaptive targets and students' learning outcomes in mathematics. A quasi-experimental design was chosen to evaluate the effectiveness of an adaptive teaching intervention program, and a multi-method approach was employed to repeatedly measure teachers' instructional adaptations, students' affective outcomes, and mathematics achievements. This study involved an experimental group that implemented an adaptive teaching intervention program in the 2019 school year and a control group without intervention. A total of 31 teachers and 685 students from the 3rd and 4th grade of three primary schools were involved. Hierarchical linear models with growth modeling and partial least squares structural equation modeling with cross-lagged panel design were utilized to examine three research questions. The results of this study indicated that (1) The intervention program fostered the adaptability of the experimental group teachers. Over time, they increased their frequency of instructional adaptation to the "multiple intelligences" target. Meanwhile, the frequency of instructional adaptation to "grades" and "interests" first decreased and then increased over time. Ultimately, the experimental group teachers significantly increased the frequency of instructional adaptation to multiple adaptive targets, whereas no significant differences were found in the control group teachers. (2) The experimental group students, whose teachers increased the frequency of instructional adaptation to "multiple intelligences" and decreased it to "grades," showed significantly higher growth rates of mathematical achievements compared to the control group students. Low-achieving students in the experimental group showed significantly higher growth rates of learning confidence and learning perception toward adaptive teaching, thereby increasing their growth rates of mathematical achievements. (3) The increase in frequency of instructional adaptation showed positive contemporary direct effects and longitudinal cross-lagged effects on students' affective outcomes (learning interests, learning confidence, and learning perception) and mathematical achievements throughout the school year. While teachers increased the frequency of their instructional adaptation, students' mathematical achievements declined at the end of the first semester but rose at the end of the second semester. For low-achieving students, teachers increased the frequency of instructional adaptation to multiple adaptive targets. Furthermore, this increase generated positive reciprocal effects between students' affective outcomes and mathematical achievements. In conclusion, this study makes valuable contributions to adaptive teaching research by developing quantitative instruments, providing longitudinal empirical evidence, and proposing an adaptability-affect-achievement model. The model represents a dynamic system of effective teaching and learning that consists of adaptive teaching cycles, iterative learning outcomes, and reciprocal interactions between teachers and students. Pedagogical implications for inclusive education, intervention programs, professional development, and teacher education to promote teacher adaptability and student learning outcomes are discussed.

    謝詞 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 v 目次 vii 表次 ix 圖次 xi 緒論 1 一、教師適性教學與教學調整 4 二、適性教學與學生學習成效 17 三、不等組、小樣本、縱貫性資料之分析方法 29 四、研究問題與分析架構 32 研究方法 41 一、研究場域及參與者 41 二、教學介入方案 42 三、研究工具 45 四、研究程序 54 五、分析方法 55 研究結果 59 一、描述性統計 59 二、教師教學調整問卷之項目分析、信度分析與因素分析 63 三、學生學習情意問卷之項目分析、信度分析與因素分析 68 四、學生數學學習成就之IRT估計試題參數與能力值 73 五、研究問題一:HLM二階成長模型分析結果 75 六、研究問題二:HLM二階成長模型分析結果 81 七、研究問題三:PLS-SEM交互延宕模型分析結果 95 討論與建議 117 一、研究工具之貢獻:教師教學調整問卷與學生學習感受問卷 127 二、實證研究之貢獻:適性教學調整對學生情意與認知成效之影響 128 三、教學與學習理論之貢獻:適性-情意-成就模型(AAA model) 130 四、教育實務之貢獻與建議 133 五、研究限制與建議 134 參考文獻 135 中文部分 135 西文部分 137 附錄 154 附錄一 教師教學備課思考表 154 附錄二 教師教學調整問卷(預試) 156 附錄三 教師教學調整問卷(正式) 158 附錄四 學生學習情意問卷 160 附錄五 學生數學評量試卷—三年級 162 附錄六 學生數學評量試卷—四年級 172 附錄七 教師適性教學調整之組別模型SPSS和Mplus分析結果 180 附錄八 學生數學學習成就之組別模型SPSS分析結果 181 附錄九 教師適性教學調整與學生數學學習成效之補充模型分析結果 183

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