研究生: |
陳雅惠 Ya–Hui Chen |
論文名稱: |
從邏輯推理能力探討學生犯錯的成因— 以對數解題錯誤為例 Explore the source why students made error from their logical inference ability on logarithm error. |
指導教授: | 譚克平 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 中文 |
中文關鍵詞: | 邏輯推理能力 、學生犯錯的成因 、對數解題 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:517 下載:25 |
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There are three main purposes for this study. The first is to explore the error pattern and factor of logarithm. The second is to explore the error pattern and factor of logical reference. The third is to explore the relationship between the ability of logically inference and logarithm operation. The whole study is divided into three sub-study (named study 1, study 2 and study 3), each has its own subjects. In study 1, researcher produced an initial hypothesis " there is a positive relationship between the mathematical problem solving ability and the logically inference ability " by observation and test of four gifted mathematically students who are seventh grade and were participated in international mathematical contest to be subjects. And then focused to the error pattern of logarithm operation for testing the hypothesis. In study 2 and 3, 2 and 191 students study in a common high school are respectively involved in this study to proving the possibility of the exit of the hypothesis produced in study 1.
In study 1, researcher collecting information by " New Log A " and " Logical Inference A" two instruments made by researcher. And the result showed their performance in the above-mentioned instruments seems to suppose the initial hypothesis. In " New Log A ", some subjects tend to over-explain, in " Logical Inference A" their main error pattern are distributive error and commutative error, and by the continuing interview, the cause of this two error pattern is related to distributive law and algebra operation they had ever learned.
In study 2, researcher choosing 2 students to be subjects, including one seventh grade and the other tenth grade who study in different common middle schools, and collecting needed information by " New Log B " and instantaneous interview. Not only explore the error pattern of general students in logarithm operation but also attempt to probe how they interpret and use the abstract formula. The result showed the error pattern they made is more than the subjects in study 1, especially the transformative error. By instantaneous interview, this kind of error might form by the initiative interpret of students in abstract logarithm formula. Besides, the tenth grade student who had learned logarithm made more distributive error than the eighth grade student never learned about logarithm. The most possible reason is concerned about that if someone had learned logarithm, transformative error will reduce and distributive error will increase after learning. The above-mentioned condition seems to appear that students' performance in logarithm operation is affected easily by prior knowledge. In addition, the circumstance also demonstrated the difficulty in utilizing formula is related to memory and the impotence in mastering the formula. Besides, students suggested that the operation signal should not only have meaning and be short, but also not with much meaning in it.
Study 3 inherited the outcome of study 1 and 2. To inspecting the hypothesis and realizing generally which prior knowledge or experience could influence the logarithm error student made, researcher chosen 191 junior school students who haven't learned about logarithm to be subjects and collected material by " New Log C " and " Logical Inference B". There were three main finding in this sub-study. The first is concerned subjects' performance in " New Log C ". Subjects never learned logarithm produced many expected error pattern including distributive, commutative and transformative error, moreover, comparing with another logarithm error pattern research were involved senior high school students, the outcome appeared the emerge rate of some error patterns will decrease by instructing, but increase by giving them guidance. The second is their performances in " Logical Inference B". The result displayed that they aren’t good at it and the cause they made error is concerned about their explain. The third is connected with the factor of subjects’ performance in logarithm. By the regress analysis with age, mathematical achievement and logical inference ability this three independent variables, they could forecast 13% performance in logarithm. Furthermore, the three independent variables have no big difference in abstract logarithm. This finding seems to appear that there doesn’t exit the original relationship between two ability.
In a word, researcher built and tested the hypothesis by observing phenomenon in study 1, and then proposed the problem progress to the following study 2 and 3. In the series of explored process, it is found that regarding the inference junior student made should be trained, in addition, students have various error patterns in logarithm, and the reason why they made error is related to prior knowledge and over-inference of formula. Although there is a weak relationship between the logical inference ability and logarithm problem solving ability in proving the hypothesis, but it might be concerned with the difficulty of instrument. As a result of the whole study is with primitive explore, the future research could continue the problem induced from the above three sub-study and the relationship between this two ability. Finally, researcher suggest that teacher should notice the prior knowledge ability of formula of student when they instruct the logarithm.
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