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研究生: 梁曉菁
Liang, Hsiao-Ching
論文名稱: 認同與角色:論英國外交政策與《脫歐協議》談判
Identity and Role:On British Foreign Policy and Negotiation of “Withdrawal Agreement”
指導教授: 曲兆祥
Chu, Chao-Hsiang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 政治學研究所
Graduate Institute of Political Science
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 367
中文關鍵詞: 建構主義角色理論《脫歐協議》共同外交暨安全政策規範社會化
英文關鍵詞: Constructivism, Role Theory, “Withdrawal Treaty”, Common Foreign and Security Policy, norms socialization
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000968
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:139下載:22
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  • 2020年1月31日英國政府依《里斯本條約》第50條脫離歐盟。曾經是歐盟三大會員國之一,英國與歐盟間的動態關係牽動了外交及內政下多項議題。本篇論文的寫作目的即是透過結合國際關係理論中建構主義及外交政策分析中的角色理論,對英國與歐盟各自在整體外交政策差異以及脫歐協商過程對特定議題所提立場提出解釋。





    Pursuant to article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, the government of United Kingdom withdrew from European Union starting from January 31th of 2020. UK used to be one of the Big Three in the Union, hence the dynamic relationship between EU and UK touches upon various issues in the foreign and internal policy domains. The gist of this dissertation would be using the framework in which key ideas of Constructivism and Role theory have been integrated, to interpret the differences in overall foreign policy choices between those of UK and EU and their positions in specific issues while negotiating the Withdrawal Treaty.

    Based on Constructivists’ studies about identities, the collective identities which EU formed has been categorized as idealistic and geopolitical ones in this dissertation. We can thus observe EU’s external behaviors under Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and Common Foreign and Defence Policy (CSDP) and conclude that it forges two role conceptions: Civilian Power and Military Power. While the former has received a wide range of support in both of regional and international levels, the latter is still in the making.

    The national identity that UK forged after World War Two could be defined by three constitutive norms: the bond with the Commonwealth countries, special relationship with the United States and Euroscepticism. UK has recognized countries in the Anglosphere as part of the Self, and regarded the Europe continent as the Other. This division has contributed to the fact that UK detached itself from getting more involved in the integration process and avoided using CFSP and CSDP mechanism as a valid choice to extend its diplomatic influence. If we look back to the most prominent national roles UK proposed and being well-received in the international community over the past decade, including Status-Quo Power and Liberal Interventionalist, it could be found that both roles has been built outside the current EU arrangements.

    The much emphasized “autonomy” of UK as a sovereign country and the solidarity principle of EU have not only manifested themselves in each of their external behaviors, but also in the clashes of their standpoints during the withdrawal negotiation. The jurisdiction of Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) and freedom of movement of people are two of the much debated norms during their socialization process in the UK, and the reason for that is these norms contradict with the core values of UK’s national identity. UK expressed its stringent position in terminating these two EU norms, and started the role-making process of Sovereign by initiating the norm emergence of parliamentary sovereignty and territorial boundary.

    The role conceptions of EU at the diplomatic front has been constrained by the intergovernmentalism nature of CFSP. The CFSP framework thus failed to support the more assertive roles UK proposed. It is expected that UK will continue to pursue its post-Brexit “Global Britain” role through cultivating exchanges with Anglosphere nations. However, the socialization of the EU norms would not immediately be terminated after Brexit. The negotiation process of “Withdrawal Treaty” had revealed that UK would be not able to initiate or terminate the socialization of norms unilaterally. We have reasons to believe that the ongoing negotiation process of the future relationship between EU and UK would again validate this point.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究途徑與方法 11 第三節 命題假設 17 第四節 研究架構與章節安排 17 第五節 研究範圍與限制 18 第貳章 理論文獻回顧與分析架構建立 21 第一節 重要歐洲區域理論文獻回顧 21 第二節 分析框架的建立 35 第三節 綜合評析 53 第參章 歐盟共同外交暨安全政策及其角色塑造 55 第一節 歐洲認同建構 55 第二節 歐盟共同外交暨安全政策 70 第三節 歐洲認同與角色概念分析 83 第四節 綜合評析 105 第肆章 英國外交政策及其角色塑造 107 第一節 二戰後英國國家認同建構 107 第二節 英國戰後外交政策 132 第三節 英國國家認同與角色概念分析 156 第四節 綜合評析 182 第伍章 歐盟規範社會化過程 185 第一節 歐盟法院管轄權規範 185 第二節 人員自由流動規範 203 第三節 綜合評析 212 第陸章 英國脫歐—角色設定與新型規範 215 第一節 脫歐過程中英國的角色轉換 215 第二節 歐盟法院管轄權與國會主權規範 228 第三節 人員自由流動與領土疆界規範 248 第四節 綜合評析 280 第柒章 結論 283 第一節 研究發現 283 第二節 假設驗證 289 第三節 未來研究方向 291 參考文獻 295 附錄一 中外文姓名對照表 351 附錄二 專有名詞中外文對照表 355

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