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研究生: 陳添喜
論文名稱: 臺灣北部地區斑龜(Ocadia sinensis)及食蛇龜(Cistoclemmys flavomarginata)生活史之研究
Life Histories of the Chinese Stripe-necked Turtle (Ocadia sinensis) and the Yellow-margined Box Turtle (Cistoclemmys flavomarginata) in Northern Taiwan
指導教授: 呂光洋
Lue, Kuang-Yang
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
畢業學年度: 86
語文別: 中文
中文關鍵詞: 臺灣北部斑龜食蛇龜生活史
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:344下載:19
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  • 本研究在探討臺灣北部地區水棲性的斑龜(Ocadia sinensis)及陸棲性的食蛇龜(Cistoclemmys flavomarginata)之生活史特性,並比較其差異。內容偏重在族群體型結構及性比、成長率與生殖特性;並對斑龜的食性、食蛇龜的活動 特性及棲息地利用進行探討。由1995-97年間於基隆河中游的斑龜研究樣區內,計捕獲661隻個體,其中雄龜個體數明顯多於雌龜。雌雄個體間之體型、生長率有顯著差異。斑龜的生殖習性亦以X光照相檢視,以了解其產卵特性;懷卵季 由三月中旬至五月下旬,每窩卵數為7-17個。利用胃內含物沖出法(stomach flushing)計取得斑龜胃內含物樣本186個,發現其食物組成會隨其性別、體型 大小及季節而有所不同。雄龜主要為雜食性,雌龜則隨其體型的增長,植物性 食物類別所佔的重要性增加。植物性食物類別佔雌龜胃內含物總體積的87.7%,但於雄龜胃內含物取樣中僅佔39.5%。於較溫暖的季節(五月至十一月),植物性食物類別所佔比例較高(在雌龜佔胃內含物體積的94.8%,雄龜佔54.4%);較冷 的季節(十二月至四月),動物性食物類別所佔比例則增加。在1996-1998年間於翡翠水庫水源保護區的食蛇龜研究樣區內,計捕獲食蛇龜315隻,其體型組成以達性成熟的成龜為主(佔78.8%);其性比明顯偏離1:1,以雌龜的個體數較多。 雌雄個體具有顯著的體型差異;雌龜的外形測量值皆大於雄龜。利用無線電追 蹤及X光照相的輔助,發現食蛇龜的產卵季是由五月上旬至七月中旬,每窩卵 數為1-3個(1.6±0.6),每季可產1-2窩(1.9±0.3),最小成熟母龜背甲長為 135.3mm(13歲),部份個體並非每年產卵,約有61%的母龜於1997年產卵季曾產 卵,此比例與其體型大小有關。食蛇龜雌雄活動週期與遷移模式具有季節性的 差異,棲息地的偏好與活動範圍亦隨性別及季節而有所不同。斑龜及食蛇龜在 其生活史特性有極大的差異,在其性比、體型組成、生長率、達成熟年齡及體 型、生殖策略皆有明顯不同。

    An intensively ecological study of a large population of the Chinese stripe-necked turtle, Ocadia sinensis, was conducted in northern Taiwan. Of 661 turtles captured and measured, the sex ratiowas significantly male-biased. Significant sexual size dimorphism was evident. Some reproductive characteristics were examined throughradiographing. Food habits was also investigated from 186 stomach content samples. There were intersexual, seasonal, ontogenic variation in the diet composition. Some population and reproductive characteristics of Cistoclemmys flavomarginata were investigated in the Feitsui Reservoir Protected Area, northern Taiwan. Of 315 turtles captured, the overall and adult sex ratios were significantlyskewed toward females. The Feitsui population of C. flavomarginata was mainly composed of adult individuals. There exists a sexual sizedimorphism in this population. Nesting season, clutch size, clutch frequency, and some reproductive characteristics were examined via radiographing. There were inter-seasonal variation in reproductive frequency with female body size. Investigations were also made on the activity and movement patterns, habitat use, and home range of adult individuals. Data from mark-recapture and radiotelemetry studies indicated that C. flavomarginata is exclusively terrestrial. The activity and movement patterns varied seasonally and intersexually. Seasonal habitat preference was observed for both sexes. Overwintering habitats were also investigated. The life-history traits between this two batagurid turtles are different greatly.
