簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 劉明秋
Liou, Ming-Chiou
論文名稱: 教師生涯發展態度分析及改變之研究
The Analysis & Experiment Study of Teacher's Career Development
指導教授: 林幸台
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
畢業學年度: 82
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 166
中文關鍵詞: 教師生涯發展態度生涯輔導模式
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:284下載:5
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  • 本研究之目的在探討教師生涯發展態度之有關問題,並探究社會影響生涯輔導模式之應用效果。本研究之態度評量部分係以南臺灣地區之現任國小教師387名為樣本,社會影響模式實驗設計則以臺南師院之師院生為對象。研究工具包括:『教師生涯態度問卷』、理情治療活動及『輔導員效能評量表』。研究所得之資料採單因子變異數分析、典型相關、區別分析、二因子變異數分析、t考驗及共變數分析等方法處理。
    1. 教師之專業態度未因生涯發展狀況之不同而有顧著差異。
    2. 教師之生涯迷思因生涯發展狀況之不同而有顯著差異,其中投入狀況顆著不同於挫折及學習者;轉移狀況顯然不同於挫折者。
    3. 教師生涯發展狀況再依生涯迷思類別來看,除類別(一)『性別角色與唯一選擇』及類別(二)『努力興趣與成功評價』未造成生涯迷思之顯著差異外,其他四個類別皆有顯著之不同。
    4. 本研究所提出之典型相關分析徑路模式未獲得支持。
    5. 教師生涯態度問卷對教師生涯發展狀況的區別效果可產生二個有效區別函數,分別以生涯迷思、專業態度及學校愛項、專業態度佔有較重的比重,對教師發展狀況區別預測變項的整體區別力為28.42%。
    1. 社會影響模式實驗對不同生涯迷思類別的師院生在專長、吸引力、值得信賴及總分的輔導效能評估上皆未有顯著差異。
    2. 社會影響模式實驗對不同生涯迷思類別的師院生的生涯迷思後測,在不同實驗組別與生涯迷思類別之間有交互作用存在。
    3. 社會影響模式實驗組受試者在生涯迷思前、後測差異,除類別(一)及(五)達顯著水準外,其他皆未有顯著不同。
    4. 社會影響模式實驗組受試者以輔導效能評估為高低分組,排除生涯迷思前測的影響後,高低分組的生涯迷思後測在各類別皆無額著差異。
    5. 社會影響模式實驗組與控制組受試者在排除生涯迷思前測的影響後,兩組的生涯迷思後測在各類別間皆有顯著差異存在。
    6. 社會影響模式實驗組受試者,在不同生涯迷思類別間,其立即性與長期性效果,只有類別(一)有顯著差異。
    1. 重視教師專業成長之需求:本研究對教師專業態度的評量過於狹隘,可先從制度與組織等方面提醒有關當局對教師的專業成長需求,以期對教師之專業成長乃至生涯發展狀有所助益。
    2. 提供教師更具體的輔導資源:由研究發現教師生涯發展狀況可知仍有需要建立輔導專責機構,以協助教師順利發展其教師生涯。
    3. 繼績擴充教師在職進修機會與管道:從生涯迷思的差異情形發現:教師處於不同的生涯發展狀況者,的確存有較特定的觀念,也因此較缺乏在職進修的意願,應提供便利之制度與法規,廣加宣導,以引發教師在職進修之動機。
    4. 充實教師對生涯認知的能力,由本研究之分析與實驗結果得知,教師之生涯迷思之現象頗為明顯,有必要及早協助未來的教師與現任教師對生涯發展的認知有清楚的掌握。
    1. 有關研究之方向,可考慮比較不同地區、層級教師的生涯發展差異;增加研究變項以瞭解可能影響教師生涯發展的因素。
    2. 相關理論的配合:開發可能配合生涯輔導之理論,並充實與生涯有關之研究。
    3. 評量工具之改進與應用:建議進行與評量工具的效標關聯效度研究,分階段進行評量工具之編製;發展評量工具的分量表。
    4. 生涯迷思理論的探索:累積實徵研究的經驗作為研究的基礎,以充實生涯迷思理論的內涵;探究生涯迷思可能的發展階段,運用有效的評量工具於描述、相關或實驗研究。

    The aim of the present study is to investigate the attitude of teacher career development and career guidance of social influence model. In the present research, 387 of elementary school teachers in southern Taiwan were taken as samples of exploration of attitude, while the students in Tainan Teacher College were taken as specimens of experiment design of social Influence model. Furthermore, the materials used in the present study included Inevntory of teacher career attitude, Rational-Emotion Education, and effeciency survey of counselor. The results were analyzed by using ONEWAY, Canonical Correlation Analysis, Discriminant Analysis, ANOVA, t Test and COVA.
    The followings were concluded:
    A) Investigations regarded to attitude of teacher career development:
    1. attitude of teacher career development were not dependent on professional attitude;
    2. due to changes in career myth, there was a marked difference in attitude of teacher career development.
    Enthusiastic status was quite different from frustration and comptency-building status, whereas wind-down status was apparently different from frustration;
    3. from the observation of type of career myth, except type I&2, there were marked differences among 4 types;
    4. the model of canonical correlation analysis path proposde in the present study was not supported;
    5. to the effect of discrimination of Inventory of teacher career attitude, attitude of teacher career development could produce two discriminant functions. The proposed proportion of career myth, professional attitude, school variance and among then, professional attitude was the most important to teacher development status. The proposed proportion to the whole distinguishment in distinguished predict variance was 28.42%.
    B) Effect of social influence model on application of career guidance were confirmed.
    According to conclusion of the present studies, the following suggestions were proposed:
    1. The coordination of educational policy with school
    (1) look on the necessity of teacher professional growth;
    (2) supply enough the sources of teacher's guidance;
    (3) continuing enbroad opportunity of teacher in-service learning;
    (4) and elevation of the abilies of teacher's career cognition.
    2. Future studies and improvement
    (1) direction of the research;
    (2) coordination of related theories;
    (3) the application and improvement of instruments used for assessment;
    (4) and the investigation of theories of career myth.
