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研究生: 王佳琪
論文名稱: 台南七股地區黑面琵鷺(Platalea minor)度冬之日間活動模式
Diurnal Activity Patterns of Wintering Black-faced Spoonbills (Platalea minor) in Chigu, Tainan County
指導教授: 王穎
Wang, Ying
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2001
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 61
中文關鍵詞: 黑面琵鷺行為活動模式干擾
英文關鍵詞: Black-faced Spoonbill, behavior, activity pattern, disturbance
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:251下載:0
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  • 自1998年9月至1999年5月於黑面琵鷺(Platalea minor)在台南七股度冬期間,對其族群進行日間活動模式研究,包含群體行為、個體行為及干擾對行為的影響。結果顯示黑面琵鷺度冬期的日間行為可分為7大類,以休息佔的比例最高(79.57%)、其次依序為維護(9.97%)、行為間之轉換(5.72%)、位移(3.23%)、覓食(0.93%)、互動(0.45%)及其他(0.13%)。比較度冬族群穩定前期(11中旬至1月中旬)和後期(1月中旬至3月中旬)之行為,僅互動行為在前後期具有顯著差異(p=0.0266)。個體每次休息時間長度在1-35分鐘之間,以小於5分鐘居多(56.76%)。維護行為類型以理羽佔多數(76.07%),每次理羽的時間長度以小於10秒者最多(43.43%)。轉換型行為以站立為主,佔94.54%。位移行為以走動(90.96%)為主。黑面琵鷺在主棲地進行的覓食行為很少,僅佔0.93%。個體間的互動包含友好及敵對行為。友好行為可分為4種形式,以互理居多(68.51%)。就互理部位而言,以頸-頸的形式最多(79.75%)。敵對行為可分為4種形式,以挑釁比例最高(60.72%)。無論是友好或敵對行為皆以發生在亞成體和亞成體之間比例較高。就日間不同時段活動比例而言,15時以後活動性逐漸增加,至18時達到活動高峰(74.50%),其中以維護、轉換及互動在不同時段有顯著差異(p<0.0001)。就黑面琵鷺白天受到的干擾而言,平均1天4.3次,以其他水鳥群驚擾及漁民驚擾最多,黑面琵鷺的反應以整群飛起降落他處最多。干擾發生前後行為具有顯著差異(p<0.0001),維護、位移、轉換及互動等行為於干擾後顯著增多。由連續24小時無線電追蹤4隻個體之結果顯示,其在主棲地停留時間(62-66%)大於在主棲地之外的時間(34-38%),顯示主棲地具相當之重要性,未來有必要對主棲地進行適當之經營管理。

    From September 1998 to May 1999, time budgets of diurnal behavior of the Black-faced Spoonbills (Platalea minor) were observed at the wintering area in Chigu, Tainan County. Communal and individual behavior, and the impact of disturbance on their behavior were studied. The activities of this species were classified into 7 categories. Resting (79.57% of observations) was the predominant diurnal activity, followed by maintenance (9.97%), transitional behavior (5.72%), locomotion (3.23%), foraging (0.93%), social interaction (0.45%), and others (0.13%). Observations were grouped into two periods: early population stable period (mid November-mid January) and late period (mid January- mid March). Only the proportion of time spoonbills devoted to social interaction differed significantly among periods (p=0.0266). The length of individual resting was between 1 and 35 minutes, but mostly less than 5 minutes (56.76%). The major pattern of maintenance activities was preening (76.07%), and the length of preening was mostly less than 10 seconds (43.43%). The major pattern of transitional behavior was standing (94.54%). The major pattern of locomotion was walking (90.96%). Diurnal foraging activity in main roosting area was very low (0.93%). Social interaction between individuals included friendly and agonistic activities. Friendly activities were classified into four patterns, and the major pattern was allopreening (68.51%). Allopreening was mostly confined to the neck to neck region (79.75%). Agonistic activities were classified into four patterns, and the major pattern was aggression (60.72%). The social interactions were occurred mostly between sub-adults. During the day the activity increased after 1500hr with the peak at 1800hr(74.50%). Maintenance activities, transitional behavior, and social interaction differed significantly among times of the day (p<0.001). During daytime, black-faced spoonbills were disturbed on average 4.3 times per day. The predominant sources of disturbance were from other waterbirds and fisherman. The predominant response of black-faced spoonbills was “flying and landing some distance away from the disturbance”. The activities after disturbance differed significantly to those before disturbance (p<0.001). Maintenance activities, transitional behavior, locomotion, and social interaction were significantly increased after disturbance. The results from 24hr continuous monitoring of 4 radio tagged birds showed that individuals devoted more time in main roosting area (62-66%) than other areas (34-38%). The main roosting area was important to this species. An effective management plan for the area will be necessary in the future.

    前言·························1 研究地點·······················5 研究方法·······················6 結果 一、黑面琵鷺活動模式·················10 二、黑面琵鷺度冬期間的日間行為············11 三、干擾對黑面琵鷺行為的影響·············14 討論·························16 參考文獻·······················27 表··························35 圖··························39 附錄1、 琵鷺屬簡介··················48 附錄2、 黑面琵鷺成體及亞成體的形質辨識········49 附錄3、 掃瞄式取樣的間隔時間長度對行為記錄的影響···50 附錄4、 黑面琵鷺日間行為的分類與定義·········52 附錄5、 黑面琵鷺日間活動率··············53 附錄6、 黑面琵鷺活動率與風的關係···········53

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