研究生: |
凃玟鳳 Tu, Wen-Feng |
論文名稱: |
民眾環境態度、環境認知對環境行為影響之研究—以台北市大安森林公園為例 Effect of Environmental Attitude and Ecosystem Services Cognition on Environmental Behavior: A case study of Daan Forest Park |
指導教授: |
Lee, Su-Hsin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
地理學系 Department of Geography |
論文出版年: | 2018 |
畢業學年度: | 106 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 138 |
中文關鍵詞: | 生態系統服務 、都市公園 、永續發展 、環境保護 |
英文關鍵詞: | Ecosystem Service, Urban Park, Sustainable Development, Environmental Protection |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DG.017.2018.A05 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:487 下載:47 |
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全球城市都致力於永續城市的發展,都市公共綠地如公園、休閒區皆被認為是讓都市宜居的重要因素。台北市大安森林公園在有如一片綠洲能讓人類回到自然的懷抱,近年來園內環境逐漸改善,但仍有環境問題期望能夠改善。本研究想了解民眾的環境態度、對大安森林公園的生態系統服務功能認知、環境行為、改善建議之情形為何?環境態度與生態系統服務功能認知之、環境行為、改善建議是否具有差異性?生態系統服務功能認知與環境行為、改善建議之間是否有關係?本研究目的是以環境保護的角度探討民眾環境態度、生態系統服務功能認知、環境行為、改善建議之關係。環境態度使用新生態典範論量表(NEP),生態系統服務認知參考千禧年生態系統服務評估(MA)概念,環境行為參考Hungerford 與 Peyton(1977)的環境行為量表,改善建議參考相關研究及實地觀察彙整出改善項目。
Global cities are dedicated to develope sustainable cities. Urban green spaces such as parks and leisure areas are considered to be important factors for urban livability. Daan Forest Park just like an oasis that lets mankind back to nature. The environment of the park has gradually improved recently, but there have some environmental problems that should be improved. This study wants to know the situation of people's environmental attitudes, cognition of ecosystem services function from Daan Forest Park, environmental behaviors, and improvement suggestions. Do there have differences between environmental attitudes, cognition of ecosystem services function, environmental behaviors, and improvement suggestions? Are there any relationships between cognition of ecosystem services function, environmental behavior, and improvement suggestions? From the environmental protection point of the view, the purpose of this study is to find out the relationships between people's environmental attitudes, cognition of ecosystem services function, environmental behaviors, and improvement suggestions. First, we use the New Ecological Paradigm Scale (NEP) to get people's environmental attitudes. Second, reference Millennium Ecosystem Services Assessment (MA) concept to get people's cognition of ecosystem services function. Third, reference Hungerford and Peyton's (1977) concept to get the environmental behavior. Forth, reference research of the park, observe there in person and then list the improvement suggestions.
The results show that: (1)There are significant correlations between occupation and environmental attitudes. (2)There are significant correlations between environmental attitudes groups and cognition of ecosystem services function, every groups consider that "cultural function" is the most significant in the park, but the “supply function” is the least. (3)There have significan differences between environmental attitudes groups and environmental behaviors. (4)People think that it is important to increase the trees in the park. (5)Different environmental attitudes groups have different improvement suggestions. (6)"Cultural Function" has positive relationship between"ecological management" and "persuasion action". "Regulatory function" has positive relationship between "ecological management". "Support function" has positive relationship between "environmental friendly facilities", only "supply function" has no relationship between any environmental behavior. (7) "Supply Function" has a positive relationship between "trimming lush leaves ", "increasing playground facilities" and "increasing the disable access". "Adjustment function" has a positive relationship between "increasing playground facilities". "Cultural function" has a positive relationship between " increasing playground facilities "."Support function" has no positive relationship between any improvement suggestions. (8)People who have higher "anti-anthropocentrism" environmental attitudes would higher agree with ecosystem services function, environmental behavior, and improvement suggestions than other environmental attitudes groups.
As the result, the research recommends that: (1) Increase trees in the park. (2) strengthen the public environmental education. (3) Improve New Ecological Paradigm to let public easily understand the sentence.
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