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研究生: 顏振暉
Jhen-Huei Yan
論文名稱: 蝴蝶活動日周性及天氣因子對臺灣低海拔地區蝴蝶監測準則之影響研究
The Influence of Daily Rhythm and Weather Factors on Butterfly Monitoring Criteria in Subtropical Zone: A Case Study in Lowland Taiwan
指導教授: 徐堉峰
Hsu, Yu-Feng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 81
中文關鍵詞: 蝴蝶監測穿越線調查法調查時段天氣條件
英文關鍵詞: butterfly monitoring, transect line method, record time, weather condition
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:165下載:10
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  • 標準化的蝴蝶穿越線調查法發展自溫帶地區,並且在區域性研究中發展出適合當地的準則。本研究的目的即為評估適用於臺灣低海拔地區理想的穿越線調查準則。主要著重在調查時段與天氣條件的準則建立,並對於調查時期進行討論。研究期間(2010年11月至2011年10月)採用密集調查頻率(每個月於兩週內選擇4天)於新北市五股區牛港稜登山步道進行調查,每日調查10至11次。共完成43日448筆調查時段紀錄、蝶類5科114種20056隻次。

    Standardized butterfly transect line method with accurate, repeatable, simple and cost-effective characteristics was developed in the temperate zone and modified at different regions. It possessed particular criteria of transect establishment, record seasons, record time, weather conditions and record method. The present study attempts to evaluate appropriate criteria of record time, weather conditions and record season for lowland Taiwan. The field works were carried out intensively by the frequency of four days per month from November 2010 to October 2011. Ten to eleven counts were conducted each day between 07:00 and 18:00 at Niugangling hiking trails, Wugu District, New Taipei City. Totally 448 counts in 43 days were performed and 114 butterfly species with 20056 individuals belonging to 5 families were recorded.
    The results of statistic analysis showed that recording time between 9:00 and 12:00 with highest values of community prosperity index, harmonity index and Spearman’s coefficient of rank correlation were ideal to operate mornitoring practice. These record times were also with high values of standardized species and numbers. The study clncluded that transect counts should ideally be made between 9:00 and 12:00. Between 8:00 and 9:00 or 12:00 and 15:00 may also be adequate, because these recording times not only had high values of similarity with butterflies assemblages, but the values of standardized species and numbers were higher than standardized averages.
    As to weather condition, distance-based linear models showed that temperature, sun radiation and wind speed were significant explanatory factors to standardized species and numbers of butterflies. According to regression models, the criteria of weather condition are suggested as followings: (1) transect counts should be carried out in sunny or cloudy days when the temperatures is higher than 18.9。C or (2) should be carried out in overcast days when temperatures is higher than 21.3。C. Besides, transect counts should be carried out when wind speed(Beaufort scale)are lower than 5th degree.
    The present study recommends that recording season should start from April and finished in November. Recording in March or December was also allowed, provided the weather conditions were suitable and met criteria.
    The present study the first study using statistical analyses to evaluate the correlation between time of day, weather factors and butterfly communities in Taiwan. The study also discussed in detail on the appropriate criteria for recording season, record time and weather conditions of butterfly transect line method in Taiwan. The results can be used to develop appropriate butterfly monitoring criteria in subtropical Taiwan.

    目錄 目錄……………………………Ⅰ 附表目次……………………………Ⅲ 附圖目次……………………………Ⅳ 中文摘要……………………………Ⅴ 英文摘要……………………………Ⅶ 壹、研究背景……………………………1 貳、研究目的……………………………11 參、研究材料與方法……………………………12 一、研究樣區……………………………12 二、野外調查方法……………………………13 三、天氣因子的測量……………………………14 四、資料分析……………………………15 (一)合適的調查時段之評估……………………………15 (二)影響蝴蝶飛行之重要因子與天氣條件的評估……………………………18 肆、結果……………………………19 一、牛港稜步道之蝶類組成、月消長與日周性……………………………19 (一)蝶類組成……………………………19 (二)蝶類月消長……………………………20 (三)蝴蝶日周性……………………………21 二、合適的調查時段之評估……………………………22 三、影響蝴蝶飛行之重要因子與天氣條件的評估……………………………23 伍、討論……………………………25 一、合適的調查時段之評估……………………………25 二、影響蝴蝶飛行的重要因子與天氣條件的評估……………………………27 三、合適的調查時期之評估……………………………31 陸、結論……………………………34 柒、未來研究與建議……………………………35 捌、參考文獻……………………………37 附表……………………………45 附圖……………………………54 附錄一:2010年11月至2011年10月於牛港稜步道調查所得之各月份蝴蝶種類與隻次……………………………61 附錄二:2010年11月至2011年10月於牛港稜步道調查所得之不同蝶種與其活動日周性模式類型……………………………64 附錄三:1981年至2010年中央氣象局16個低海拔氣象站之各月最高氣溫與平均氣溫之平均……………………………67 附錄四:蒲福風級表(Beaufort scale)……………………………69 附表目次 表一:歐美地區不同國家之蝴蝶監測計畫……………………………45 表二:2010年11月至2011年10月之調查月份間的蝶類群聚組成相似度(Bray-Curtis similarity)……………………………47 表三:群集一(四至十二月)之蝶類標準化種數與隻次、繁盛指數(Tβ)、相似度指數(HI)與等級相關係數(Spearman’s coefficient of rank correlation, rs)……………………………48 表四:群集二(二至三月)之蝶類標準化種數與隻次、繁盛指數(Tβ)、相似度指數(HI)與等級相關係數(rs)……………………………48 表五:群集一(四至十二月)與群集二(二至三月)在不同時段的調查資料與整體蝴蝶群集之相似度指數(HI)……………………………49 表六:2010年11月至2011年10月之各月份調查資料進行多變量分析(distance-based linear models ,DISTLM)分析之結果……………………………49 表七:2010年11月至2011年10月之各月份天氣因子間的相關係數(Pearson product–moment correlation coefficients)……………………………50 表八:各月份天氣因子與標準化數值(調查種數與隻次)之迴歸分析的結果……………………………51 表九:各月份風速因子與標準化數值(調查種數與隻次)之迴歸分析的結果……………………………52 表十:2010年11月至2011年10月之各月份調查種數、調查隻次、月均溫與繁盛指數(Tβ)……………………………53 附圖目次 圖一:設置於新北市五股區牛港稜登山步道之調查穿越線……………………………54 圖二:穿越線三個區段之半球面影像……………………………55 圖三:2010年11月至2011年10月之牛港稜步道樣區調查所得之各科蝶類個體數量比例……………………………56 圖四:2010年11月至2011年10月之牛港稜步道樣區調查所得之各月份蝴蝶種數與隻次及各月份平均氣溫……………………………57 圖五:各月份蝶類群聚相似度(Bray-Curtis similarity)以多元尺度分析(MDS)之結果……………………………58 圖六:群集一(4月至12月)調查所得之標準化的種數(a)與隻次(b)……………………………59 圖七:群集二(2月至3月)調查所得之標準化的種數(a)與隻次(b)……………………………60

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