簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 姜世恩
Kang, Nuri
論文名稱: 在韓國之職場華語會話課程設計-以針對觀光客之藥妝店銷售為例
A Chinese Conversation Course Designed for the Korean Workplace –A Case Study on Drugstore Marketing that Targets Tourists
指導教授: 信世昌
Hsin, Shih-Chang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 136
中文關鍵詞: 專門用途華語藥妝店銷售華語韓籍學習者觀光客
英文關鍵詞: Chinese for Specific Purposes, Drugstores, Sales Chinese, Korean Students, Tourists
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205050
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:111下載:8
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  • 觀光產業維持著成長趨勢,被視為 21 世紀全球性時代的朝陽產業。聯 合國世界觀光組織(UNWTO)預期 2020 年中國大陸即將成為僅次於德國、 日本和美國的世界第 4 大、高達一億人次的觀光出口國。曾經日本為韓國的 主要觀光市場,在首爾的明洞、東大門等許多韓國主要的觀光地區都能聽到 以日文導遊、推銷的聲音。但現在情境逐漸轉變,華人約佔全訪韓的外國觀 光客的 50%以上,中國大陸成為韓國的觀光業的主要對象。隨之,對於可 使用中文與中國大陸觀光客溝通、推銷的人力的需要也日益增加。
    本研究將針對韓國藥妝店的店員設計銷售華語會話課程。首先分析訪韓 觀光客的趨勢及隨之變化的韓國觀光業界政策等動向,說明本研究的必要 性。再來探討專業華語之特徵、需求和溝通交際法作為本研究的課程設計的 理論基礎。
    語習得上的特徵和干擾等與韓籍學習者相關的研究文獻,歸納韓語和華語之 間的共同點和相異點。進行問卷調查以及訪談來了解學習者工作上的特徵, 分析在真實情況下常見問題為何,設計符合學習者要求的教學內容以及幫助
    學習者在工作現場即時有效地應用到的練習活動。根據文獻探討和需求分析 的出的華語課程設計原則為: 1.以溝通為目標,練習也不是單純的答對文 法,而是利用訊息落差等真正溝通的練習;2.內容的針對性,使用專門用語 跟顧客介紹商品的特徵和效果,可以推銷目前在韓國受歡迎的商品。學習專 門用語、詞彙,針對一些必須要處理的情境學習、練習;3.真實性,為了貼 近實際的情景,使用實際商品、支付設備、廣告海報等進行角色扮演等活動。
    根據此內容,設計十個單元的課程。其內容包括: 華語介紹、結帳、商 品引導、商品介紹 1、商品介紹 2、商品比較、優惠活動、退稅、換貨退貨 以及其他情境。其中課程活動包括角色扮演等多樣的方式來多提供學習者練習實際的情境的機會,也給予學習者彼此相互分享經驗的機會,以期課程更 貼近真實情況。

    The tourism industry has maintained stable growth and is considered to be a promising sector in the age of globalization in the 21st century. The World Tourism Organization of the United Nations projected that China will become the fourth country, after Germany, Japan and U.S.A., to have its number of outbound tourists reaching over a hundred million in 2020. In the past, Japanese tourists used to be the main target for South Korea’s tourism industry, and you can always hear people speaking Japanese in the major tourism areas in Seoul, like Myeongdong or Dongdaemun, no matter it is tour guides introducing the sites, or store owners trying to sell something. But nowadays the scene is gradually changing; Chinese tourists have now taken up over 50% of foreign visitors to Korea, and China has become the major target of Korea’s tourism industry. Consequently, salespersons that can promote products and communicate in Chinese with the Chinese tourists are increasingly in demand.
    This study aimed at designing a Chinese conversation course that caters for the salespersons of the drugstores in Korea. It first analyzed the trend concerning tourists visiting Korea, and the corresponding changes in the policy of Korea’s tourism industry, in order to outline the significance of this study. Next, it explored the features and the needs for teaching Chinese for specific purposes, and the employment of communicative approach as the basis of the course design in this study.
    Furthermore, a review of the present Business Chinese courses in 12 of the institutes in Korea, and 7 related textbooks for Koreans, has been conducted. The author also examined the literature regarding the characteristics of Korean learners of Chinese, and the interferences they experienced in their acquisition of Chinese, so as to summarize the points that the languages of Korean and Chinese have in common, and those others in which they differ. Questionnaire survey and interviews have been administered to understand the distinctive features in the learners’ line of work. The most frequently asked questions in real life situations were also analyzed, so as to design course materials that cater to the needs of the learners, and also devise exercises that could help them immediately apply what they learned to their workplace.
    Based on the results of the needs analysis, this study has designed 10 units for the course, which includes: Introduction to Chinese, Payment, Lead-in to Products, Introduction to Products 1, Introduction to Products 2, Comparison of Products, Promotions, Tax Refund, Exchanges and Returns, and Other Scenarios. Classroom activities have included role playing and other variety of methods to provide opportunities for students to practice in genuine situations. It also gives them the chance to learn from each other by sharing their experiences, so that the course itself could be more authentic.
    In summary, the study has come to the following conclusions in terms of designing a Chinese conversation course for the salespersons in Korean drugstores: Firstly, the course should be designed from the communicative approach, and the activities should include tasks with information gaps. Secondly, the course content should focus on the jargons to be used to introduce to the customers the features and the results of the products, especially those that promote the latest popular merchandises. Thirdly, classroom activities like role playing should be carried out to let the students practice the language content to be applied to their workplace. More conversation exercises should be conducted, in order to prepare them for using the language in an authentic way. For the sake of creating authentic situations, the author has also made use of real products, payment equipment and advertising posters in planning the classroom activities.

    目錄 vii 表目錄 ix 圖目錄 x 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究動機 3 第三節 研究目的與問題 3 第四節 名詞釋義 4 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 訪韓觀光客之趨勢 7 一、主要訪韓國家之動向 7 二、主要訪韓國家之比較 12 三、簽證制度 15 第二節 專門用途語言之理論 18 一、專門用途英語 18 二、專門用途華語 21 三、專門用途語言需求 23 第三節 溝通交際 24 一、溝通交際能力 25 二、溝通交際法 27 第四節 韓籍華語學習者之特徵 30 一、韓語的干擾 30 二、敬語 37 第三章 研究方法 45 第一節 研究方法 45 第二節 研究過程與步驟 46 第三節 資料蒐集與分析 49 第四章 現況調查與需求分析 53 第一節 韓國行銷華語課程之現況 53 第二節 韓國行銷華語教材分析 56 一、分析評估的現有教材 56 二、目標與教材結構 57 三、教材綜合分析 68 第三節 訪韓台灣觀光客之需求問卷調查 71 第四節 韓國藥妝店店員之需求訪問 81 第五節 現況調查與需求分析之總結 88 第五章 課程設計原則與範例 91 第一節 韓國職場華語課程設計之原則 91 一、學習需求 92 二、教學內容 92 三、教學對象 93 四、教學目標 93 五、教學策略 94 六、教學評量 96 第二節 韓國職場華語課程設計之範例 97 一、課程主題 97 二、單元範例 99 三、教材範例 105 四、教學指引 117 第六章 結論與建議 119 第一節 結論 119 一、韓國的職場華語教學現況方面 119 二、藥妝店內之需求方面 120 三、課程設計方面 121 第二節 研究限制 123 第三節 未來研究建議 124 參考文獻 125 附錄一:需求分析問卷 129 附錄二:教材聽力原文與練習題答案 132 附錄三:詞彙學習單 134

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