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研究生: 白文宗
論文名稱: 國小數學情境文字題解題推理之研究
Research on Reasoning of Solving Mathematical
指導教授: 葉耀明
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 數位學習情境文字題自然語言處理MathMLSVGAJAX
英文關鍵詞: E-learning, situation word problem, natural language processing, MathML, SVG, AJAX
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:179下載:45
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  • 全球資訊網的蓬勃發展與寬頻網路的快速普及,帶動一股數位學習的熱潮。數位學習是不受時間、空間限制的一種學習方式,其符合現代多元社會不同的學習需求和模式,能真正落實全民教育、終身學習的目標。因此,如何應用資訊科技來建立良好的數位學習環境,是近年重要的研究議題。

    The fast development of World Wide Web and popularization of broadband network have driving an upsurge of e-learning. E-learning is a kind of study way that can not be limited by the time and space. It accords with modern plural society’s different study demand and way, can really implement the whole people’s education and goal of lifetime study. So, how to use information science and technology to set up good environment of elearning is the important research topic in recent years.
    Students in primary school feel that the situation word problems are difficult among assessment problems of the mathematics. Experts believe that through the assisting of information and computer technology can help students to improve their reasoning ability, and to adopt the proper tactics to solve a problem. It can also bring the motive, improve the effect of study and set up the mathematics ability of solving a problem. In the past, with the restriction of HTML language, it is very difficult to develop a successful web-based tutoring system that can provide reasoning of solving mathematical problem. In view of this, this research develops a web-based reasoning of mathematical word problem using the natural language processing technology. Our system provides the steps of the morphological analysis, syntax analysis, semantic analysis and rule judgement to infer the semantic structure and operational structure of situation word problem. It also adopts the language of MathML and SVG to provide the web-based illustration of solving procedure in mathematical situation word problems.
    In addition, this research applies above-mentioned system to the automatic reasoning and modeling of the mathematics situation word problem in primary school. The scope of our application includes addition and subtraction of the integer, addition and subtraction of the fraction, multiplication and division of the integers. There are 489 mathematics situation word problems among 15 problem types developed in the system. The result shows that this system has already possessed good inference ability in the above-listed question types. This research expects the automatic reasoning and modeling to be used for setting up students’ capability in solving a problem, and in building the mathematical conceptual and procedural knowledge in primary school with the development of this system. It can train students to promote their logical understanding and expand the depth and scope of mathematical knowledge.

    附表目錄 vii 附圖目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景 1 1.2 研究目的 2 1.3 研究方法 3 1.4 論文架構 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 2.1 XML 7 2.1.1 XML的優點 7 2.1.2 XML技術平台 8 2.2 MathML 10 2.2.1 MathML編碼型式 10 2.2.2 工具支援 12 2.3 SVG 13 2.3.1 SVG的特色 13 2.3.2 SVG文件結構 14 2.4 AJAX 15 2.4.1 AJAX的定義 16 2.4.2 AJAX運作原理 16 2.4.3 AJAX運作方式 17 2.5 人工智慧 19 2.5.1 自然語言處理 20 2.5.2 知識表示法 21 2.5.3 推論機制 23 第三章 解題推理方法 25 3.1 文字題句法分析 26 3.1.1 CKIP斷詞 26 3.1.2 文字題的斷句 27 3.1.3 過濾詞類 28 3.1.4 合併詞類 29 3.1.5 轉換標記 30 3.1.6 簡化標記 31 3.1.7 句法匹配 32 3.2 敘述句語意理解 36 3.2.1 文字題的題型 37 3.2.2 知識表示模型 40 3.3 運算結構推理 45 3.3.1 建立規則式及執行函數 45 3.3.2 規則推論機制 46 3.3.3 運算結構呈現 51 3.4 運算過程呈現 54 3.4.1 運算式前序表示法 55 3.4.2 橫式運算過程 59 3.4.3 直式運算過程 62 第四章 系統建置 67 4.1 系統開發工具與環境 67 4.2 系統架構與運作方式 68 4.3 題庫管理子系統 70 4.3.1 題庫管理功能 70 4.3.2 試題編輯模版 72 4.4 解題推理子系統 74 4.4.1 句法分析模組 75 4.4.2 語意理解模組 78 4.4.3 運算結構推理模組 79 4.4.4 呈現標籤轉換模組 80 4.5 算式呈現子系統 81 4.5.1 內容標籤轉換模組 81 4.5.2 MathML推理運算模組 82 4.5.3 SVG直式呈現模組 83 第五章 系統評估與分析 85 5.1 系統效能評估 85 5.2 推理問題分析 87 5.3 系統使用面分析 89 5.3.1 學生使用面 89 5.3.2 教師使用面 91 第六章 結論與未來發展 93 附錄 95 附錄一:中研院平衡語料庫詞類標記集 95 附錄二:敘述句句法結構組合規則 97 附錄三:句法剖析樹 100 附錄四:推論規則庫 103 參考書目 107

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