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Author: 吳信緻
Wu, Hsin-Chih
Thesis Title: 以系統性回顧暨內容分析我國近代適應體育之發展趨勢:自1996年至2016年為例
Systematic review and content analysis of contemporary adapted physical education development in Taiwan: from 1996-2016
Advisor: 姜義村
Chiang, I-Tsun
Degree: 碩士
Department: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
Thesis Publication Year: 2018
Academic Year: 106
Language: 中文
Number of pages: 158
Keywords (in Chinese): 適應體育身心障礙內容分析系統性回顧
Keywords (in English): adapted physical education, disabilities, content analysis, systematic review
Thesis Type: Academic thesis/ dissertation
Reference times: Clicks: 470Downloads: 76
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  • 本研究旨在探討臺灣適應體育學術研究的發展歷程。教育部自1993年起推動「發展改進特殊教育五年計畫」迄今,過程中伴隨ㄧ系列的教改浪潮後,乘載推展我國適應體育冀望的學術方舟,就此啟程。適應體育之概念導入台灣近二十餘年,相關法案、政策、計畫、方案及研究等推行皆有所作為,但其概念卻仍未被社會大眾所熟知,進而落實於社會。因此本文分析1996 至2016年間臺灣深具學術研究發展價值之適應體育學術文章,透過系統性文獻回顧法(systematic review)及內容分析法(content analysis),將適應體育學術研究作更有效地分析歸納。研究者經由國立台灣師範大學圖書館授權之電子學術資料庫「CEPS中文期刊資料庫(華藝線上圖書館)、HyRead台灣全文資料庫、國家圖書館期刊文、Scopus、EBSCO、ProQuest」進行索引及篩選,以國內研究為例,本研究以體育課、體適能、適應體育、特殊體育、身心障礙、特殊需求、身體活動、動作行為、動作技能、動作技巧及運動介入作為關鍵字,進行搜尋,並以收錄於TSSCI之學術期刊文章為主要分析;國外研究以台灣適應體育相關學術研究工作者之姓名,進行搜尋,並以探討台灣適應體育發展為主之學術研究為主要分析,以系統性回顧分層篩選後收錄國內發表27篇及國外發表82篇,共計109篇,文獻分析採內容分析法對研究年代、出版刊物類型、研究議題、研究類型統計及對象類別進行編碼及分析,以瞭解學術研究的發展方向。結果發現:一、國內外適應體育論文從2008-2016年間量產年平均10篇的產出,產能相較1996-2008年間明顯大幅提升;二、國內學術環境對於探討適應體育相關議題仍相對保守,偏向以單一領域進行探究,以體育類刊物為主流,反觀國外學術環境則同時共存單一領域及跨專業領域之多元探究,單一領域以心理學刊物為主;三、國內研究議題以探究「適應體育實施現況或需求調查」的9篇占多數,次之探究「方案效果」的7篇,反觀國外研究議題以探討身心障礙學生「動作能力」的53篇為主流議題,次之為探究「方案效果」的19篇;四、研究類型以實驗性研究的56篇與描述性研究的33篇為主;五、對象類別則以發展性協調障礙類的30篇、智能障礙類的20篇、自閉症及情緒障礙研究各19篇的研究為前三大障礙類;研究對象分佈主要聚焦於國小及國中端之身心障礙學生。依據本研究結果,建議我國適應體育研究工作者可藉由對不同適應體育議題的涉略,以及對多樣化的障礙類別與不同年齡層研究的深化與開拓,深耕量化及實證研究之餘,以質性研究探討相關細節作為輔助,藉此提高我國適應體育學術研究的層次及質量,進而達到理論與實務的相互驗證。

    The purpose of this study is to understand and analyze the evolution of adapted physical education academic research in Taiwan. Since 1993, the Ministry of Education in Taiwan has been promoting the “Five-Year Plan for Developing Improvement in Special Education,” which resulting a series of education reform, has also helped promoting the idea of adapted physical education. The idea of adapted physical education has been introduced to Taiwan for approximately 20 years. Related laws, policies, plans, programs, and research have been implemented and conducted. However, even in the present time, its concepts and notions are not widely known by the public. This study analyzed papers with notable research development value concerning physical education in Taiwan that were published in 1996–2016. Systematic review and content analysis methods were conduct to perform analytic induction. The online academic database that were used in the research including CEPS Airiti Library, HyRead Journal, National Central Library Periodical Information Center, Scopus, EBSCO and ProQuest. The following keywords were used for filtering in the research: physical education curriculum, physical fitness, adapted physical education, special physical education, disability, special needs, physical activity, motor behavior, motor skill, and exercise intervention. The A-level journal articles included in the Taiwan Social Science Citation Index were the main focus of analysis.
    Regarding research conducted abroad, the names of researchers studying adaptive physical education in Taiwan were searched for online; investigations of Taiwan’s adaptive physical education development were the analysis focus, as keyword to find the journals that were needed for this study. Through systematic review, this study included 27 journals published in Taiwan and 82 journals published abroad. The researcher used content analysis which includes the categories of publication year, researching topic, researching methods, researching subject and publication types, all of those mentioned above were coded and analyzed to understand the evolution of adapted physical education academic research. To draw the inference from the result, these data show: (1) Between the year of 2008 to 2016, the average number of adapted physical education journal being published per year is 10, which had a significant increase compared to 1996 to 1998. (2) Compared to the international research, Taiwanese adapted physical education researching environment is rather conservative, which only focus on the physical education field; whereas the international research often conducted in multiple field and inter-professional field, for single field, researchers tend to focus more on psychology instead of physical education. (3) For Taiwanese research topic, the majority of the journals, which there are 9 of them focusing on ‘adaptive physical education’s progression and the need for change’; the second one is “program effect”, which there are 7 of them. For the international database, the majority focus on the discussion of “motor ability” of students with physical disability, which there are 53 of them; the second one is “the program effect”, which there are 19 of them. (4) The majority types of researching method are: 56 experimental studies and 33 descriptive studies. (5) The majority study subjects include: 30 studies on developmental coordination disorder, 20 studies on intellectual disability and 19 on emotional disability and autism respectively. The age distribution of studying subject is mostly elementary and junior high school students. Basing on the result of this study, this study suggests Taiwanese adapted physical education academic research could focus on different field and aspect of the physical education such as types of disability, age and deeper exploration. While using mainly empirical research methods and quantitative research, qualitative research could be used for aiding the discussion of the study’s details, by doing so, it could enhance the quality of our physical education academic research and reach the goal of mutual authentication between theory and practice.

    第壹章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 5 一、研究目的 5 二、研究問題 5 第三節 研究範圍與限制 6 一、研究範圍 6 二、研究限制 6 第四節 名詞解釋 8 第貳章 文獻探討 10 第一節 我國適應體育發展及困境 10 第二節 系統性回顧之源起與應用 14 第三節 內容分析法之源起與應用 17 第參章 研究方法 20 第一節 研究架構 20 第二節 研究報告搜尋 22 第三節 研究報告閱讀與篩選 28 第四節 編碼表制訂 30 第五節 研究資料登錄 33 第六節 資料處理與分析 36 第肆章 結果與討論 38 第一節 適應體育學術產出年代分析 38 第二節 出版刊物類型及研究議題分析 41 第三節 研究類型統計及對象類別分析 46 第四節 適應體育專業人才培育及現況反思 56 第五節 學術巨輪下的適應體育 59 第伍章 結論與建議 62 參考文獻 64

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    Chang, Y.-K., Chu, I. H., Chen, F.-T., & Wang, C.-C. (2011). Dose-response effect of acute resistance exercise on Tower of London in middle-aged adults. Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology, 33(6), 866-883.
    Chang, Y.-K., Ho, L.-A., Lu, F. J.-H., Ou, C.-C., Song, T.-F., & Gill, D. L. (2014). Self-talk and softball performance: The role of self-talk nature, motor task characteristics, and self-efficacy in novice softball players. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 15(1), 139-145.
    Chang, Y.-K., Ku, P.-W., Tomporowski, P. D., Chen, F.-T., & Huang, C.-C. (2012). Effects of Acute Resistance Exercise on Late-Middle-Age Adults' Goal Planning. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 44(9), 1773-1779.
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