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研究生: 林明錚
Ming-Cheng Lin
論文名稱: 認知型態對國小學生在資訊擷取能力、空間能力影響之探索研究
A Study on the Influences of Cognitive Style to Elementary School Students in Information Searching and Spatial Abilities
指導教授: 洪榮昭
Hong, Jon-Chao
Yang, Shao-Cho
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 217
中文關鍵詞: 國小學生認知型態空間能力場地獨立場地依賴
英文關鍵詞: elementary school students, cognitive style, spatial ability, field independent, field dependent
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:263下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在分析不同年級、作答型態之小學生在認知型態量表藏圖測驗之差異,並進一步探討認知型態對小學生在資訊擷取能力、空間能力之影響及其相關性。
    一、 不同年級之國小學生在認知型態量表測驗,差異如下:
    1-1、 國小三年級學生與六年級學生在認知型態量表測驗有顯著差異
    1-2、 國小四年級學生與六年級學生在認知型態量表測驗有顯著差異
    1-3、 國小五年級學生與六年級學生在認知型態量表測驗無明顯差異
    1-4、 國小三年級學生與五年級學生在認知型態量表測驗有顯著差異
    1-5、 國小四年級學生與五年級學生在認知型態量表測驗有顯著差異
    1-6、 國小三年級學生與四年級學生在認知型態量表測驗無明顯差異
    1-7、 中年級學生與高年級學生在認知型態量表測驗有顯著差異存
    二、 不同作答型態之國小學生在認知型態量表-藏圖測驗上、無顯著差
    三、 場地獨立組學生在資訊擷取能力明顯優於場地依賴組。
    四、 認知型態對國小學生在空間能力差異如下:
    五、 不同認知型態之國小學生在資訊擷取能力與空間能力有顯著相關。

    A Study on the Influences of Cognitive Style to Elementary School Students in Information Searching and Spatial Abilities
    Ming–Cheng Lin
    The purpose of this research was to analyze the differences in cognitive style hidden figures test of elementary school students in different grades and answer mode. It also explores the influences and relationships of cognitive style of elementary schoolers in information searching and spatial abilities.
    In order to achieve the goal, researcher chose third to six graders (N=59) in 1999 Youth Creativity Classroom as the study target, and divided them into groups of field independent(N=18) and field dependent(N=17) after giving them “hidden figure test”.
    The research tools were the video tape entitled “Ann’s Vacation” from the research product of Country Science Council, “information searching test” and “spatial ability” designed by researcher. All collected data were analyzed by statistic methods such as independent sample t test, one-way ANOVA, a posterior comparison, and Pearson product-moment correlation. The main outcomes of this study were described as following:
    A. The differences in cognitive style test among different graders were described as below:
    A-1. There is a distinct difference in cognitive style test between third and six graders.
    A-2. There is a distinct difference in cognitive style test between forth and six graders.
    A-3. There is no distinct difference in cognitive style test between fifth and six graders.
    A-4. There is a distinct difference in cognitive style test between third and fifth graders.
    A-5. There is a distinct difference in cognitive style test between forth and fifth graders.
    A-6. There is no distinct difference in cognitive style test between third and forth graders.
    A-7. There is a distinct difference in cognitive style test between Middle and higher graders.
    B. No distinct differences on the different answer mode to cognitive style-hidden figure test in elementary school students.
    C. The students in field independent group were superior to those who were in field dependent group in the ability of information searching.
    D. The differences in cognitive style of elementary school students in spatial ability described as below:
    D-1. The students in field independent group were superior to those who were in field dependent group in spatial ability-figure production (I).
    D-2. The students in field independent group were superior to those who were in field dependent group in spatial ability-figure production (II).
    D-3. The students in field independent group were superior to those who were in field dependent group in spatial ability-figure production (III).
    D-4. The students in field independent group were superior to those who were in field dependent group in spatial ability-figure production (multiple).
    D-5. The students in field independent group were superior to those who were in field dependent group in spatial ability-disassembled and combination abilities.
    E. The elementary schoolers who have different cognitive styles have distinct relationship in information searching and spatial abilities.
    This research did not only discuss the above research outcomes, but also synthesized these outcomes and provided suggestions as a reference for the further study.
    Keywords: cognitive style, spatial ability, field independent, field dependent

    總 目 錄 中文摘要 Ⅰ 英文摘要 Ⅲ 總目錄 Ⅴ 圖目錄 Ⅷ 表目錄 Ⅹ 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機.....................................1 第二節 研究目的.....................................5 第三節 研究問題.....................................6 第四節 研究假設.....................................7 第五節 研究範圍與限制...............................9 第六節 名詞詮釋.................................... 11 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 認知型態相關理論............................13 第二節 從認知型態到學習型態........................ 25 第三節 場地獨立性與場地依賴相關理論................41 第四節 資訊擷取能力相關理論........................52 第五節 空間能力相關理論及研究探討..................57 第六節 認知型態之相關研究探討......................72 第三章 研究設計與實施 第一節 研究架構....................................81 第二節 研究方法....................................83 第三節 研究對象....................................85 第四節 研究工具....................................87 第五節 研究實施....................................98 第六節 資料處理...................................103 第四章 資料分析與討論 第一節 藏圖測驗資料之分析..........................105 第二節 不同作答型態對國小學生在FI/FD測驗分析.......115 第三節 認知型態對國小學生在資訊擷取能力差異之分析..121 第四節 認知型態對國小學生在空間能力差異之分析......122 第五節 不同認知型態對國小學生在空間能力 資訊擷取能力間相關分析.....................127 第六節 考驗對立假設................................132 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 研究發現....................................137 第二節 結論與討論..................................141 第三節 建議........................................145 參考文獻 壹、中文部分.......................................151 貳、英文部分.......................................158 附錄 附錄一 認知型態量表-藏圖測驗........................179 附錄二 資訊擷取能力測驗.............................185 附錄三 空間能力平面測驗表...........................189 附錄四 專家會議公函、會議記錄、會議資料.............193 附錄五 受試樣本各測驗原始成績資料...................215

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