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研究生: 賴宏緯
Lai, Hung-wei
論文名稱: 視覺障礙學生遊戲化學習之成效探究-以等值分數單元為例
The Research of Exploring the Effectiveness of Gamified Learning for Visually Impaired Students: A Case Study on Equivalent Fractions Unit
指導教授: 張千惠
Chang, Chien-Huey
口試委員: 張千惠
Chang, Chien-Huey
Hou, Huei-Tse
Ho, Yann-Ru
口試日期: 2024/05/13
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系身心障礙特教教學碩士在職專班
Department of Special Education_In-service Teacher Master's Program of Teaching in Special Education Disabilities
論文出版年: 2024
畢業學年度: 112
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 159
中文關鍵詞: 遊戲化學習視覺障礙學生數學教育學習行為學習成效學習動機心流經驗
英文關鍵詞: Gamified learning, visually impaired students, mathematics education, learning behaviors, learning outcomes, motivation, flow experiences
研究方法: 準實驗設計法觀察研究
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400701
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:60下載:0
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  • 幾年前國外興起一陣藉由遊戲融入於學習中的遊戲化學習,國內近年來也有越來越多的實證研究陸續證實其效用,不論是在學生的學習成效、學習動機亦或是心流經驗,皆有正向之評價與結果。且藉由遊戲之特性,可讓教學者於教學時依照課程時間、環境場域、人數等進行彈性之調整。
    一、 針對視覺障礙學生所設計之等值分數遊戲化教學模組,為考量視覺障礙學生之特質與學習需求而設計,因此其有助於提升視覺障礙學生學習等值分數概念之學習成效,並且有正向情意之展現
    二、 遊戲化學習有助於提升視覺障礙學生於學習歷程中之學習動機與心流經驗。
    三、 視覺障礙學生對於本研究之等值分數遊戲化教學模組具有極佳之接受度,並且認同此遊戲化學習易操作,具有用性並且富挑戰性與趣味性。
    四、 本研究之依變項:學習動機、心流經驗、遊戲接受度與鷹架有用性四者彼此達正向顯著相關。
    五、 實驗組學生展現多元之學習形式,如:認知概念討論、策略討論、教具檢索、正向支持與概念釐清等自主學習作為。

    A few years ago, there was a wave of gamified learning emerging overseas, where games were integrated into the learning process. In recent years, there has been an increasing number of empirical studies in our country that have consistently confirmed its effectiveness. Whether it's in terms of students' learning outcomes, motivation to learn, or their flow experiences, all have shown positive results. Furthermore, the nature of games allows educators to make flexible adjustments in teaching based on factors such as class time, environmental settings, and the number of students.
    Game-based learning is currently not only widely applied to regular students but has also been subject to empirical research in the context of special education, with similarly positive effects. However, most research participants in this area have primarily consisted of individuals with intellectual disabilities, learning disabilities, or autism, with very limited representation from students with visual impairments. Therefore, this study focuses on students with visual impairments and, taking into account the learning performance and goals related to equivalent fractions in the "Twelve-Year Basic Education Curriculum," designs a set of fraction building block games. These games have been adapted to meet the specific needs of students with visual impairments, ensuring their usability and effectiveness. The study aims to investigate their learning outcomes, motivation to learn, flow experiences, scaffolded learning, and learning behaviors.
    This study adopts a quasi-experimental design and observational approach, with a total of 32 visually impaired students participating. They are divided into two groups, each consisting of 16 students: an experimental group and a control group. The experimental group engages in gamified learning, while the control group receives traditional lecture-based instruction. Both groups participate in two instructional research sessions.
    Based on the results of statistical analysis and sequential analysis, the following five points can be summarized:
    1. The gamified teaching module designed for visually impaired students, focusing on equivalent fractions, takes into account their characteristics and learning needs. Consequently, it contributes to enhancing visually impaired students' learning effectiveness in understanding equivalent fractions and exhibits a positive emotional expression.
    2. Gamified learning assists in enhancing visually impaired students' motivation and flow experiences during the learning process.
    3. Visually impaired students show excellent acceptance of the gamified teaching modules in this study. They recognize the ease of operation in gamified learning, its usefulness, and its richness in challenge and enjoyment.
    4. Among the dependent variables of motivation, flow experiences, game acceptance, and scaffolding usefulness, there is a significant positive correlation.
    5. The experimental group students demonstrate diverse forms of learning, such as cognitive concept discussions, strategy discussions, teaching aid retrieval, positive support, and concept clarification as autonomous learning behaviors.
    Understanding students' relevant obstructive characteristics and learning needs, and designing appropriate curricula, teaching materials, and aids, coupled with strategies like gamified learning, peer group cooperation, and scaffolding support, can promote peer communication, positive emotional generation, diverse learning forms, and reflective review. This ultimately aims to enhance visually impaired students' active learning performance and behaviors, improve their motivation and flow experiences, and reflect progress in learning outcomes. Additionally, the study provides suggestions for classroom teaching and future research.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 名詞釋義 3 第三節 研究目的與研究問題 6 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 視障生之學習需求 9 第二節 遊戲式學習 19 第三節 遊戲式學習之應用 27 第三章 研究方法 37 第一節 研究設計 37 第二節 研究流程 42 第三節 研究對象 43 第四節 研究工具 44 第五節 教學設計與教學活動流程 61 第六節 資料處理與分析方法 69 第七節 研究者間一致性 70 第四章 研究結果 73 第一節 實驗組與控制組之學習成效與學習動機之表現 73 第二節 實驗組之心流經驗、遊戲接受度與鷹架有用性之表現 77 第三節 實驗組與控制組兩組間之學習成效差異性 81 第四節 實驗組與控制組兩組間之學習動機差異性 81 第五節 實驗組之學習成效、學習動機、心流經驗、遊戲接受度與鷹架有用性間彼此相關性 82 第六節 實驗組之學習行為模式 83 第五章 研究討論 89 第一節 實驗組與控制組之學習成效與學習動機之表現 89 第二節 實驗組之心流經驗、遊戲接受度與鷹架有用性之表現 90 第三節 實驗組與控制組兩組間之學習成效差異性 92 第四節 實驗組與控制組兩組間之學習動機差異性 93 第五節 實驗組之學習成效、學習動機、心流經驗、遊戲接受度與鷹架有用性間彼此相關性 93 第六節 實驗組之學習行為模式 94 第七節 其他討論 96 第八節 小結 97 第六章 結論與建議 99 第一節 研究結論 99 第二節 研究限制 101 第三節 研究建議 102 參考文獻 105 附錄 131 附錄一、 學生暨家長知情同意書 131 附錄二、 學生基本資料問卷(實驗組) 136 附錄三、 學習成效量表-前測試題卷 137 附錄四、 學習成效量表-後測試題卷 138 附錄五、 學習動機量表-前測試題卷 139 附錄六、 學習動機量表-後測試題卷 141 附錄七、 心流經驗量表 143 附錄八、 遊戲使用心得量表 145 附錄九、 鷹架問卷 146 附錄十、 學生基本資料問卷(控制組) 149 附錄十一、 學習成效量表-前測試題卷 150 附錄十二、 學習成效量表-後測試題卷 151 附錄十三、 學習動機量表-前測試題卷 152 附錄十四、 學習動機量表-後測試題卷 154 附錄十五、 等值分數遊戲化學習教學模組之教學活動設計 156 附錄十六、 研究倫理審查核可證明書 159

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