簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 戴芳台
Fang-Tai Tai
論文名稱: 衛生教育和改良式太極拳介入對社區老人健康指標成效之先驅研究
The preliminary effects of health education and modified Tai Chi Chuan programs on health indicators among community-dwelling elders
指導教授: 郭鐘隆
Guo, Jong-Long
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 143
中文關鍵詞: 衛生教育改良式太極拳社區老人
英文關鍵詞: health education, modified Tai Chi Chuan, community-dwelling elders
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:190下載:0
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  • 本研究目的在探討衛生教育和改良式太極拳的介入對社區老人體適能、三高數值(膽固醇、飯後血糖及血壓)、健康促進生活型態及健康相關生活品質的成效。教學內容包含整合性的健康促進生活型態課程和改良式太極拳訓練,執行期間達四個月。

    The purpose of this study was to explore the effectiveness of health education and modified Tai Chi Chuan programs on physical fitness, three high data (cholesterol, blood sugar and blood pressure), health promotion lifestyle and health-related quality of life among community-dwelling elders. Programs were implemented over a 4-month period.
    A quasi-experimental design was employed in this study. Criteria for selecting subjects are based on purposive sampling. One group was assigned to be a controlled group (n=32) and the other was an experimental group (n=33).The subjects were measured by physical fitness, three-high data and structural questionnaires. Structured questionnaire included Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile (HPLP) and the Medical Outcome Study Short Form-36 (SF-36).
    The major findings of the study were as the followings:
    1. The cardio-pulmonary fitness, flexibility and waist / hip ratio (WHR) were significantly improved.
    2. The blood pressure was significantly decreased.
    3. The performance improved in overall health promotion lifestyle, health responsibility, exercise, nutrition and interpersonal support.
    4. The health-related quality of life did not significantly change.
    Based on the results, this present study suggests that in the future the health promotion programs for the elders be feasible and promising. The health promotion practitioners can develop a series of health education programs, seed teachers for health education teaching and extend modified Tai Chi Chuan exercise training in order to promote the elder’s health.

    第一章緒論 第一節研究動機和重要性--------------------------------1 第二節研究目的---------------------------------------4 第三節研究問題---------------------------------------5 第四節研究假設---------------------------------------5 第五節名詞界定---------------------------------------6 第六節研究限制---------------------------------------7 第二章文獻探討 第一節健康促進及其相關研究-----------------------------9 壹、健康促進相關學理--------------------------------9 貳、健康促進之相關研究------------------------------12 第二節身體活動及其相關研究-----------------------------15 壹、身體活動相關學理--------------------------------15 貳、身體活動之相關研究------------------------------18 第三節太極拳及其相關研究------------------------------21 壹、太極拳的相關學理--------------------------------21 貳、太極拳之相關研究--------------------------------23 第四節社區衛生教育計畫及其相關研究----------------------27 壹、社區衛生教育之需求評估---------------------------27 貳、社區衛生教育計畫之策略和措施----------------------29 參、社區衛生教育計畫之評價---------------------------32 肆、社區衛生教育計畫之相關研究-----------------------34 第三章研究方法-----------------------------------------37 第一節研究設計---------------------------------------37 第二節研究架構---------------------------------------40 第三節研究對象---------------------------------------41 第四節教學活動設計-----------------------------------41 第五節研究工具---------------------------------------43 第六節研究步驟---------------------------------------48 第七節資料分析與處理----------------------------------50 第四章研究結果-----------------------------------------53 第一節社會人口學特性之分析-----------------------------53 第二節教育計畫介入對體適能之影響------------------------57 第三節教育計畫介入對三高數值之影響----------------------65 第四節教育計畫介入對健康促進生活型態之影響---------------70 第五節教育計畫介入對健康相關生活品質之影響---------------83 第五章研究討論 第一節教育計畫介入對體適能之成效------------------------93 第二節教育計畫介入對三高數值之成效----------------------97 第三節教育計畫介入對健康促進生活型態之成效--------------100 第四節教育計畫介入對健康相關生活品質之成效--------------104 第六章結論與建議---------------------------------------109 第一節研究結論---------------------------------------109 第二節研究建議---------------------------------------110 參考書目----------------------------------------------113 附錄一:社區銀髮族衛生教育課程每週教學單元----------------129 附錄二:相關之教材、教具及增強物-------------------------131 附錄三:體重和腰圍記錄單--------------------------------134 附錄四:運動行為記錄簿----------------------------------135 附錄五:體適能檢測表------------------------------------136 附錄六:研究問卷---------------------------------------137 附錄七:專家效度審查名單--------------------------------143

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