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研究生: 黃筱惠
Ng, Siow Hui
論文名稱: 大學校院學習障礙學生就業轉銜服務之調查
Employment Transition Services for College Students with Learning Disabilities
指導教授: 吳亭芳
Wu, Ting-Fang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 復健諮商研究所
Graduate Institute of Rehabilitation Counseling
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 144
中文關鍵詞: 大學校院學習障礙學生就業轉銜服務
英文關鍵詞: college and university, learning disabilities, employment transiton service
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204211
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:163下載:43
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  • 本研究主要目的在探討大學校院學習障礙學生對就業轉銜服務之需求程度與學校提供其就業轉銜服務程度之現況,並了解需求與提供程度間之差異,以找出適切的就業轉銜服務方向,培養良好的就業準備。
      研究者以全國大學院校院學習障礙學生為研究對象,利用自編之「大學校院學習障礙學生就業轉銜服務之需求與提供」問卷作為研究工具,共寄發702份問卷,得有效問卷197份。所得資料皆以電腦統計軟體SPSS 22.0進行統計分析,其研究結果分析如下:
    一、 在就業轉銜服務各層面中,大學校院學習障礙學生之需求程度最高的服務為「職業探索與準備」服務、其次依序為「資源連結」服務、「校內就業支持」服務、「自我探索」服務。
    二、 在就業轉銜服務各層面中,大學校院學習障礙學生對學校提供其「自我探索」服務之程度為最高,其次依序為「校內就業支持」服務、「職業探索與準備服務」及「資源連結」服務。
    三、 在整體就業轉銜服務之需求程度與提供程度之間的落差情形方面,大學校院學習障礙學生在就業轉銜服務之「自我探索」服務的需求有被滿足;而「職業探索與準備」服務則呈相反結果,學校所提供的「職業探索與準備」服務未滿足大學校院學習障礙學生的需求。
    四、 大學校院學習障礙學生對就業轉銜服務之需求程度,不因學校屬性和學校類型有差異。在年級和工作經驗方面,就讀大二的學習障礙學生對自我探索之需求程度顯著高於就讀大一的學習障礙學生,具校內工作經驗的大學校院學習障礙學生對校內就業支持、職業探索與準備、整體就業轉銜服務之需求程度顯著高於具校外工作經驗的大學校院學習障礙學生。
    五、 大學校院學習障礙學生對學校提供其就業轉銜服務之程度,不因學校屬性、學校類型和年級有差異;在工作經驗方面,具校內外工作經驗的大學校院學習障礙學生對學校提供其自我探索服務之程度顯著高於具校外工作經驗的大學校院學習障礙學生。

    The aim of the study is to explore college students with learning disabilities on their demand of employment transition services and the employment transition services provided by college, hence, to understand the gap between the needs and the actual services provided, so as to find out the proper direction for the employment transition service, to enhance employment preparation for the students with learning disabilities.
      Resarcher investigates college and university students with learning disabilities. A self-edited questionaire about “the employment transition needs and actual service provided” was conducted amongst the students. A total of 702 questionnaires were sent and a total of 197 valid questionnaires were received. All receiving data was analyzed with computer statistical software SPSS 22.0, and the results are as follows:
      First, at all levels of the employment transfer services, the highest demand level of college and university students with learning disabilities is the “career exploration and preparation” service, followed levels in order are the “resource linking” service, the “campus employment support” service and the “self- exploration” service.
      Second, at all levels of the employment transfer services, the highest level of service offered by college and university is “self- exploration” service, followed levels in order are the “campus employment support” service, the “career exploration and preparation” service, and the “resource linking” service.
      Third, regarding the gap between the employment transfer needs and its actual services provided, college or university students with learning disabilities’ need of “self- exploration” service is mostly satisfied, however, the need of “career exploration and preparation” service is the opposite, college and university students are not satisfied by the service provided by college or university.
      Fourth, the demand level of employment transition service for college or university students with learning disabilities does not differ depending on the school types and categories; however, there are differences according to the different grades and working experiences, sophomore year students with learning disabilities will have more demand on self-exploration service than freshman year students with learning disabilities. Learning disabled students with work experience in the campus have obvious demand on campus employment support, career exploration and preparation, and overall employment transition service than learning disabled students with work experience outside the campus.
      Fifth, students with learning disabilities respond that the level of employment transition service offered by college or university does not differ depending on the school types, categories and grades; however, there are differences according to the different working experiences, learning disabled students with both work experience inside and outside the campus obviously demand higher level of self-exploration service provided by school than learning disabled students with work experience only outside the campus.
      This study is the further discussion according to the findings, and to make recommendations for college or university counselors’ substantive work and for the future research. The content of the study is for reference.

    中文摘要 I ABSTRACT III 目次 V 表次 VII 圖次 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 6 第三節 名詞解釋 8 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 就業轉銜服務之內涵 11 第二節 臺灣學習障礙學生就業轉銜相關政策與服務 25 第三節 學習障礙之就業困境 31 第三章 研究方法 45 第一節 研究架構 45 第二節 研究對象 47 第三節 研究工具 52 第四節 研究步驟 57 第五節 資料處理與分析 59 第四章 研究結果 61 第一節 學習障礙學生就業轉銜服務需求與提供程度 61 第二節 不同背景之學習障礙學生就業轉銜服務需求的差異 71 第三節 不同背景之學習障礙學生就業轉銜服務提供程度的差異 80 第五章 討論與建議 89 第一節 討論 89 第二節 研究結論 101 第三節 研究限制與建議 106 參考文獻 111 中文文獻 111 英文文獻 118 附錄一 大學校院學習障礙學生就業轉銜服務需求與提供問卷參考文獻 126 附錄二 大專校院學習障礙學生就業轉銜服務需求與提供問卷(初稿) 128 附錄三 專家修正意見彙整表 131 附錄四 大學校院學習障礙學生就業轉銜服務需求與提供問卷(預試) 137 附錄五 決斷值與信度分析之摘要表 140 附錄六 大學校院學習障礙學生就業轉銜服務需求與提供問卷(正式) 142

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