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研究生: 陳音筑
Chen, Yin-Chu
論文名稱: 以技術探勘與多規則決策法定義技術路線圖-以雲端安全為例
Defining technology roadmaps Based on Technology Mining and Multiple Rule Decision Making Methods - A Case Study of Cloud Security
指導教授: 黃奇武
Huang, Chi-Wu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 127
中文關鍵詞: 資料導向技術路徑圖文字探勘
英文關鍵詞: Data-driven, Technology roadmap, Text Mining
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DIE.012.2018.E01
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:150下載:0
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  • 隨著科技創新,現今的資料儲存的已經不在只限於實體裝置,隨處都可存取的雲端空間,儼然快速取代實體儲存裝置,由於大家對於雲端的重度使用,資料的安全也成為各提供雲端服務的廠商不敢忽視的環節,雲端技術的發展變得日益重要。技術路線圖是現在到未來用以達成客戶要求的產品和技術並行發展的路徑圖,或是預測未來市場技術需求的展望圖。由於技術路徑圖可清楚呈現、並進而預測產品趨勢,近年來,已經為各大企業所採用,以作為產品規劃與開發之依據,且技術資料探勘與已經成為了解現況,並且預測未來技術走向的重要方式,本研究以技術路線圖來對雲端安全技術做分析,基於過去的研究主要基於以專家意見,導入質性研究之方法,較缺乏數據依據 。因此,本研究擬導入基於技術探勘之多規則決策法,定義技術路徑圖各層次層之關係。本研究首先將導入文字探勘方法,擷取技術資料內之關鍵字,經專家確認後,導入約略集合理論,並進而擷取關鍵字之間的若…則…關係,其後,並將前述關係導入DEMATEL法,求取所有影響關係,並可依據所有影響關係,定義關鍵字組合技術路圖與關鍵字關係技術圖。在關鍵字投資組合圖中,根據其支持和信度來識別兩種類型的關鍵字配對。在關鍵字關係圖中,則將導入DEMATEL總關係矩陣中關鍵字間之影響關係,作為技術圖各階層間,依賴關係和層間依賴關係的支持,開發二維度的映射。本研究之結果,將可作為雲端安全領域相關企業或組織導入能力集合擴展模式,進而訂定提昇策略之基礎。

    The technology roadmap is a prospect of future market or satisfaction for the products or technology development of customer’s requirements. The technology roadmap was proposed by Motorola in 1980. Owing to the technology roadmap can present and forecast the trend of the products clearly, enterprises adopt this to be the basis of a product plan and development. Recently, technology mining has been being an important method to know the prevalence and forecast the trend. Even though the technology roadmap had been prevailed in academia and industry for a long time, the past researches were based on expert’s opinion and implemented qualitative research which was short of data. Hence, this paper defined the relationship between each layer of the technology roadmap based on technology mining and multiple rule decision making method. At first, this paper captured the keywords from technology data which implemented by text mining method. Those keywords need to be confirmed by experts then given to the rough set theory and we can get the relationship of “If… then…” between keywords. Then we obtain all dependency information from DEMATEL method by implementing the keywords relationship. We can define the keyword portfolio map and keyword relational map by dependency information. In the keyword relationship map, we have a two-dimensional map is development by using support as a affinity relationship and confidence as a dependency relationship which implemented by the matrix result of DEMATEL. The result of this paper can be a basis implementation of competence sets expansion for the enterprises or organizations and strategy enhancement.

    摘要 i Abstract ii Table of Contents iii List of Table v List of Figure vii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Research Motivations 3 1.3 Research Purpose 5 1.4 Research Limitation 6 1.5 Research Methods 6 1.6 Analytic Framework 9 1.7 Thesis Structure 10 Chapter 2 Literature Review 11 2.1 Cloud Security 11 2.2 Data Mining 14 2.3 Text Mining 16 2.4 Technology Roadmap 18 2.5 Patent Analysis 21 Chapter 3 Methodology 26 3.1 Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) 26 3.2 Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) 30 3.3 Dominance based rough set theory (DRSA) 31 Chapter 4 Empirical study 35 4.1 Collect keywords from patent database 36 4.2 Filter and divide keywords into different layers by Experts 42 4.3 Determine different layer keyword influence by using DRSA 54 4.4 Constructing the criterion by Using FCA 65 4.5 Constructing the influence of criterion by Using DEMATEL 79 4.6 Constructing the influence of criterion by Using ARM 107 Chapter 5 Discussions 116 5.1 Technology management progress in the method 116 5.2 Research method progress 117 5.3 Cloud security future development 117 Chapter 6 Conclusions 120 Reference 122

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