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研究生: 陳盈吉
In-Ji , Chen
論文名稱: 探究動態類比對於科學概念學習與概念改變歷程之研究--以國二學生學習氣體粒子概念為例
To inquiry the processes of students’s learning and conceptual change when they use dynamic analogy for learning--An example of 8th students to learn the concepts about gas particles’ movement--
指導教授: 邱美虹
Chiu, Mei-Hung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 242
中文關鍵詞: 類比動態表徵概念改變概念本體心智模式
英文關鍵詞: Analogy, Dynamic representations, Cnoceptual change, Conceptual ontology, Mental models
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:200下載:95
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  • 探究動態類比對於科學概念學習與概念改變歷程之研究

    To inquiry the processes of students’s learning and conceptual change when they use dynamic analogy for learning
    - An example of 8th students to learn the concepts about gas particles’ movement-
    Both analogy and multiple representations play very important roles in science education. So many researches have demonstrated that they can help students learn abstract scientific concepts. The purpose of this study is trying to combine Analogy and Dynamic representations for developing Dynamic analogy instruction, and inquiring the processes of students’ learning and conceptual change about the movement of ideal gas particles.
    There were fifty-seven 8th students joining this study and they were been randomly assigned into three groups.:1.The comparison group, the instruction treatment in this group did not involve analogy and animation. 2.The analogy group, the instruction treatment was Lotto-analogy, but no animation. 3.The dynamic analogy group, the instruction treatment were both Lotto-analogy and animation. There were six target students interviewed within each group.
    The results of this study were as follows:
    First, the dynamic analogy group and analogy group had better achievement and had greater effects in conceptual ontology than comparison group. Though dynamic analogy group acquired all whole emergence attributes more quickly than analogy group, in other words, analogy group needed more teaching and learning time to adapt Lotto-analogy.
    Second, in the quantitative analysis of target students’ protocol data, there were five major mental models which be defined in this study. These were (1. Plunger-Driving model, (2. Crowed-Particles model, (3. Particles-Collided model, (4. Walls-Collided model, (5. Mixed models. The results of qualitative analysis revealed that students in dynamic analogy group and analogy group used the scientific models more consistently across different context. In the opposition, the students in comparison group used mixed models when they encountered different problem context.
    To combine the results of quantitative and qualitative analysis showed that the dynamic analogy group was better than analogy group, and analogy group had greater effects than comparison group. So, the Lotto-analogy was a powerful analogy for students to learn the conceptions of movement about ideal gas particles. Take these results into account, there are two suggestions for science education. First, if the educational budgets are sufficient, dynamic analogy should be developed to help students learn difficult and abstract conceptions of idea gas. Second, if the budgets are not sufficient, a well-designed analogy will be a good instructional strategy and a suitable tool for conceptual change.

    第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究背景------------------------------------------1 第二節 研究目的與問題------------------------------------3 第三節 名詞釋義------------------------------------------5 第四節 研究範圍與限制------------------------------------7 第二章 文獻探討與分析-----------------------------------8 第一節 類比與科學學習------------------------------------9 第二節 科技與多重表徵------------------------------------20 第三節 概念改變------------------------------------------43 第四節 粒子觀點與氣體粒子相關研究------------------------66 第三章 研究方法----------------------------------------------72 第一節 研究架構設計--------------------------------------72 第二節 研究對象------------------------------------------73 第三節 氣體粒子相關概念----------------------------------73 第四節 研究工具------------------------------------------76 第五節 類比物的發展--------------------------------------80 第六節 類比物的呈現方式----------------------------------88 第七節 實施程序------------------------------------------89 第八節 資料分析方法--------------------------------------92 第四章 結果分析與討論----------------------------------------98 量化分析部份 第一節 前測起始知識分析-----------------------------------98 第二節 不同教學之後,各組學生表現分析---------------------100 第三節 不同教學之後,各組進步幅度分析---------------------106 第四節 三組延宕測驗分析-----------------------------------108 第五節 不同教學處置,學生的概念本體轉變分析---------------111 第六節 【量化分析結果—綜合討論】------------------------122 質化分析部份 第七節 密閉容器內氣體壓力的心智模式分析-------------------124 第八節 氣體擴散平衡心智模式分析---------------------------152 第九節 動機學習情意面向分析-------------------------------169 第十節 【量化與質化結果—綜合討論】-----------------------177 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 研究結論-------------------------------------------185 第二節 對於科學教育的啟示與建議---------------------------190 第三節 未來研究的建議-------------------------------------191 參考文獻-------------------------------------------------------193 附錄 附錄一:氣體粒子運動概念試卷-------------------------------205 附錄二:概念本體試卷---------------------------------------215 附錄三:情意學習問卷(對照組)-----------------------------218 附錄四:情意學習問卷(類比組)-----------------------------219 附錄五:情意學習問卷(動態類比組)-------------------------220 附錄六:氣體粒子運動文本教材-------------------------------222 附錄七:動態類比組動畫PPT----------------------------------226 附錄八:題本解答篇-----------------------------------------233

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