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研究生: 陳思緯
論文名稱: 於國小資訊課學習中導入合寫筆記並編寫總結之初探性研究
Preliminary Exploration Study on Applying Collaborative Note-taking with Writing Summaries in Primary Information Science Class
指導教授: 邱瓊慧
Chiu, Chiung-Hui
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 131
中文關鍵詞: 寫筆記合寫筆記總結策略複習策略
英文關鍵詞: note-taking, collaborative note-taking, summarization strategy, reviewing strategy
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:350下載:0
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Note-taking includes two processes: 1) producing process, in which students excerpt important notions by brief words or signs and 2) reviewing process, in which students revise class content through the notes. The purpose of this study is to investigate the feasibility of applying collaborative note-taking in primary information science classes. In producing process, students were asked to take notes with the support of matrixes. In reviewing process, students were asked to revise notes by writing summaries. The forms of collaboration included co-editing and sharing. Therefore, the collaborative note-taking activities explored in this study included “co-editing notes then writing summaries” activity and “sharing notes then writing summaries” activity. In addition, this study also investigated the discrepancies of these two kinds of collaborative note-taking activities. Furthermore, to probe the effects of co-editing summaries and sharing summaries, this study take “co-editing notes then reading notes” activity and “sharing notes then reading notes” activity as control groups. Eight classes from an elementary school in Tainan County, a total of 259 sixth graders, participated in this study and were randomly assigned to four groups, a) co-editing notes then writing summaries, b) co-editing then reading notes, c) sharing notes then writing summaries, and d) sharing notes then reading notes. As the results indicate, when students participated in collaborative note-taking activity with writing summaries, those who in co-editing manner could take more notes than in sharing manner. Besides, it could be that students didn’t implement accurately in the step of writing summaries so that there is no significant difference between “collaboratively producing notes then writing summaries” and “collaboratively producing notes then reading notes.”

第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 1 第二節 研究目的 5 第三節 待答問題 6 第四節 名詞釋義 7 第二章 文獻探討 10 第一節 寫筆記的作用與成效 10 第二節 筆記的格式 11 第三節 寫筆記的訓練與教學的策略 14 第四節 合寫筆記 16 第五節 總結的作用與成效 20 第六節 總結的類型 22 第七節 總結的困難與教學 27 第八節 總結品質的評量 28 第九節 國內的研究情形 30 第十節 綜合評述 33 第十一節 研究假設 34 第三章 研究方法及進行步驟 36 第一節 研究設計 36 第二節 研究架構 37 第三節 參與者 38 第四節 實驗教材 39 第五節 支援實驗活動的平台 40 第六節 實驗活動 43 第七節 研究工具 47 第八節 研究流程 49 第九節 資料分析 52 第四章 結果 56 第一節 有效樣本 56 第二節 「共編筆記與總結」寫筆記活動的情形 57 第三節 「分享筆記與總結」寫筆記活動的情形 67 第四節 「共編筆記與總結」和「分享筆記與總結」寫筆記活動的差異 76 第五章 討論 88 第一節 「共編筆記與總結」寫筆記活動的情形 88 第二節 「分享筆記與總結」寫筆記活動的情形 93 第三節 「共編筆記與總結」和「分享筆記與總結」寫筆記活動的差異 97 第六章 結論與建議 99 第一節 結論 99 第二節 研究限制 99 第三節 建議 100 參考文獻 102 附錄 110 附錄1 電腦連線的方式 111 附錄2 網頁的組成要素 113 附錄3 認識影像檔案 116 附錄4 FTP的原理 119 附錄5 電腦連線上網的試卷 122 附錄6 網頁組成要素的試卷 124 附錄7 認識影像檔案的試卷 126 附錄8 FTP原理的試卷 129

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