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研究生: 許婉琳
Wanlin Sheu
論文名稱: 字母拼讀法對音韻覺識的影響研究
The Effects of Explicit Phonics Instruction on the Development of Phonological Awareness
指導教授: 陳純音
Chen, Chun-Yin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2008
畢業學年度: 96
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 字母拼讀法音韻覺識合音切音
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:657下載:41
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  • 摘要
    一、 整體說來,小二學生在經過「字母拼讀法」的教法後,音韻覺識的表現確實有進步的。此外,研究結果顯示,此教學法對低成就學習者以及低音韻覺識的學生幫助尤為顯著。然而對高成就學習者及具高音韻覺識的學生則無。
    二、 學童主要在兩項音韻覺識的項目上進步顯著:「VC合音」以及「音素切音」。
    三、 學童對字母與字母聲音關係連結的掌握越高,也越能有音韻覺識能力,如:合音、切音、以及押韻。
    四、 六個音韻覺識能力的項目在難易程度(由簡單到困難依序為):「VC合音」< 「CVC合音」及音節切音 < 押韻 < 「音素切音」< 「CVC合音」的口說能力。
    五、 學生在六項音韻覺識項目所遭遇的困難包括:字母名稱與字母發音的混淆、相似聲音的錯誤替換、以及多重語音影響等的因素。


    The purpose of the quasi-experimental study is to evaluate the effects of explicit phonics instruction on the phonological awareness (PA) development of thirty four second graders. The major focus of the explicit phonics instruction was to explicitly arouse students’ awareness of letter-sound knowledge and PA skills, such as, blending and segmentation. Over a semester, after the students underwent the treatment for five periods (approximately 200 mins) of intensive trainings, a quantitative approach was implemented to address to the research questions proposed.
    The results of the present study are as follows:
    1. The subjects’ overall phonological awareness skills were improved after explicit phonics instruction. In particularly, the low-achievers and the low-PA students made the most progress in the posttest. However, the instructional effect was not as obvious for the high achievers and the high-PA students.
    2. The subjects improved greatly in the VC blending task and the phoneme segmentation task.
    3. The subjects’ alphabetic knowledge played facilitative role in enhancing their phonological awareness skills, such as blending, phoneme segmentation, and rhyming.
    4. The difficulty orders of the six phonological awareness tasks, from the easiest to the most difficult, were VC-blending < syllable segmentation & CVC-blending < rhyming < phoneme segmentation < CVC oral production.
    5. The subjects’ difficulties in their PA performances might result from: letter sound and letter name confusion, wrong substitution of similar letter sounds, and the influence of multiple phonological factors.

    The pedagogical implications of the present study lie in that this explicit approach of phonics instruction is favorable for enhancing students’ phonological awareness ability, especially low-PA students. In addition, this approach is most likely to boost students’ two phonological awareness skills, such as, VC blending and phoneme segmentation. Furthermore, it is suggested that teachers should build up students’ alphabetic knowledge first in promoting their phonological awareness ability. They are also recommended to provide students with more minimal pairs and practices when introducing confusing sounds.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Page Acknowledgements... ii Chinese Abstract....... iii English Abstract........ iv Table of Contents...... vi List of Figures........... ix List of Tables............. x CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Research Questions 3 1.3 Significance of the Study 4 1.4 Definition of the Terms Used in the Study 4 1.5 Organization of the Thesis 7 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW 8 2.1 Concepts of Phonics 8 2.1.1 The Importance of Phonics Instruction 9 2.1.2 Phonics Instruction Approaches 16 2.2 Concepts of Phonological Awareness 20 2.2.1 Phonological Awareness and Development of Early Literacy 21 2.2.2 Phonological Awareness Training Activities 23 2.3 The Reciprocal Relationship Between Phonics and Phonological Awareness...................................................................................................26 2.4 Summary of Chapter Two 29 CHAPTER THREE METHODOLOGY 31 3.1 Research Design 31 3.2 Participants 32 3.3 Instruments 33 3.3.1 Classroom Observation 33 3.3.2 Teacher Interview 34 3.3.3 Assessment Tasks 34 Alphabetic Knowledge 36 Rhyming 36 Blending 37 Segmentation 38 3.4 Explicit Phonics Instruction 40 3.4.1 Individual Letter-Sound Mapping 41 3.4.2 Blending Skill 42 3.4.3 Segmentation Skill 44 3.4.3 Recognition of Sight Words 47 3.5 Scoring 47 3.6 Data Analysis 49 3.7 Summary of Chapter Three 52 CHAPTER FOUR RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 53 4.1 Students’ Progress in Phonological Awareness After Explicit Phonics Instruction 53 4.2 Aspects of Phonological Awareness Enhanced via Explicit Phonics 57 Instruction 57 4.3 Correlation between Students’ Alphabetic Knowledge and Their Phonological Awareness Skills 61 4.4 The Hierarchical Difficulties of Raising Phonological Awareness 64 4.5 The Learning Difficulties of Students in the Phonological Awareness Tasks ....................................................................................................................68 4.6 Summary of Chapter Four...........................................................................74 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION 75 5.1 Summary of the Major Findings 75 5.2 Pedagogical Implications 76 5.3 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Further Research 78 REFERENCES............ 79 Appendix A Lesson Plans 85 Appendix B Teacher Interview Questions 90 Appendix C Pretest 91 Appendix D Posttest 93


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