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研究生: 俞大智
William Ta-Chih Yu
論文名稱: 音樂資料庫中重複及循序特徵探勘之研究
Mining Repeating and Sequential Patterns from Music Databases
指導教授: 柯佳伶
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 65
中文關鍵詞: 資料探勘重複特徵循序特徵
英文關鍵詞: data mining, repeating pattern, sequential pattern
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:302下載:0
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  • 在此論文中,我們探討音樂資料探勘的兩個主要問題,包含探勘一首樂曲中的重複特徵,以及多首樂曲中共同出現的循序特徵。重複特徵是指一首樂曲中重複出現之音符序列,能表現該樂曲之主要旋律。而多首樂曲中所具有的共同循序特徵還可以分為常出現循序特徵以及常出現非連續循序特徵兩種,其能夠表現出這些樂曲的共同旋律特性。這兩類特徵均是樂曲資料的重要屬性,可以作為樂曲搜尋或分類之關鍵特徵。

    In this paper, two research issues on music data mining are studied. The first one is mining repeating patterns in a single music and the other one is mining common sequential patterns in a set of music. The common sequential patterns can be classified further into two kinds of patterns: one is large sequential pattern and another is non-continuous sequential pattern. These kinds of patterns can represent the important features of music, which can be used for music data retrieval or music classification. The MRP algorithm is proposed for mining repeating patterns. The basic idea is to add one note at a time to produce the candidate note streams. Then the bit index stream representation is designed for counting the appearing frequency of a note stream efficiently in order to verify the repeating patterns. In addition, the appearance bit stream representation is proposed to cooperate with the bit index stream representation for mining the large sequential patterns. Moreover, by applying the pattern join algorithm, the large non-continuous sequential patterns will be found from the combinations of the large sequential patterns. Finally, the result of the experiments shows that the proposed algorithms have better performance than the related works.

    附表目錄 ii 附圖目錄 iii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 背景與研究動機......................................................................... 1 1.2 相關研究..................................................................................... 1 1.3 研究目標..................................................................................... 6 1.4 文章架構..................................................................................... 7 第二章 相關定義 8 2.1 問題說明..................................................................................... 8 2.2 音樂中的重複特徵與循序特徵................................................. 9 2.3 問題分解..................................................................................... 14 第三章 重複特徵的探勘 15 3.1 位元索引表................................................................................. 15 3.2 相連結構..................................................................................... 20 3.3 重複特徵的探勘演算法............................................................. 23 第四章 循序特徵的探勘 30 4.1 音符組合結構............................................................................. 30 4.2 常出現循序特徵的探勘............................................................. 31 4.3 常出現非連續循序特徵的探勘................................................. 38 第五章 效率評估 47 5.1 探勘重複特徵實驗結果............................................................. 47 5.2 探勘常出現循序特徵實驗結果................................................. 58 第六章 結論與未來方向 62 參考文獻 63

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