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研究生: 劉澐涵
Liu, Yung-Han
論文名稱: 跨性別者國高中校園經驗之回溯性研究
The retrospective research of transgender students' high school life experiences.
指導教授: 林佳範
Lin, Chia-Fan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 公民教育與活動領導學系
Department of Civic Education and Leadership
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 跨性別者多元性別
英文關鍵詞: transgender, the multi-dimensionality of gender
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:118下載:40
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  • 本研究透過三位跨性者進行個案回溯性研究,訪問跨性別者之中學校園生活,本研究以「性別」作為研究途徑,以跨性別作為選擇問題與相關資料的標準,藉由深度訪談來瞭解跨性別在中學校園內所面對處境──霸凌、學校與家庭、課程、制服、廁所等,並據此出相關政策性建議。本論文之研究目的如下:
    一、 跨性別學生面對那些性別相關的校園經驗,以及如何因應這些校園經驗;透過對跨性別學生的訪談與分析,增加自己與讀者教學與輔導的能力。
    二、 透過跨性別學生的觀點,檢視校園中的課程安排、設備配置、制服規定等,是否符合性別多元之需求,並提供支持系統與輔導方式的建議。
    三、 結合跨性別學生的經驗,增進學術上對跨性別者在中學校園經驗的理解。
    一、 校園中關於課程的性別知能不足,面對多元性別,師生都應有性別光譜的概念,性別意識應該是整體校園氛圍的改變,甚至落實行動層面。
    (一) 跨性別者:除加強多元性別的課程之外,針對性霸凌、騷擾、歧視的處理和預防層面,應加強宣導提出申訴的程序與管道。
    (二) 一般教師與學生同儕:除了增加教師與學生對多元性別的認知,更應積極的對學生性霸凌的老師開啟性平程序,避免在校園權力不對等的情況下,因為旁觀者的漠視使損害不斷擴大。
    (三) 輔導教師:運用各種人際網絡實施良師益友方案,加強對風險中的青少年關懷,也為教師提供具體做法,讓跨性別者可以接受自己的與眾不同。
    (四) 家長:學校可以舉辦各式活動,來協助家長認識有關多元性別、性霸凌等議題,使家長成為多元性別教育之助力而非阻力。
    二、 制服:制服是個人表達言論自由、展現自我性別認同的方式。若減少制服中所存有的性別二元刻板印象,或是同意跨性別學生希望能穿著符合其性別認同的制服,避免因其性別認同而給予差別對待,協助其融入校園。
    三、 廁所:多數人認為無性別廁所是友善的做法,但對部分跨性別者來說,在校園中給予他使用不符合其生理性別廁所之權利,而不是要求他只能使用無性別廁所,才是真正的友善。

    The research conducts on the retrospective case study of three transgenders to explore their senior high school life via interview. "Gender" was set up as the research approach and "transgender" as the criteria for selecting problems and collecting information. Through in-depth interviews with these transgenders, the research aims to investigate the issues that the transgenders had to go through in high school, such as bullying, school and family, curriculum, uniform, restroom, and so on, on the basis of which the research proposed related policy recommendations. The research goals are listed as follows:
    1. The research explored the gender-related school experience which transgender students faced and the way they dealt with the situations. In addition, the interview with these students and the analysis of collected data could enhance the reader’s as well as my teaching and guidance abilities.
    2. Based on the transgender students' perspectives, the research examine the requirements of LGBT (Lesbians, Gays, Bisexuals, and Transgender) students in the campus, including the curriculum organizations, facility arrangement, uniform regulation, and so on. Moreover, the research also provided the recommendations on supporting systems and guidance measures.
    3. The research also integrated the experience of transgender students to improve the understanding of the world of academia on transgenders’ school experience.
    The research results and recommendations are listed as follows:
    1. The gender cognitive knowledge is lacked in the lessons taught in school. When encountering LGBT people, teachers and students should have the concept of gender spectrum. Gender consciousness should be incorporated in the transformation of school atmosphere and even at the practical level.
    (1) Transgender: Schools should not only increase the curriculum on LGBT issues, but also promote the information on the procedures as well as preventions of bullying, harassments, and discriminations and the channels fo which the transgenders can voice their complaints.
    (2) Teachers and students: Schools should enhance teachers’ and students’ understanding of the LGBT people. Moreover, schools should lead the gender equity procedure to deal with teachers who have exposed students to sexual bullying. It will prevent more harm brought about by power inequality and people’s indifference.
    (3) Counseling teachers: These teachers should conduct the Mentoring Program through each kind of social network to enhance the care and assistance for high-risk teenagers. Also, the Program will provide specific methods for teachers to boost transgender students’ self-esteem.
    (4) Parents: Schools can hold various kinds of activities for parents to understand the topics of LGBT rights, sexual bullying, and so on. These activities will help parents assist the promotions of LGBT education.
    2. Uniforms: It is a means for the students to express their freedom of speech and to show their own gender identities. To prevent the discrimination due to the gender identity of transgender students and to assist them to participate in school life, schools can reduce the binary gender stereotype of uniforms or allow these students to dress the uniforms that are best suited to their own gender identities.
    3. Restroom: Most people consider that the gender neutral restrooms are friendly for LGBT. In fact, really friendly service for a part of transgender should not only request them to utilize gender neutral restrooms, but support their access rights to the restrooms which do not comply with their physical gender.
    Instead of forcing these students to change their gender inclination, the practice of LGBT education should enhance their self-recognition, consider the influence of the gender-related topics on their self-development, and embrace their individuality. Moreover, in terms of the relationship between the self and the others, LGBT education should help students explore the interactions between gender-related topics and social structures, to comprehend their own rights and obligations, and to construct equal interpersonal interaction. Finally, in terms of of gender self-breakthrough, LGBT education hopes that transgender students can develop active strategies on the basis of their internal empowerment, and establish equal gender relationship based on mutual respect. In addition, schools should construct a student-oriented and gender-friendly environment, and reduce gender-related bullying and discriminations. In order to build a friendly school where the students feel a sense of happiness during their mental development and growth, schools should protect the right of students who have different gender identity or inclination, and put the real gender equity into practice on the basis of mutual respective and friendly educational environment.

    第一章 緒論………………………………………………………………01 第一節 研究動機……………………………………………………01 第二節 研究目的與問題……………………………………………03 第三節 名詞釋義……………………………………………………07 第二章 文獻探討…………………………………………………………08 第一節 何謂跨性別者?……………………………………………08 第二節 醫學中的跨性別者…………………………………………13 第三節 跨性別者從校園到社會環境的衝突與適應………………15 第四節 「跨性別」在我國相關政策中的定位……………………27 第五節 各國如何建立對跨性別者友善的校園環境………………35 第三章 研究設計…………………………………………………………40 第一節 研究架構……………………………………………………40 第二節 研究設計……………………………………………………40 第三節 研究倫理……………………………………………………44 第四章 研究結果與分析…………………………………………………46 第一節 訪談對象背景簡介…………………………………………46 第二節 跨性別學生在校園中的人際互動…………………………47 第三節 課程中跨性別議題之缺乏…………………………………68 第五章 結論………………………………………………………………85 第一節 結論與建議…………………………………………………85 第二節 未來展望……………………………………………………91 參考文獻……………………………………………………………………93

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