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研究生: 陳星錏
Tan, Sin-Ya
論文名稱: 馬來西亞三大族群幼兒的繪畫表現之初探
A Preliminary Study of Children’s Drawing Performance of Three Major Ethnic Groups in Malaysia
指導教授: 賴文鳳
Lai, Wen-Feng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 171
中文關鍵詞: 幼兒繪畫自由畫主題畫馬來西亞三大族群
英文關鍵詞: children’s drawings, free drawing, thematic drawing, three major ethnic groups in Malaysia
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000360
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:136下載:0
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  • 本研究旨在了解馬來西亞馬來族、華族與印度族幼兒自由畫及主題畫「我跟大家一起吃東西」之繪畫表現及其相似與相異之處。本研究以就讀馬來西亞柔佛州新山縣公私立幼兒園的4至6歲幼兒為研究對象。其中,參與自由畫的幼兒共98位(馬來族30位、華族33位、印度族35位);參與主題畫的幼兒共68位(馬來族16位、華族25位、印度族27位)。三個族群的參與幼兒在性別及年齡上均無顯著差異。本研究以小組及團體施測之方式蒐集繪畫資料,並以相關文獻為基礎,發展繪畫編碼表了解幼兒的繪畫表現。研究結果說明如下:



    This study aimed to understand the similarities and differences of Malaysian Malay, Chinese and Indian children’s free drawings and thematic drawings “Me eating with people”. Participants included children aged 4 to 6 years who attended public or private kindergartens in Johor Bahru. Ninety-eight children participated in free drawings (30 Malays, 33 Chinese, 35 Indians), and 68 children participated in thematic drawings (16 Malays, 25 Chinese, 27 Indians). There were no significant gender-ratio and age differences among three ethnic groups. Children drew pictures in groups. Two codebooks were designed according to relevant research, including “Free drawing codebook” and “Thematic drawing codebook”. The primary results were as follows:

    1.For free drawing: (1) There were no significant differences in the distribution of different theme types among three ethnic groups. (2) The frequency of content elements in drawings of three ethnic groups was significantly different in the categories of characters, food and text symbols. (3) There was no significant difference in the average number of colors used in the drawings among three ethnic groups. (4) The result revealed significant differences in the frequency of conventional structural level of human figure among three ethnic groups. Additionally, no significant difference in the frequency details and size of human figures.

    2.For thematic drawings: (1) There were no significant differences in the distribution of relevant and irrelevant drawings among three ethnic groups. (2) Regarding categories of content elements, significant differences were found in the frequency of food, animals and text symbols. Additionally, the frequency of two food categories, grains related and fruit, was significantly different among three ethnic groups. (3) There was no significant difference in the average number of colors used in the drawings among three ethnic groups. (4) The results showed significant differences in the frequency of tadpole and conventional structural levels of human figures among three ethnic groups. Moreover, there were significant differences in the size of the human figures, but no significant difference in the frequency of details human figures among three ethnic groups.

    謝辭 i 中文摘要 ii 英文摘要 iii 目錄 iv 表次 vi 圖次 ix 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的 7 第三節 研究問題 7 第四節 名詞釋義 8 第二章 文獻探討 11 第一節 幼兒繪畫之發展與表現 11 第二節 馬來西亞三大族群及其文化之探究 45 第三節 不同文化幼兒的繪畫表現之相關研究 63 第三章 研究方法 73 第一節 研究架構與取向 73 第二節 研究場域與研究對象 76 第三節 研究資料蒐集程序及方法 81 第四節 研究資料之分析與整理 84 第四章 研究結果 95 第一節 馬來西亞三大族群幼兒自由畫之繪畫表現分析結果 95 第二節 馬來西亞三大族群幼兒主題畫之繪畫表現分析結果 115 第五章 討論與建議 139 第一節 研究結果討論 139 第二節 研究結論 147 第三節 研究限制與建議 149 參考文獻 153 附錄 169 附錄一、幼兒家長同意書 169 附錄二、幼兒教師同意書 170 附錄三、附圖 171

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