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研究生: 楊弦陵
Hsuan-ling Yang
論文名稱: 中日電視廣告語篇之跨文化分析與教學應用
Cross Cultural Analysis of Chinese and Japanese Television Advertisements and its Pedagogical Application
指導教授: 謝佳玲
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 140
中文關鍵詞: 中日電視廣告語篇跨文化教學應用
英文關鍵詞: Chinese/Japanese, television advertisement, discourse, cross-culture, pedagogical application
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:282下載:26
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  • 本研究以跨文化視角比較同屬東方文化下、以集體主義和高語境文化為主的中日電視廣告語篇。綜觀過去研究,探討集體與個體主義、高語境與低語境文化的文獻主要針對東、西方的差異,缺乏同屬東方或西方文化範疇下不同國家的對比研究,例如中文與日文。而廣告可視為文化的載體,在廣告媒體中,電視廣告的使用最為廣泛,然而國內電視廣告研究多從廣告學與行銷視角出發,缺乏語言學層面的分析;西方研究廣告語言的文獻多著眼於廣告中零散的詞句,未將廣告視為一完整的語篇剖析整體。再者,電視廣告語篇研究未曾出現將結構、形式與訊息結合之文獻,因此本研究欲探討中日電視廣告語篇結構類目、表現形式與訊息策略之跨文化分析。

    Based on a cross-cultural point of view, this study compares television advertisements in Chinese and Japanese, both of which are featured collectivism and high-context culture in the oriential cultural background. Research on collectivism and individualism, and high-context and low-context culture, mostly focused on the differences between the East and the West, and lacks of the comparision between two languages used in different countries that belong to the same cultural region, like Chinese and Japanese. Furthermore, advertisements can be seen as reflection of culture, while television advertising is the mainly used form in all types of advertising. However, research on television advertising in Taiwan has dealt with the issues in respect of marketing or the nature of advertisements. The linguistic perspective in television advertisements has been left untouched. At the same time, western research on language usage in advertising has mainly emphasized on segments of phrases or sentences, and has never viewed its advertisements as a whole and examined under a complete discourse. Against this backdrop, this study aims to analyze the structural categories, forms, and message strategies in Chinese and Japanese television advertisements, and to make a cross-cultural comparison.
    Corpus used in this paper was collected from cable television and terrestrial television network of Taiwan, as well as Japanese television advertisement archives on-line. According to the qualitative and quantitative analysis on it, the result demonstrates distinctive preferences for structural categories, forms, and message strategies in television advertisements both in Taiwan and Japan. Chinese advertisements fall right into the category of “reason advertising,” which begins with product-related information or the name of the product, and then introduces the “function” and “feature” of the product. This type of message strategy puts it main emphasis on the precision of the language instead of on the cultural context. Therefore, Chinese television advertisements show characteristics of a low-context culture. On the other hand, in Japanese advertisements, not only “reasoning” but also “tickling” are observed. This type of strategy often incorporates non-product related messages, such as narrative, drama, and music, with the advertisements, in which a kind of “lifestyle” is created. This feature implies that less prominence is given to language itself in Japanese advertisements, while important messages are usually delivered through contextual clues, such as time and space, situation, and relationship. This finding indicates Japanese advertisements fall into the category of a high-context culture.
    The commonly used structure of discourse and formula of message strategy found in Chinese advertisements will be pointed out in the end of this study. Based on these findings, teaching suggestions on culture will be given to Japanese-speaking Chinese learners, in hope of improving their comprehension ability on cross cultural knowledge.

    謝辭 i 中文摘要 iii Abstract iv 目錄 vi 表目錄 ix 圖目錄 x 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究動機與目的 1 1.2 名詞釋義 5 1.3 研究範圍與架構 6 第二章 文獻回顧 8 2.1 文化概述 8 2.1.1 集體主義與個體主義 8 2.1.2 高語境與低語境文化 11 2.1.3 中日文化特徵 15 2.2 文化與廣告 18 2.2.1 廣告的跨文化研究 19 2.2.2 廣告概述 20 2.2.3 電視廣告 22 2.3 電視廣告語篇 24 2.3.1 電視廣告結構類目 25 2.3.2 電視廣告表現形式 27 2.3.3 電視廣告訊息策略 30 2.4 第二語言文化教學 32 2.4.1 電視廣告之真實材料 32 2.4.2 聽說課中的文化教學 34 2.5 小結 36 第三章 研究方法 37 3.1 語料來源與蒐集程序 37 3.2 語料分析與類目建構 41 3.3 交互觀察者信度研究 49 第四章 研究結果與討論 51 4.1 結構類目分析結果 51 4.1.1 中文電視廣告 51 4.1.2 日文電視廣告 56 4.1.3 跨文化分析 62 4.2 表現形式分析結果 64 4.2.1 中文電視廣告 64 4.2.2 日文電視廣告 72 4.2.3 跨文化分析 82 4.3 訊息策略分析結果 84 4.3.1 中文電視廣告 84 4.3.2 日文電視廣告 87 4.3.3 跨文化分析 92 4.4 討論 93 4.4.1 本文研究問題回應 94 4.4.2 中日電視廣告語境 98 4.5 小結 100 第五章 教學應用 103 5.1 教學資源 103 5.1.1 課前準備 103 5.1.2 常見形式之結構與策略 105 5.2 教學建議 107 5.2.1 教學重點 107 5.2.2 教學設計 108 第六章 結論 117 6.1 研究總結 117 6.2 研究限制 119

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