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研究生: 孫婉菁
論文名稱: 攻擊傾向與遊戲情境對國小兒童攻擊行為之影響
指導教授: 張文哲
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2003
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 267
中文關鍵詞: 攻擊傾向兒童遊戲情境合作情境競爭情境內隱攻擊態度意向歸因生氣強度同儕回饋
英文關鍵詞: aggressive children, game situation, cooperative situation, competitive situation, implicit aggressive attitudes, attribution, anger, feedback of classmates
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:294下載:29
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  • 中 文 摘 要
    本研究選取台北縣高年級國小學童240名作為研究的對象,採取兩種實驗設計。在「內隱攻擊態度」及攻擊強度中的「肢體衝突」、「口語衝突」三個變項上,採取2(攻擊傾向及非攻擊傾向組)× 2(競爭遊戲情境及合作遊戲情境)受試者間設計,獨變項為受試者的攻擊傾向及遊戲情境,依變項則為內隱攻擊態度、肢體衝突與口語衝突。在「意向歸因」、「生氣強度」、攻擊強度中的「回應攻擊強度」、「抗議他人次數」及「同儕回饋」的變項上,採取2(攻擊傾向及非攻擊傾向組)×2(競爭遊戲情境及合作遊戲情境)×2(書寫方法及口述方法)混合設計,獨變項為受試者的攻擊傾向、遊戲情境及方法,依變項則為意向歸因、生氣強度、攻擊強度、抗議他人次數及同儕回饋。

    西 文 摘 要
    The purposes of this study were:(1)to investigate the differences of aggressive children and non-aggressive children in implicit aggressive attitudes, intentional attribution, anger, aggression, and feedback from classmates,(2)to investigate the effects of cooperative and competitive situation on children’s implicit aggressive attitudes, intentional attribution, anger, aggression, and feedback from classmates,(3)to investigate the interaction effects of aggressive tendency and game situation on the afore mentioned variables.
    Subjects are 240 fifth and sixth graders in Taipei. This study employed two kinds of experiment designs: (1) a 2 (aggressive and non-aggressive) × 2 (cooperation and competition) between-subject design on the three variables of implicit aggressive attitudes, body conflicts, and verbal conflicts, and (2) a 2 (aggressive and non-aggressive) × 2 (cooperation and competition) × 2 (write and spoken method) on the variables of intentional attribution, anger, reactive aggression, protest number, feedback from classmates.
    The instruments employed in this study included Game Reflective Form and Word-Stem Completion. Some data were collected verbally. The two-way and three-way ANOVA’s were used to analyze the data.
    The findings were as follows:
    1.The aggressive children had been found to be high on implicit aggressive attitudes, intentional attribution, anger, aggression, and protests from classmates than the non-aggressive children.
    2.The children showed higher significant main effect on all variables of implicit aggressive attitudes, intentional attribution, anger, aggression, and got more protests from classmates in competitive situation than in the cooperative one.
    3.An interaction effect between aggressive tendency and game situation were found on all dependent variables, indicating that the aggressive children were more affected by competitive situation.
    The findings of this study were discussed. And some recommendations had been presented in relation to school educators, parenting and future research.

    中文摘要 英文摘要 第一章 序論 第一節 研究動機.................................... 1 第二節 研究目的與假設.............................. 8 第三節 解釋名詞.................................... 12 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 攻擊傾向與非攻擊傾向兒童的差異.............. 19 第二節 兒童在合作與競爭情境下的差異................ 40 第三節 攻擊傾向與社會情境的交互作用................ 51 第四節 字幹填充測驗的相關研究...................... 59 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究對象.................................... 61 第二節 實驗設計.................................... 63 第三節 實驗材料.................................... 64 第四節 實驗程序.................................... 75 第五節 資料統計.................................... 88 第四章 研究結果 第一節 內隱攻擊態度................................ 89 第二節 意向歸因.................................... 94 第三節 生氣強度.................................... 97 第四節 攻擊強度.................................... 102 第五節 同儕回饋.................................... 123 第五章 討論 第一節 攻擊傾向的影響.............................. 139 第二節 遊戲情境的影響.............................. 152 第三節 攻擊傾向與遊戲情境的交互作用................ 163 第四節 方法的影響.................................. 176 第六章 結論與建議 第一節 結論........................................ 187 第二節 建議........................................ 192 參考文獻............................................... 203 附錄 附錄一 遊戲感想學習單.............................. 217 附錄二 字幹填充測驗................................ 220 附錄三 字幹填充測驗範本............................ 222 附錄四 團體觀察紀錄單.............................. 224 附錄五 口述紀錄單.................................. 227 附錄六 號碼背衣---座號對照表....................... 229 附錄七 故事角色提名卷.............................. 231 附錄八 教師提名卷.................................. 234 附錄九 同儕提名統計單.............................. 237 附錄十 五年級合作情境分數紀錄表.................... 239 附錄十一 六年級合作情境分數紀錄表.................. 246 附錄十二 五年級競爭情境分數紀錄表.................. 253 附錄十三 六年級競爭情境分數記錄表.................. 260

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