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研究生: 林志謙
Lin, Chih-Chien
論文名稱: 體操訓練對兒童視覺空間工作記憶表現影響之事件關聯電位研究
Effects of gymnastic Training on Visuo-Spatial Working Memory in children : An Event-Related Potential Study
指導教授: 洪聰敏
Hung, Tsung-Min
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 執行功能體適能動作適能發展
英文關鍵詞: executive function, fitness, motor fitness, development
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203561
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:187下載:40
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  • 研究背景:學齡期兒童處於發展動作協調能力的最佳時期,給予兒童合理的運動經驗和刺激,尤其是大腦認知功能與身體協調能力的培養,對兒童日後動作學習及日常生活功能有其相當的重要性。而體操運動特別注重視覺空間與身體控制能力,對於協調能力方面亦是相當注重。因此,本研究探討體操運動對於兒童在視覺空間工作記憶作業是否有較佳的表現。目的:探討體操訓練對兒童視覺空間工作記憶表現的影響。方法:招募體操組24名及控制組20名,共44名7至10歲研究參與者。所有研究參與者均接受校內一般體育課程活動,僅體操組額外進行8週中低運動強度 (每週2次,每次90分鐘) 的體操運動訓練。運動介入前、後皆施測兒童動作評估量表二版、基本運動能力評估、視覺空間工作記憶作業並同步收錄腦波資料。結果:從事長期體操運動的兒童,能顯著提高M-ABC-2 (拋接精準、身體平衡、整體表現)、基本運動能力 (4公尺折返跑、坐姿體前彎、立定跳遠、20公尺衝刺、曲臂懸掛) 與VSWM作業的反應正確率;在事件關聯電位部分,體操組相較於前測,後測在VSWM作業顯著有較大的P3振幅。值得一提的是,相較於體操組,控制組在VSWM作業後測顯著有較小的pSW振幅表現。討論:本研究結果顯示為期8週的體操訓練能夠提升孩童的動作能力及視覺空間相關的認知功能,說明體操可作為學齡兒童身體活動的選擇之一。

    Background: The school-aged period is the critical moment to promote children’s motor coordination and cognitive function. An adequate amount of daily exercise may stimulate brain plasticity, and improve motor learning capacities and everyday life functioning in short and long term. Gymnastics exercise emphases on visual spatial function and body control, and capacity of coordination. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to investigate the effects of gymnastics on body movement ability and visuo-spatial working memory in children. Methods: Forty-four children were recruited and randomly assigned into either the experimental group or control group. Children in the experimental group underwent gymnastics training for eight weeks (two session a week, ninety minutes per session) and the control group didn’t engage in specific exercise training, Measures were taken before and after interventions, which included motor and physical fitness assessments, cognitive testing and concurrent EEG data collection. Results: gymnastic training group showed significantly enhanced motor and physical fitness, and higher accuracy rates and enhanced P3 amplitudes during visuo-spatial working memory test in the encoding and retrieval-process phases, compared with their pre-training performances. In addition, there was a trend that the control group revealed smaller pSW amplitude compared with the gymnastic training group group. Conclusion: the current study demonstrated that gymnastics may improve motor ability and cognitive aspect associated with visuo-spatial ability in school-aged children, which suggest that gymnastics could serve as an alternative of physical exercise in such group.

    口試委員與系主任簽字之論文通過簽名表..............................................................................i 論文授權書................................................................................................................................ii 中文摘要…………………………………………………………………………...………...iii 英文摘要....................................................................................................................................iv 謝誌.............................................................................................................................................v 目次............................................................................................................................................vi 表次……………………………………………………………………..…………...………viii 圖次…………………………………………………………………………………...……….ix 第壹章 緒論.........................................................................................................1 第一節 前言...................................................................................................................1 第二節 問題背景...........................................................................................................1 第三節 研究目的...........................................................................................................6 第四節 操作性名詞定義解釋.......................................................................................6 第五節 研究範圍與限制…………………………………………………..…….......7 第貳章 文獻探討.................................................................................................9 第一節 視覺空間工作記憶作業………………………………………………….....9 第二節 學齡兒童認知與大腦神經發展之關係.........................................................11 第三節 學齡兒童身體動作發展與認知發展之關係.................................................13 第四節 身體適能對認知表現影響之相關研究.........................................................17 第五節 身體活動促進大腦神經認知功能之生、心理機轉.......................................20 第六節 大腦認知功能與事件關聯電位之關係………………………………..….26 第七節 文獻總結…………………………………………………………………...28 第參章 研究方法與步驟...................................................................................30 第一節 研究架構.........................................................................................................30 第二節 研究參與者.....................................................................................................30 第三節 實驗步驟.........................................................................................................31 第四節 課程設計.........................................................................................................32 第五節 研究工具.........................................................................................................34 第六節 實驗流程.........................................................................................................37 第七節 資料處理與統計分析.....................................................................................41 第肆章 結果………...........................................................................................44 第一節 參與者背景變項結果.....................................................................................44 第二節 行為資料結果.................................................................................................45 第三節 腦波資料結果………………………………………………………......….57 第伍章 討論………...........................................................................................64 第一節 動作行為表現.................................................................................................64 第二節 事件關聯電位表現…………………………………………………....…..67 第三節 結論……………………………………………………………………...…69 第四節 建議………………………………………………………………………...70 引用文獻.............................................................................................................71

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