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研究生: 沈桂淑
Kuei-Shu Shen
論文名稱: 中國貴州晚古生代碳酸鹽岩碳同位素地層記錄之意義
Late Paleozoic Carbon Isotope Stratigraphy Records of Carbonate Rocks from Guizhou, South China
指導教授: 米泓生
Mii, Horng-Sheng
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 121
中文關鍵詞: 晚古生代碳酸鹽岩碳同位素地層
英文關鍵詞: Late Paleozoic, carbonate rocks, carbon isotope stratigraphy
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:94下載:18
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  • 本研究分析採自貴州(華南)晚古生代納水剖面、羅悃剖面、納嬈剖面1134個碳酸鹽岩標本的碳、氧穩定同位素成份,以探討同一海盆但不同地點、不同沉積環境間進行碳同位素地層的比對,並用以探討其意義重建古環境。
    根據牙形刺生物地層,納水剖面年代包括中石炭紀、中二疊紀;羅悃剖面年代涵蓋中、晚石炭紀;納嬈剖面所涵蓋的年代為中石炭紀到中二疊紀。納水剖面,δ18O數值介於-13.3~-1.1‰ (平均值為-5.6±2.4‰,N=246); δ13C數值介於-1.1~5.5‰ (平均值為3.2±1.3‰,N=246)。羅悃剖面,δ18O數值介於-9.7~-1.4‰ (平均值為-5.2±1.7‰,N=191);δ13C數值介於-3.0~5.0‰ (平均值為2.3±1.4‰,N=191)。納嬈剖面,δ18O數值介於-12.9~3.8‰ (平均值為-4.6±1.7‰,N=583);δ13C數值介於-0.4~6.4‰ (平均值為3.6±1.2‰,N=583)。
    在本研究與中國、全球的碳同位素紀錄變化趨勢與幅度大致相同,平均δ13C數值從Visean和Serpukhovian的2~3‰開始增加,在Gzhelian - Asselian之間,δ13C數值達到最大值,為一個明顯的正偏移事件,造成此δ13C正偏移事件,可能與在Gzhelian–Asselian冰川範圍達到最大程度有關。二疊紀,中國華南與北美洲同時Asselian開始δ13C數值往負偏移,是由於冰期開始萎縮所造成的。在Kungurian時期中國華南與北美洲的δ13C數值都有先往負偏移再往正偏移的變化,而正偏移時與Fielding等人(2008)認為冰期發展時的時間相近,顯示此正偏移與冰期有關,但低緯度與Urals的δ13C數值變化趨勢則剛好相反。在Roadian、Wordian、Capitanian時期中國華南、低緯度地區與北美洲的δ13C數值正偏移與冰期發育的時期一致。

    Stable carbon and oxygen isotope compositions of 1,134 carbonate rock samples, collected from Late Paleozoic Nashui section, Luokun section and Narao section, Guizhou (South China) were analyzed to explore the possibility of stratigraphic correlation using carbon isotope records and to estimate the extent of the variation in isotope records between shallow water and deep water environments of the same basin.
    Conodont biostratigraphy data was provided by Nanjing Institute of Geology and Palaeontology. Average stable carbon and oxygen isotope of Nashui section (N = 246; middle Carboniferous and middle Permian) are 3.2±1.3‰ and -5.6±2.4‰, respectively. Average stable carbon and oxygen isotope of Luokun section (N = 191; middle to late Carboniferous) are 2.3±1.4‰ and -5.2±1.7‰, respectively. Average stable carbon and oxygen isotope of Narao section (N = 583; middle Carboniferous to Permian) are 3.6±1.2‰ and -4.6±1.7‰, respectively. Carbon and oxygen isotope values of dark- colored carbonates (deep-water) are greater than those of light-colored carbonate rocks (shallow water) 0 ~ 2 ‰ and 0.1 ~ 4.5 ‰, respectively.
    Trends and magnitude of the carbon isotope stratigraphy among this study and those of China, North America, and Europe are comparable. Mean δ13C value increases from 2 ~ 3 ‰ during the Visean and Serpukhovian to Gzhelian – Asselian boundary, reaches the maximum. This positive δ13C excursion may be related to the expansion of continental ice volume. In Permian, the δ13C value declined during the Asselian in the South China and North America, potentially coincided with the shrinking of the Carboniferous – Permian ice sheet. In Kungurian period δ13C values of the South China and North America decreased first then increased again. This positive excursion may also be related to the development of ice volume. However, δ13C record at low latitudes (Urals) was opposite to those of South China and North America for Kungurian. In the Roadian, Wordian, Capitanian, δ13C values positive excursion of this study, consisted with the glacial record, coincided with δ13C records of South China, low latitudes, and North America.
    This study shows that carbonate rock stable carbon isotope stratigraphy records can be used for stratigraphic correlation with biostratigraphic controls. Positive excursion of δ13C records from both deep water and shallow water sections can be correlated globally and are consistent with the ice volume records.

    摘要……………………...……………………...…..........................................iv Abstract……………………………………………………………………......vi 誌謝………………………….……….....................……...............................viii 目錄…………………………………................................................................x 圖目……………………………….…............................................................xiii 表目................................................................................................................xvii 第一章、緒論……………………………………,………………………...…1 1.1前言...………………………………….………………….………..1 1.2穩定碳、氧同位素的研究與應用…..…………………….……....1 1.3前人研究……………………………..…………………………….6 1.3.1古氣候與古環境………………….…………………………...6 1.3.2碳酸鹽岩穩定碳同位素之相關研究….……………………...8穩定碳同位素與有機碳埋藏相關研究…..……………9穩定碳同位素與海洋環流相關研究……………..…..11穩定碳同位素與沉積環境相關研究……………..…..12 1.4研究目的…………………………………………………….…….15 第二章、研究區域及標本…………………………………………….……..17 2.1研究區域……………………………………………………....…..17 2.2貴州省晚古生代區域地質……………………………..…………18 2.2.1貴州省石炭系………………………………………………...20 2.2.2貴州省二疊系.…………….………………………………….21 2.3貴州省古地理概況………………………………………………..22 2.4標本採集剖面描述………………………………………………..22 2.4.1納水剖面(Nashui section)…………………………………….22 2.4.2羅悃剖面(Luokun section)……………………………………24 2.4.3納嬈剖面(Narao section)……………………………………..24 第三章、研究方法……………………………………………………………25 3.1標本採集…………………………………………………………..25 3.2岩石標本前處理…………………………………………………..26 3.3岩石薄片製作……………………………………………………..26 3.4顯微鏡下透射光、反射光及陰極射線觀察……………………..26 3.5偏光顯微鏡………………………………………………………..27 3.6穩定碳氧同位素分析……………………………………………..27 3.7X光繞射儀分析(XRD)……………………………………………28 3.8年代的建立………………………………………………………..28 第四章、結果與討論………………………………………………………...30 4.1標本保存度………………………………………………………..30 4.1.1由穩定碳、氧同位素分析結果探討標本保存度……………30 4.1.2偏光顯微鏡、透射光及陰極射線觀察結果…………………38 4.1.3碳酸鹽岩岩石顏色與穩定碳氧同位素關係………………...46 4.2穩定碳同位素結果………………………………………………..49 4.2.1納嬈剖面……………………………………………………...49 4.2.2納水剖面……………………………………………………...52 4.2.3羅悃剖面……………………………………………………...54 4.3X光繞射儀(XRD)分析結果……………………………………....56 4.4碳同位素地層對比………………………………………………..59 4.4.1中國貴州碳同位素地層對比………………………………...59 4.4.2華南地區碳同位素地層對比………………………………...64 4.4.3全球碳同位素地層對比……………………………………...68 第五章、結論………………………………………………………………...71 參考文獻………………………………………………….…………………..72 附錄一、中國貴州納水剖面碳酸鹽岩穩定碳氧同位素……………………86 附錄二、中國貴州羅悃剖面碳酸鹽岩穩定碳氧同位素……………………94 附錄三、中國貴州納嬈剖面碳酸鹽岩穩定碳氧同位素…………………..100 附錄四、XRD分析結果…………………………………………………….117 附錄五、羅悃剖面連續取樣結果………………………………………….120

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