研究生: |
王盈婷 |
論文名稱: |
漢語致使結構之語義、篇章、語用分析及 教學初探─以「讓」字句為例 A Semantic, Discourse, and Pragmatic Analysis of the Mandarin Causative Construction Rang with Pedagogical Application |
指導教授: | 陳俊光 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
華語文教學系 Department of Chinese as a Second Language |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 206 |
中文關鍵詞: | 讓 、致使結構 、核心語義 、兼語句 、篇章 、語用 |
英文關鍵詞: | Rang (讓), causative construction, periphrastic causative, pivotal sentence, discourse analysis, pragmatics |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:369 下載:105 |
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This paper discusses, three dimensions of language according to Halliday’s functional grammar, “ideational,” “discourse/textual,” and “interpersonal.” We examine the causative construction Rang in the above-mentioned three dimensions to see Rang from a thorough and detailed perspective. We also distinguish the causative construction Rang from pivotal construction.
Rang has multiple meanings. As a verb, it means “to yield; to give away to.” When it serves as a causative verb, it can be viewed in two ways: one still involves the concrete meaning, “to allow; to permit,” “to order; to request,” which is Rang2. The other is more abstract, meaning “to make; to cause,” which is Rang1 in this paper. Rang1 and Rang2 differ from each other even setting aside grammatical form or collocation of semantic roles. Therefore, distinguishing Rang1 from Rang2 will be helpful for the Chinese learner, and aid them in comprehension when learning Rang.
First, Rang’s ambiguious nature is not only a result of context, but also can be deduced from the syntax and semantics. Besides the core meaning mentioned in the previous paragraph, the major difference between Rang1 and Rang2 is the semantic role of NP1, the subject of the sentence. Rang1 collocates with the causer role, and Rang2 with the agent. Moreover, Rang2 can be negated by adding bu andbie before it while Rang1 can not, and the NP2 following Rang2 can be omitted. An event usually appears after Rang2, but after Rang1 instead appears a static state with result, that is, a change of state. Rang2 is used more frequently than Rang1 in Mainland China, while Rang2, such as the meaning of “to order; to request,” is seldom used in Taiwan.
Second, Rang1 functions in the discourse to establish a coherent “cause-effect” relation and logi-semantic “cause and result” relationship, while Rang2 connects “action and purpose”. Both of them also play different roles in the functioning of background and foreground.
Third, in a pragmatics analysis, Rang1 can reflect the speaker’s intention by placing blame or merit onto NP1 in the Rang1 construction. It is also a presupposition trigger indicating change of state, and in this sense, its most representative usage is in slogans in commercial advertisements. Rang2 is a modal verb indicating deontic modality and can be used when making a request or ordering someone to do something. When the speaker has lower authority or less influence on the listener, the Rang2 construction becomes a suggestion or piece of advice. Furthermore, the speaker can temporize, hedge, or avoid by ceding power of decision to the listener.
Based on the results of our study, we rearrange Rang’s pedagogical grammar sequence and also design some exercises in class, wishing to shed light on the grammar of Rang, and moreover on how to teach it in a more effective way.
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