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研究生: 陳昱茹
論文名稱: 基於多屬性決策分析法定義數據驅動之虛擬實境技術路徑圖
MADM Methods Based Data-Driven Technology Roadmap for Virtual Reality
指導教授: 黃啟祐
Huang, Chi-Yo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 176
中文關鍵詞: 技術探勘技術路徑圖虛擬實境多屬性決策分析關聯規則挖掘基於優勢之約略集合理論形式概念分析決策實驗室評估法 
英文關鍵詞: MADM, Formal Concept Analysis (FCA)
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DIE.001.2018.E01
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:160下載:0
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  • 近幾年大數據概念越來越盛行,拓展於各個領域範疇,以數據資料為導向來解決諸多實務問題,進而有效提高作業效能與認同,其可藉由探勘資料庫,從中萃取出有意義、具有潛在價值和過去未知的資訊,促使資料轉化為數據可視化,成為企業改善與決策之參考依據。大數據分析也開始被用來探勘專利,專利分析成為尋找潛在技術趨勢與可能應用發展的最佳利器。公司透過分析專利資訊可以了解某項技術或產品的發展現況。專利資訊包含了許多技術資訊,利用分析專利文件以尋找潛在技術趨勢則成為重要議題。過去關於技術路徑圖的研究通常涉及特定技術的結果,或是公司發展技術過程的案例,鮮少研究探討如何運用專利探勘之結果結合路徑圖來進一步預測未來之技術。因此,本研究以虛擬實境技術為例,以導入基於多屬性決策分析之關聯規則挖掘技術結合決策實驗室評估法,並定義技術路徑圖。首先本研究將進行分析的技術範圍,並且確認選擇檢索的資料庫。挖掘資料庫中的技術關鍵字,並由專家評估後將關鍵字進行分組,接著透過優勢約略集合理論推導出各個產品的關鍵技術決策規則。最後利用形式概念分析及決策實驗室評估法訂定關鍵字之影響關係並發展出技術路徑圖。隨著資訊科技的快速發展,虛擬實境技術也漸趨成熟,如景象、圖像顯示、現實環境和動態捕捉等技術,都是未來發展的重點。

    In recent years, the concept of big data is becoming more and more popular. Various industries now use analysis of big data. Data oriented to solve many practical problems. And then effectively improve the industrial efficiency and recognition that may be data mining to extract from the database of useful, special, previously unknown, potentially valuable information. The information is converted to data visualization, and become a reference for enterprises to improve decision-making. Big data analysis has also begun to be used to explore patents in the recent year. Patent analysis becomes one of the best tools for finding potential technical trends and applications. Through a patent analysis, the firm can explore the trend of technology development. Patent documents not only provide the science & technology information but also reflect the technological trend and development. Previous studies on the technology road map usually deal with the results of road mapping in specific techniques or case studies of firms’ experiences with the road mapping process. However, a few studies have discussed how the results of patent exploration and technology road mapping can be used to further predict future technologies. Therefore, empirical studies based on the patent analysis of the Virtual Reality (VR) search defined the technology roadmap. This study will introduce MADM methods based data-driven technology roadmap by using following procedures. First, this research defined the scope of the technology to be analyzed. Then, database will be confirmed. Mining technical keyword in the database and keyword will be grouped after the expert evaluates the keyword. The decision rules for each product being derived by Dominance-based rough set approach (DRSA). Last, the influence relationship between the keyword will be derived by using Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) and Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL). Based on the results being derived by the above processes, technology roadmaps for technology development can be definition. Along with the rapid development of information and technology, techniques for Virtual Reality (VR) are also gradually maturing. Therefore, many technology manufacturers continue to invest in research and development. VR has been powering ahead such as scene, image display, reality environment, and capture.

    摘要 i Abstract ii List of Tables vi List of Figures viii Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background 1 1.2 Research Motivations and Purpose 3 1.3 Research Limitations 6 1.4 Research Scope and Structure 7 1.5 Research Process 8 1.6 Thesis Structure 9 Chapter 2 Literature Review 11 2.1 Technology Mining 11 2.2 Association Rule Mining (ARM) 15 2.3 Technology Roadmap 19 Chapter 3 Methodology 27 3.1 ARM-based Technology Roadmap 27 3.2 Rough Set Theory (RST) 36 3.3 Dominance-based Rough Set Theory (DRSA) 41 3.4 Formal Concept Analysis (FCA) 45 3.5 Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) 47 Chapter 4 Empirical Study 53 4.1 Data Sources 53 4.2 Define keyword for Technology Layer and Product Layer 55 4.3 Construct the Keyword Vector 57 4.4 DRSA Model with Decision Rules 59 4.5 FCA-based DEMATEL for Developing Technology Roadmap 81 4.6 Using ARM to Determine the Relationship Between Keywords 142 Chapter 5 Discussion 151 5.1 Progress in Technology Management Methods 151 5.2 Virtual Reality Development of Technology in the Future 152 5.3 New Trends of Virtual Reality in the Future 155 5.4 Research Limitations 156 5.5 Future Research Possibilities 157 Chapter 6 Conclusions 159 References 161

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