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研究生: 褚穎蓉
Chu, Ying-Rong
論文名稱: 臺灣海岸山脈奇美村地區奇美斷層帶磁性組構之研究
Magnetic Fabrics Analysis across the Chimei Fault at Chimei Village in the Coastal Range of Eastern Taiwan
指導教授: 葉恩肇
Yeh, En-Chao
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地球科學系
Department of Earth Sciences
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 96
中文關鍵詞: 海岸山脈奇美斷層磁感率異向性變形
英文關鍵詞: Coastal Range, Chimei Fault, Anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility, Deformation
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204625
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:105下載:11
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  • 臺灣為一活動造山帶,受控於歐亞板塊及菲律賓海板塊的斜向聚合作用以及弧後張裂作用,使得地質構造變化多樣。為了解岩層受斷層錯動作用的變形行為,因此本研究以海岸山脈奇美村附近的奇美斷層帶作為研究區域,應用磁性礦物組構與古地磁分析方法調查奇美斷層帶,以了解奇美斷層帶的應變演化史。
    磁感率橢球體及磁感率異向性分析結果顯示,離奇美斷層最遠的分帶Ⅴ,其磁性組構屬Type 2的似圓盤狀橢球體,呈東西向擠壓。於分帶Ⅳ,K1開始轉為鉛直方向,屬Type 2的似圓盤狀橢球體,呈南北向擠壓,且因受到斷層作用影響,岩體應變程度增加。到分帶Ⅱ時,呈Type 2-3的似圓盤橢球體及雪茄狀橢球體,磁性線理程度明顯。分帶Ⅰ時,主要呈Type 5的似圓盤狀橢球體,且為五個分帶中應變程度最大。而分帶Ⅲ,部分應變程度較高的橢球體為奇美斷層發育後的次要斷層變形的結果。
    本研究磁感率異向性及磁性組構的變化顯示整個奇美村附近之奇美斷層下盤的磁性組構演化過程,受到大地構造聚合作用影響,依據Lee et al., 1991的結果指出呂宋島弧順時鐘旋轉約30度,碰撞後導致分帶Ⅴ呈東西向擠壓,而分帶Ⅳ到分帶Ⅰ以南北向擠壓為主,而後奇美斷層作用過程中,在分帶Ⅲ又產生一個次要斷層。而斷層上盤因岩性屬火成岩,磁性組構無法顯示其變形趨勢。

    The island of Taiwan is an active orogen resulting from the oblique collision between the Philippine Sea Plate and the Eurasian Plate, and is located at the conjunction between two subduction zones of opposite vergence that making various geological structures in Taiwan. The Coastal Range of eastern Taiwan is the accreted material composited of Luzon arcs and surrounding basins onto the Eurasian crust. To investigate the deformation pattern across the Chimei fault more precisely, this study analyzed oriented samples along the Hsiukuluan River via anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) and paleomagnetism. It has been demonstrated that the orientation and shape of the magnetic susceptibility ellipsoid can give reliable and important information about the deformation and the tectonic history of a rock.
    The Chimei fault is the only major high-angle reverse fault across the entire Coastal Range and is also a typical lithology-contrast fault thrusting the volcanic Tuluanshan Formation of Miocene over the sedimentary Paliwan Formation of Pleistocene. To decipher the deformation pattern and history across the Chimei fault, this study collected oriented samples of I-V domains in the hanging wall and of A-C domains in the footwall and conduct a series of experiences.
    Results of AMS and magnetic susceptibility ellipsoids show that at the zone Ⅴ, AMS indicates northwest-southeast compression and belongs to the oblate ellipsoid of Type 2. K1 orientations of magnetic ellipsoids indicate N-S compression at Zone Ⅳ and the AMS is oblate ellipsoid of Type 2. AMS at Zone Ⅱ belongs to oblate and prolate ellipsoid of Type 2 -3. At Zone I, AMS belongs to oblate ellipsoid of Type 5 with the strongest strain among all domains. Magnetic susceptibility ellipsoids with strong deformation came from the deformation of secondary fault developed after the Chimei fault.
    Results of the hysteresis loop and temperature-function magnetic susceptibility experiment illustrate that ferromagnetic mineral is main contribution to magnetic susceptibility in the samples across the Chimei fault and furthermore magnetite is major magnetic carrier. The hysteresis loop also indicates the PSD is the main domain size of magnetite. As a result of this study, magnetic mineral and domain size do not have strong influence to the distribution of magnetic susceptibly ellipsoids. The AMS and magnetic fabric can be treated as the representative of the finite deformation.
    Magnetic fabric at the foot wall of Chimei fault is strongly affected by the plate convergence. The Luzon arc rotated clockwise about 30 degree by result of Lee et al., 1991 after collision that cause NW-SE compression direction of Zone Ⅴ and N-S compression direction of ZoneⅣ to ZoneⅠ. Also, it caused the rotation of bedding strike from N-S direction of Zones V to E-W direction of ZoneⅣ to ZoneⅠ. The secondary fault at Zone III developed after the formation of Chimei fault. No clear deformation trend inferred from magnetic fabrics is observed in the hanging wall due to the strong igneous rocks.
    This study demonstrates that AMS pattern across the Chimei fault is the consequence of finite deformation. Our results of evolution of magnetic fabrics across the Chimei fault can provide insights into understanding the tectonic development of Chimei fault.

    誌謝 I 摘要 III Abstract V 目錄 VII 圖目錄 X 表目錄 XIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 1 1.3 研究區域位置與交通 2 1.4 奇美斷層之前人研究 4 1.4.1 奇美斷層簡述 4 1.4.2 斷層活動性 4 1.4.3 斷層古地磁應力型態 5 1.4.4 斷層岩體構造描述 5 1.4.5 斷層古應力分析 6 第二章 地質背景 7 2.1 海岸山脈之形成 7 2.2 研究區域地層劃分 8 2.2.1 都鑾山層 8 2.2.2 八里灣層 9 2.3花東山斷層 9 第三章 研究方法及磁學原理 11 3.1野外樣本採集與樣本製備 12 3.1.1 定向岩芯採集步驟 13 3.1.2 定向樣本採集步驟 14 3.1.3 實驗樣本製備 15 3.2 磁學原理 17 3.2.1 磁感率 17 3.2.2 磁滯曲線 22 3.2.3 溫度-磁感率 27 第四章 研究結果 29 4.1奇美斷層磁性礦物分析結果 30 4.1.1斷層下盤磁感率豐度結果 31 4.1.2斷層上盤磁感率豐度結果 32 4.1.3斷層下盤的溫度-磁感率結果 33 4.1.4斷層上盤的溫度-磁感率結果 33 4.1.5斷層下盤磁滯曲線實驗結果 34 4.1.6斷層上盤的磁滯曲線實驗結果 36 4.1.7 本研究磁感率異向性之控因 38 4.1.8 小結 40 4.2奇美斷層磁感率異向性結果 40 4.2.1奇美斷層上下盤磁感率異向性 40 4.2.2斷層下盤磁感率異向性分帶結果 42 4.2.3斷層上盤磁感率異向性 44 4.3奇美斷層磁性參數結果 45 4.3.1斷層下盤磁性參數分帶結果 45 4.3.2斷層上盤磁性參數分帶結果 48 第五章 討論 53 5.1 奇美斷層磁性組構演化 53 5.1.1斷層下盤磁性組構演化 53 5.1.2斷層上盤磁性組構演化 55 5.1.3小結 56 5.2 影響下盤分帶Ⅲ之磁性組構討論 56 5.3 奇美斷層之構造演化歷程 60 第六章 結論 63 參考文獻 65 附錄一 定向岩芯位態 74 附錄二 磁性參數 83 附錄三 磁滯曲線數據 89 附錄四 口試委員提問與答覆 94

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