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研究生: 林昌燕
Chang Yen Lin
論文名稱: 國中女生割腕自傷行為之初探性研究--從解組型依附的角度看割腕國中女生的家庭脈絡和童年經驗
An Exploratory Study of the Wrist-Cutting Behavior in Three Female Adolescents of Junior High School --A disorganized attachment perspective with the analysis of their family context and childhood experience
指導教授: 鄔佩麗
Wu, Pei-Li
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 236
中文關鍵詞: 割腕割手自傷解組型依附類型
英文關鍵詞: wrist-cutting, delicate wrist-cutting, self-harm, disorganized attachment
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:198下載:99
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  • 本研究為初探性研究,其目的在以質性研究的方法,瞭解國中割腕女生的割腕歷程。本研究將從解組型依附的觀點切入,對國中割腕女生的家庭環境與童年成長經驗,做更深入的了解,以期待探究出在家庭環境與童年成長經驗中,造成割腕行為的一些關鍵性因素。研究參與者為三位就讀國中三年級的女生,持續割腕行為一年以上,並且願意真誠分享自己割腕及童年成長經驗。資料收集的方法是以半結構式的訪談大綱進行深度訪談。研究發現主要分為五個部分呈現:


    This study is an exploratory research with the purpose to understand the process of wrist-cutting behavior in junior high school female adolescents. With qualitative methodology, the study intends to analyze the family backgrounds and childhood experiences of junior high school girls, who experienced wrist-cutting behavior, in order to delineate some critical factors that would lead to this gesture. The participants for this study are three female ninth grade junior high school students with wrist-cutting behavior lasted for more than one year. All three adolescents volunteered and were willing to share their own childhood and wrist-cutting experiences. The data collecting method is in-depth interviews with a semi-structured guideline. The findings from this study are presented in the six following parts.
    1. The three participants share four identical family contexts and seven peculiar childhood experiences. The four family contexts include: (1) mother married at a very young age and experienced domestic violence in the first marriage; (2) mother consumed alcohol during pregnancy; parents or the primary caretaker has had frequent and heavy alcohol use and dependency, and has posed physical violence and mental threat to the participant while under alcohol influence; (3) parents or the primary caretaker suffer from mental illness; (4) very reserved and non-communicative interaction patterns within the family, and the participants even need to carry the burden of the primary caretakers' mental state. Peculiar childhood experiences include: (1) constant changing of objects of attachment due to change of primary caretaker frequently while growing up; (2) experience of being neglected and rejected by parents or the primary caretaker during childhood; (3) experience of separation or death of closest family members, which led to the feeling of loss and anxiety while experiencing similar situation afterwards; (4) fear of violence from primary caretaker; (5) fear of loss due to their own or family members’ experience of being hospitalized; (6) emotions of fear and anger toward parents or the primary caretaker; (7) all have alienated feelings toward parents and have purposely avoided to be with parents in the same environment.
    2. Ten personality traits and behaviors characters of the participants include: (1) salient male character; (2) negative self-esteem; (3) desire for close relationship with parents and non-family members; (4) co-existence of two clashing emotions; (5) inability of expressing emotions and feelings; (6) alienated interpersonal relationship; (7) does not seek help or consult when under pressure; (8) suppression of emotions and violent behavior; (9) antisocial behavior; (10) attempting suicide once in the past, but is not suicidal anymore.
    3. The family context, childhood experience, personality traits and behaviors of the participants correspond to those individuals of disorganized attachment.
    4. Wrist-cutting behavior in female adolescents of junior high school can be divided into six stages - low fatality, skin incision, the impulse of cutting oneself, bleeding, pain, and the initial time of wrist-cutting experience.
    5. The procession of one wrist-cutting episode by the female adolescents of junior high school includes previous event, the state of negative feeling, the inability to verbally express feelings, increase of anxiety and tension, withdrawing from people to the state of depersonalization, the flash of thought of hurting oneself and the execution of wrist-cutting behavior.
    6. The researcher presents developmental process of wrist-cutting behavior in junior high school female adolescents.

    Finally, based on the findings and limitations of the current study, the researcher proposes suggestions for future research.

    中文摘要………………………………………………… I 英文摘要………………………………………………… III 目錄……………………………………………………… V 表次……………………………………………………… VIII 圖次……………………………………………………… IX 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的………………………………… 1 第二節 研究問題………………………………………… 4 第三節 名詞釋義……………………………… ……… 5 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 割腕行為的意涵與現象………………………… 7 第二節 解組型依附的內涵與特色……………………… 28 第三節 割腕行為的相關研究…………………………… 52 第三章 研究方法與程序 第一節 研究取向與設計…………………………… 56 第二節 研究者訓練………………………………… 60 第三節 研究參與者………………………………… 62 第四節 資料分析之協同研究者…………………… 67 第五節 研究程序…………………………………… 68 第六節 資料處理與分析…………………………… 74 第七節 研究的可信性……………………………… 78 第八節 研究倫理…………………………………… 80 第四章 研究結果 第一節 研究參與者的死亡意念………………………… 81 第二節 研究參與者的自我知覺………………………… 83 第三節 研究參與者的人際互動狀況…………………… 86 第四節 研究參與者經歷本身及家人長期住院經驗…… 112 第五節 研究參與者的非行行為及家庭中的飲酒暴力行為… 116 第六節 研究參與者的失落經驗………………………… 135 第七節 割腕自傷之國中女生的恐懼…………………… 139 第五章 討論與建議 第一節 割腕國中女生家庭背景與童年經驗…………… 147 第二節 割腕國中女生人格和行為特質………………… 162 第三節 割腕國中女生行為及成長背景與解組型依附類型之相關.. 176 第四節 國中女生割腕行為特徵………………………… 181 第五節 割腕國中女生單次割腕事件之歷程…………… 185 第六節 國中割腕女生之割腕行為發展歷程…………… 190 第七節 研究者反思……………………………………… 193 第八節 研究限制………………………………………… 195 第九節 建議……………………………………………… 197 參考文獻 中文部分…………………………………………………… 201 英文部分…………………………………………………… 202 附錄 附錄一  參與研究同意函……………………………… 214 附錄二  訪談大綱(研究者使用)…………………… 215 附錄三  訪談大綱(研究參與者使用)……………… 231 表  次 表2-1-1 導致割腕行為共通的事件進程…………… 26 表3-3-1 研究參與者受訪之基本資料……………… 63 表3-3-2 研究參與者的外型特徵與性別議題…………… 64 表3-3-3 研究參與者的割腕行為………………………… 65 表4-3-1 呆爺的主要照顧者與心理依附對象…………… 86 表4-3-2 藍瓶子的主要照顧者與心理依附對象………… 92 表4-3-3 小琳的主要照顧者與心理依附對象…………… 97 表4-3-4 呆爺生氣難過及生病受傷時人際支持力量…… 101 表4-3-5 藍瓶子生氣難過及生病受傷時人際支持力量… 102 表4-3-6 小琳生氣難過及生病受傷時人際支持力量…… 103 表4-5-1 三位研究參與者非行行為一覽表……………… 122 表4-5-2 研究參與者、父母及其主要照顧者飲酒行為一覽表 124 表4-6-1 研究參與者心理依附對象的死亡與影響程度… 135 表4-7-1 引起研究參與者害怕的事件…………………… 139 表5-3-1 國中割腕女生與解組型依附類型兩者在家庭與童年經驗方面相關性之比較…………………… 176 表5-3-2 國中割腕女生與解組型依附類型兩者人格與行為特質相關性之比較………………………… 179 圖  次 圖3-1-1 研究架構……………………………………… 59 圖3-6-1 樣版式分析法………………………………… 76 圖5-5-1 單次割腕事件進程…………………………… 189 圖5-6-1 國中割腕女生之割腕行為發展歷程………… 192

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