簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 方姿晴
Fang, Zi-Qing
論文名稱: 沖床之智慧異常偵測與即時監控系統
Intelligent Anomaly Detection and Real Time Monitoring of Press Machine
指導教授: 吳順德
Wu, Shuen-De
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 機電工程學系
Department of Mechatronic Engineering
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 43
中文關鍵詞: 振動分析異常偵測即時監控系統
英文關鍵詞: Vibration analysis, Anomaly detection, Monitoring system
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201901096
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:106下載:16
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  • 隨著工業4.0時代的來臨,已經有許多智慧製造相關技術被運用在各行各業中。其中對台灣經濟影響甚鉅的,是逐漸從傳統產業走向現代化製程的的製造業。而各式機台設備,正是製造業最重要的生產核心。製造業的機台若因零件磨損,將造成機具故障生產中斷,甚至工安意外,對業主及操作者將造成巨大的損失。為避免這些狀況,通常業主會定期對機台作保養維護,採用定期維護之策略,其缺點不僅耗時耗力,而且一些預料之外的異常情形也經常發生,從而造成產線的生產力下降甚或引發工安意外。因此,本研究提出一個智慧異常偵測與即時監控系統來解決前述之問題。

    With the advent of the Industry 4.0 era, many smart manufacturing related technologies have been used in various industries. Among them, the industry that has a great impact on Taiwan’s economy is the manufacturing industry, which is gradually moving from traditional to modern processes. This shift results in all kinds of machinery becoming the most crucial, core equipment in the manufacturing industry. If the parts of the machinery are abnormal or overused, accidents may even happen in the workplace and the productivity was decreased. It often results huge losses for the company. In order to avoid such situations, the company usually maintains its machinery on a regular basis, or inspected by experienced technicians. The aforementioned method is cost intensive, in addition, some unexpected fault of machinery often occurs. In regards to this, an intelligent anomaly detection and real time monitoring system is proposed to solve the aforementioned drawbacks.

    The proposed system consists of two parts: a real time monitoring system and an intelligent anomaly detection system. The real time monitoring system deals with the signals with low sampling rate such as current, voltage, temperature and pressure. These signals are collected by the corresponding sensors and transmitted to server via programming logic device. The employees will receive an alarm message when the values of signal excess some predefined values. The intelligent anomaly detection system deals with the signals with high sampling rate such as vibration signals. The vibration signals are collected by accelerometers and transmitted to server via data acquisition device. The convolutional neural network is used as a classifier to detect the anomaly of the belt of the press machine. The experimental results show the proposed intelligent anomaly detection system has a high accuracy (98%) to distinguish the different anomalies of belt.
    We hope that this study can improve the added value of press machine and contribute to the field of the smart manufacturing.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 誌謝 iv 目錄 v 表目錄 vii 圖目錄 viii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 前言 1 1.2 研究動機與目的 2 1.3 論文架構 3 第二章 文獻回顧與沖床背景之介紹 4 2.1 文獻探討 4 2.2 工具機零件與保養的重要性 8 2.3 沖床之背景介紹 9 2.4 沖床之傳動系統 9 第三章 人工智慧理論介紹 11 3.1 機器學習(Machine Learning) 11 3.2 深度學習(Deep Learning) 12 3.3 卷積神經網路(Convolutional Neural Network) 14 第四章 研究方法 19 4.1 即時監控系統 19 4.2 卷積神經網路之異常偵測系統 25 第五章 實驗結果 31 5.1 通訊介面整合於Line Bot機器人發送異常訊號與Web browser數據可視化 31 5.2 沖床之智慧異常偵測 34 第六章 結論 41 6.1 結論 41 6.2 未來展望 41 參考文獻 42

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