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研究生: 李文方
Wen-Fang Lee
論文名稱: 高中地理電子教科書之文本設計-以地形單元為例
How to Design an Electronic Textbook for Senior High School Geography: Taking the Terrain Unit as an Example
指導教授: 陳哲銘
Chen, Che-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 60
中文關鍵詞: 電子教科書多媒體學習認知理論認知負荷理論多媒體設計原則地形平板電腦
英文關鍵詞: electronic textbook, cognitive theory for multimedia, cognitive load thoery, multimedia design principle, terrain, iPad
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:190下載:0
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  • 教科書一直是學校最主要的教學資源,亦是學校傳遞知識的重要媒介,對教育的影響相當深遠。隨著教育思潮的遞嬗與教學科技的發展,教科書的設計與型式日新月異。高中地理科有許多概念牽涉到長期時空變遷的動態過程,若以靜態的方式解說,學生較難以理解,當學生自行閱讀教科書遇到不理解學習概念的時候,若能有多媒體的學習工具,整合使用圖例、動畫或影片來輔佐學習,學習效果應該比單獨閱讀課本好。

    Textbooks are the major teaching resource as well as the important media for delivering knowledge in school. They have a profound effect on education. The design and form of textbooks change along with the succession of ideological trends and the development of instructional technology. Many geographic concepts involve long-term dynamic process of time-space convergence, which are difficult to be understood by students. When students don’t understand the concepts in the textbook, it would better to support their reading with multimedia learning tools such as legends, animations or videos.
    This study aims to develop an electronic textbook on iPad based on the design principles derived from the cognitive theory for multimedia learning and the cognitive load theory. The learning content of the terrain unit in the senior high school geography has been implemented in the electronic textbook as an example. There are five research questions: 1. What are the principles for the design of an electronic textbook? 2. How to build an electronic textbook? 3. Which group is better on reading comprehension? the experimental group with electronic textbook or the control group with paper textbook? 4. Is there significant difference on reading comprehension between the high-ability group and the low-ability group regarding the use of electronic textbooks? 5. What are the students’ attitudes, satisfaction and improvements toward the electronic textbook?
    The learning experiment lasts for five weeks. There are 62 subjects including 30 boys and 32 girls who are first graders of a senior high school and selected by researcher based on purposive sampling. They are randomly assigned to the experimental group (32 subjects with electronic textbook) and the control group (30 subjects with paper textbook). Wilcoxon signed ranks test and paired-samples t test were used to analyze the learning outcomes before and after the learning experiment. The same methods are also used to analyze the learning outcomes of the high-ability group and the low-ability group before and after the learning experiment. Besides, Mann-Whitney test and independent-samples t test were applied to analyze the learning achievements between the experimental group and the control group in the post-test.
    The results showed both subjects of experimental group and control group made significant progress between pre-test and post-test at terrain forces, rivers and coastal units. But in the karst, aeolian, glacial unit, the experimental group made significant progress between the pre-test and post-test, but the control group didn’t. In addition, in the post-test the learning achievement of experimental group is significantly better than the control group among terrain forces unit, rivers and coastal unit and karst, aeolian, glacial unit.
    In the terrain forces, rivers and coastal units, both the high-ability group and the low-ability group made significant progress, either experimental group or control group. In the karst, aeolian and glacial unit, the high-ability group didn’t make significant progress, but the low-ability group did. In the control group, both high-ability group and the low-ability group didn’t make significant progress. It showed that the electronic textbook is more supportive to the advanced unit and to those students of lower ability. Most subjects enjoy the use of electronic textbook, and they think the electronic textbook is effective and easy to use. They would recommend it to other people.

    第一章 緒論---------------------------------------------- 1 第一節 研究動機與目的-------------------------------------- 1 第二節 研究範圍、取材與限制--------------------------------- 3 第二章 文獻回顧------------------------------------------- 4 第一節 電子教科書文本設計之理論與原則------------------------- 4 一、多媒體學習認知理論---------------------------------- 4 二、認知負荷理論--------------------------------------- 5 三、多媒體教材設計原則---------------------------------- 6 四、教科書之版式設計------------------------------------ 7 第二節 電子教科書的學習策略與教材設計------------------------- 8 一、文本內容包含之學習策略------------------------------- 8 二、文本內容的媒體形式和地理教育目標之間的關係-------------- 11 第三節 電子教科書的發展------------------------------------ 12 一、電子書閱讀器之發展---------------------------------- 12 二、電子教科書之定義與發展------------------------------- 13 三、電子教科書的經驗與評價------------------------------- 14 四、小結---------------------------------------------- 16 第三章 研究方法------------------------------------------- 17 第一節 研究設計與歷程---------------------------------- 17 第二節 研究對象--------------------------------------- 20 第三節 研究工具--------------------------------------- 21 一、電子教科書建置---------------------------------- 21 二、紙本教科書------------------------------------- 33 三、教師自編前、後測試題----------------------------- 33 第四章 資料處理與分析結果----------------------------------- 40 第一節 實驗前兩組前測分析------------------------------- 40 第二節 檢定前的假設------------------------------------ 40 第三節 實驗後實驗組與控制組組內前、後測學習成效差異---------- 43 第四節 實驗後實驗組與控制組在後測學習成效差異--------------- 45 第五節 實驗組與控制組在高低分組學習成效差異-------------------- 47 第六節 受試者使用性分析(包含滿意度、態度與改進意見)------------- 49 第五章 結論與建議----------------------------------------- 54 第一節 結論------------------------------------------ 54 第二節 建議------------------------------------------ 55 參考文獻-------------------------------------------------- 57 附錄一:高中地理電子教科書紙本版----------------------------- -1- 附錄二:受試者使用性問卷----------------------------------- -21-

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