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研究生: 郭建成
Jian-Cheng Guo
論文名稱: 學習專注力監測提醒系統對於提升網路學習課堂教學成效之影響研究
A Study on Assessing the Effects of Attention Alarm and Monitoring System on Promoting Web-based Learning Performance
指導教授: 洪欽銘
Hong, Chin-Ming
Chen, Chih-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 69
中文關鍵詞: 學習注意力學習成效網路同步課程腦波注意力監測及提醒系統
英文關鍵詞: attention, learning performance, network synchronization course, attention monitoring and alert system
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:178下載:29
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  • 隨著學習科技的蓬勃發展,不但改變了傳統課堂的學習模式,教學方式也越來越多元,藉由科技輔助教學,可讓學習者進行更多元且有效的學習。本研究基於NeuroSky(神念科技)公司所開發的Mindset腦波耳機偵測學習者的注意力,進而利用該公所提供的API發展1對20多人腦波注意力監測及提醒系統,用於輔助網路同步課程學習,幫助教師和課程助教掌握學習者在課程過程中的學習專注情況,以幫助課程助教在學習者較不專心時,給予適當的注意力提醒,以提昇學習者網路同步課程的學習專注力,進而提昇其網路學習成效。


    With the vigorous development of learning technology, not only changed the traditional classroom mode of learning, more and more diverse teaching methods,allows learners to more diverse and effective learning through technology-assisted teaching. This study is based NeuroSky developed by the company Mindset EEG headset to detect the learner's attention, and thus the development of the API provided
    by the hall more than 20 EEG attention monitoring and alert system for the auxiliary network of synchronous courses to help teachers and curriculum assistant to master the
    learning of learners in the curriculum process to focus on to help the course teaching assistant in the learner more inattentive, to give appropriate attention to remind, to
    enhance the learner network synchronization course learning concentration, to enhance the effectiveness of online learning.
    1 pairs the brainwave attention of more than 20 monitoring and alert system in order to explore the concentration and learning outcomes affect the learning of network synchronization course, the planning of actual teaching experiments to verify and seven junior high schools in New Taipei City, Three Gorges Total 148 students in grades five classes as experimental subjects. The study found that two sets of learning outcomes are significantly improved, but the concentration of the effectiveness of
    brainwave attention of more than 20 monitoring and alert system in the experimental group learners, their learning and classroom learning are significantly better than not
    using one pairs 20 more than the brainwave attention monitoring and alert system, the control group of learners. In addition, developed in this study more than 20 EEG
    attention Monitoring and alert system for enhancing the effectiveness of the female students' learning and attention significantly better than male learners. And whether developed in this study the brainwaves attention of more than 20 monitoring and alert system support network synchronization courses to learn the experimental group and
    control group learners, their learning attention span and learning effectiveness has a significant positive correlation, and with a predictable linear regression relationship.
    But developed in this study of the brainwave attention of more than 20 people to monitor and to remind the system support network synchronization courses in the experimental group learners, learning, concentration and learning effectiveness,relevance and predictability are higher than those without adopt the 1 brainwaves attention of more than 20 monitoring and alert system support network
    synchronization course, learning control group of learners. Obvious in this study developed more than 20 brainwave attention monitoring and alert system to help to help learners a more active focus on learning, to enhance the effectiveness of learning course of network synchronization.

    摘要...................................................i ABSTRACT............................................iii 誌謝..................................................vi 圖目錄................................................ix 表目錄.................................................x 第一章  緒論..........................................1  1.1  研究動機與背景..................................1  1.2  研究目的.......................................2  1.3  研究問題.......................................3  1.4  研究範圍與限制..................................4  1.5  研究流程.......................................5  1.6  重要名詞釋義....................................6  1.7  論文架構.......................................7 第二章  文獻探討.......................................9  2.1  腦波...........................................9 2.1.1 腦波訊號簡介......................................9 2.1.2 腦電圖早期訊號處理技術.............................10 2.1.3 腦波量測技術沿革與發展.............................10 2.1.4 腦波的產生.......................................12 2.1.5 腦電圖的波形分類..................................12  2.2  專注力.........................................13 2.2.1 專注力的定義.....................................13 2.2.2 專注力的分類.....................................14 2.2.3 專注力的評量方式..................................15 2.2.4 專注力與學習的關聯性...............................17 2.3  科技輔助教學......................................18 第三章  研究方法........................................20  3.1  研究設計........................................20  3.2  研究架構........................................21  3.3  研究對象........................................22  3.4  研究工具........................................24  3.5  資料分析方法.....................................34 3.5.1 學習成效分析......................................34 3.5.2 學習專注力分析.....................................35 3.5.3 學習專注力與學習成效關聯分析.........................35 第四章  實驗結果.  4.1  實驗對象基本資料分析...............................36  4.2  實驗對象之初始英語能力分析..........................36  4.3  有無採用1對20多人腦波注意力監測及提醒系統對於學習成效影響分  析......................................................38  4.4  有無採用1對20多人腦波注意力監測及提醒系統對於專注力影響分析......................................................42  4.5  有無採用1對20多人腦波注意力監測及提醒系統之學習成效與專注力關連分析....................................................45  4.6  具注意力提醒機制支援之網路同步英語課程學習滿意度問卷分析..50  4.6.1 網路同步英語課程學習滿意度問卷之基本資料分析...........50  4.6.2 網路同步英語課程學習滿意度問卷之學習滿意度分析..........52 第五章  結論與未來研究方向  5.1  研究結論.........................................55  5.2  未來研究方向......................................57 參考文獻.................................................59 中文文獻.................................................59 英文文獻.................................................61 附 錄 一 實驗教材-網路線上英語課程教材.......................65 附 錄 二 實驗教材-英語課程學習滿意度問卷.....................66 附 錄 三 實驗照片........................................68

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