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研究生: 顏仁璽
YAN, Ren-Xi
論文名稱: 缺陷共振腔高階模態研究
The study of high-order transverse modes generated from defect laser cavities
指導教授: 陸亭樺
Lu, Ting-Hua
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 物理學系
Department of Physics
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 43
中文關鍵詞: 缺陷共振腔簡併共振腔幾何模態
英文關鍵詞: Defecet cavity, Degenerate cavity, Geometry modes
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:110下載:7
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  • 本文在傳統雷射共振腔之中置入缺陷,製造出一個光波無法穿越的區域,進而造成雷射模態結構產生改變。實驗結果證實共振腔內的缺陷可以成為一個全新調整雷射模態的因素。

      一維 Hermite-Gaussian (HG) 模態實驗結果證實操控金屬細線在共振腔內的位置可使HG模態轉換為落在幾何軌跡上的光束。利用該方式得到的雷射模態與透過離軸激發方式得到的結果有很好的對應。以HG模態作為基底進行數值分析,缺陷共振腔產生的模態也與HG簡併態的疊加結果有著良好的對應。



    In this research, we applied an additional mental wire into laser cavity served as an artificial defect to block the original light path. We’ve found this adjustment may interfere with output laser mode.

    In the experiment of one-dimensional Hermite-Gaussian (HG) modes with an obstacle, the trajectory change matches the experimental results and numerical simulation of an off-axis laser perfectly.

    Previous research suggests that if the ratio of L-mode and T-mode within a degenerate resonator is a rational number, than the superposition of each 2D HG modes will be localized on Lissajous parametric surfaces. However, an external obstruction may disturb the formation of Lissajous pattern. Thus, the position of the obstacle plays an important role in two-dimensional HG modes experiments, not only the Lissajous pattern matches with 2D off-axis laser, we also can control the phase of Lissajous pattern by fine tuning the opaque-wire.

    Unlike traditional laser experiments, which usually try to reduce the number of defaces in laser cavity as much as possible, our newly developed technique becomes another useful method which also can manipulate laser modes.

    目錄 摘要 i Abstract ii 第一章 緒論 1 1.1前言 1 1.2研究動機 2 第二章 理論背景 3 2.1雷射晶體Nd:YVO4介紹 3 2.2.1共振腔介紹 8 2.2.2 穩定共振腔條件 8 2.2.3 共振腔的波函數 11 2.3橫模與縱模頻寬比 ( Ω ) 15 第三章 理論與實驗結果 16 3.1半球型共振腔實驗裝置及實驗架構 16 3.2 1-D Hermite-Gaussian modes 缺陷共振腔近遠場觀察 18 3.3 V mode(1D) 與缺陷共振腔 26 3.4 Hermite-Gaussian modes 2-D 缺陷共振腔近遠場觀察 30 3.5 V mode(2D) 與缺陷共振腔 35 第四章 總結 39 參考文獻 41

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