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研究生: 張錚璿
Cheng-Shuan Chang
論文名稱: 改變踏車運動迴轉速與負荷量之下肢肌電學與踩踏力量分析
The Analysis of Pedaling Force and Lower Extremity Emg Using Different Pedaling Rates and Loads
指導教授: 相子元
Shiang, Tzyy-Yuang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 95
中文關鍵詞: 踩踏頻率踩踏作用力
英文關鍵詞: pedaling rate, pedaling force
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:285下載:18
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  • 目的:比較踏車運動中以不同踩踏頻率(60 rpm、75 rpm、90 rpm),進行不同負荷強度之運動時(50% POV、65% POV、80% POV),對於踩踏輸出力量與下肢作用肌之激發模式是否有所影響。方法:12名健康成年男性(平均年齡24.5 ± 0.9歲、身高174.3 ± 4.4公分、體重73 ± 8.4公斤)在實驗第一階段以漸增負荷法測得各受試者之踏車運動最大穩定輸出功率(POV max),實驗第二階段以平衡次序法進行三種不同運動強度與三種踩踏速度之踏車運動測驗,並分別記錄九種實驗情境中踩踏力量與下肢肌電圖之變化。結果:不同運動測驗情境中,踩踏力量之負功隨著踩踏頻率的增加而上升,且踩踏作用力之作用趨勢提前達顯著差異。大腿作用肌活化率隨著踩踏頻率的增加而下降,而小腿則相反,隨踩踏頻率的增加而活化率上升。結論:若以踩踏效率為依據,未受訓練者較佳之踩踏迴轉頻率為60 rpm;同時踩踏作用力的趨勢會隨著踩踏頻率的增加而前移,亦會隨著踩踏頻率的增加使力量輸出曲線平滑化,且三種運動強度之結果相近;若以作用肌活化率為依據,大、小腿肌肉在踩踏過程間活化率呈現消長現象,無顯著趨勢;在踩踏力量的實驗中,踏板測力計之重量會影響原始資料的數值,且踩踏頻率越快變化越明顯。

    Purpose: The aim of this study was to compare the pedaling force and lower extremity EMG in different cycling intensity(50%、65%、80% POV) with different pedaling rate(60、75、90 rpm). Methods: Twelve healthy males(age 24.5 ± 0.9 yrs;height 174.3 ± 4.4 cm;weight 73 ± 8.4 kg) accepted power output at VO2 max(POV) tests by cycle ergometer in stage 1. In stage 2 these nine trial(3*3) were completed respectively by counter-balance design. During these tests, we recorded the pedaling force and lower extremity EMG by load cell(1000Hz) and EMG recorder(1000Hz). Result: In different trials, the negative pedaling work was increased when pedaling rate increased, and peak pedaling force was significantly different early in the cycle. The firing rate of thigh muscle decreased by increasing pedaling rate; on the contrary, the firing rate of thigh muscle increased by increasing pedaling rate. Conclusions: The optimum cadence is 60 rpm based on pedaling efficiency; furthermore, the tendency of pedaling force shifted forward and the curve of power output was smoothed when pedaling rate increasing. In accordance with muscle firing rate, the firing rate of thigh and leg muscle was negative correlated, but the tendency wasn’t significantly different. In the experiment of pedaling force, the weight of load cell affected the results, and as the pedaling rate increased, the effect was more obvious.

    中文摘要............................................ I 英文摘要............................................ II 謝誌................................................ III 目次................................................ IV 表次................................................ VI 圖次................................................ VII .. 第壹章 緒論.......................................... 1 一、研究背景.......................................... 1 二、研究目的.......................................... 6 三、虛無假設.......................................... 7 四、研究重要性........................................ 7 五、研究範圍與限制.................................... 7 六、操作性定義........................................ 8 第貳章 文獻探討...................................... 9 一、自行車踩踏技術.................................... 9 二、自行車下肢肌電學研究.............................. 12 三、自行車運動負荷量與運動表現........................ 16 四、文獻總結.......................................... 19 第參章 研究方法與步驟................................ 20 一、實驗參與對象與地點................................ 20 二、實驗方法與程序.................................... 20 三、實驗器材與設備.................................... 25 四、實驗流程圖........................................ 29 五、實驗過程照片...................................... 30 六、資料處理與統計分析................................ 31 第肆章 結果.......................................... 35 一、受試者基本資料表...................................35 二、系統誤差之校正與處理...............................36 三、不同運動測驗情境之踩踏力量分析.....................52 四、不同運動測驗情境之作用肌活化率分析.................58 五、均方根肌電振幅與踩踏力量標準化分析.................71 第伍章 討論與結論.................................... 72 一、系統誤差於本研究中之影響...........................72 二、不同運動情境對踩踏力量的影響.......................73 三、不同運動測驗情境對作用肌活化率的影響...............78 四、不同運動情境之下肢踩踏效率評估.....................84 五、結論...............................................85 六、建議...............................................86 引用文獻.............................................. 87 附錄.................................................. 91 附錄一、受試者須知暨參與同意書........................ 91 附錄二、受試者個人基本資料............................ 93 附錄三、Plug-in-Gait Marker Placement and Guildline... 94

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