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研究生: 紀雅真
Chi Ya-Chen
論文名稱: 由音樂教育哲學派典檢視臺灣音樂教育哲學觀及建構共識
Examining the Philosophy in Music Education in Taiwan from the Paradigms of Philosophy in Music Education and Building Consensus
指導教授: 林小玉
Lin, Sheau-Yuh
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 音樂學系
Department of Music
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 274
中文關鍵詞: 音樂教育哲學音樂教育哲學派典音樂教育價值音樂教育目的哲學探究
英文關鍵詞: philosophy of music education, paradigms of philosophy in music education, values of music education, goals of music education, philosophical inquiry
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:198下載:95
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  • 1950年代,在北美音樂教育學者的推動下,音樂教育哲學成為專業的學術研究社群,透過對音樂教育信念與活動進行批判性反思,辯證學校音樂課程之地位。近年來音樂教育哲學之論述,逐漸朝向國際比較方向發展,檢視我國音樂教育研究可知,其中較缺乏對音樂教育哲學進行自覺性與系統性之探討。




    In the 1950s, philosophy in music education was advocated by music education researchers in North America and had been seen as a professional research group. It is used to examine basic principles and activities in music education critically, trying to identify the significance of music education in public schools. Recently, the research of philosophy in music education has gradualtely turned attention to a globalized understanding. When examinig the research of music education in Taiwan, we found that few of them elaborated on philosophical issues consciously and systematically.

    In light of these concerns, the purposes of this study were as follows: first, literature review and philosophical inquirty were used to uncover the paradigms of philosophy in music education in North America, including Utilitarian, Aesthetic and Praxialism. Second, the research aimed to examine the philosophy underlying music education in elementary and junior high school in Taiwan. More specifically, a content analysis was conducted to explore music education philosophy underlined in Taiwan’s music education policy. Then, literature review was adopted to gather and analyze investigation concerned with music teaching in Taiwan. Finally, a Delphi Techniques was utilized to help reach the consensus on philosophy in music education in Taiwan.

    Conclusions of this study can be drawn in three aspects: (a) the development of North American music education was deeply influenced by positions of Utilitarian, Aesthetic and Praxialism; (b) in music education policy of Taiwan, the contextual value was highlighted most. The estimite goal of music education was to improve the understanding of relationships between music and society, music and culture as well as music and life. In elementary and junior high school music teaching practices in Taiwan, there was a gap between music teachers’ beliefs and teaching; (c) by Delphi Techniques, the professors and music teachers inclined to take the sides of both Aesthetic and Praxialism’s viewpoints in music education. In addition, they all agreed with that the most important goal of music education in Taiwan was to“built up students’ habit of participating music activities and appreciating music with proper attitude.” It was found that the philosophy in music education in Taiwan tends to be in lack of consistency in policy, in teaching practices, as well as in this Delphi research.

    摘 要 i Abstract iii 目 次 v 表 次 vii 圖 次 xi 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 待答問題 10 第三節 名詞界定 11 第四節 研究方法 14 第五節 研究架構 22 第六節 研究範圍與限制 24 第二章 北美音樂教育哲學派典 27 第一節 功利主義 27 第二節 美感論 34 第三節 實踐論 55 第三章 藝術與人文學習領域課程綱要蘊含之音樂教育哲學觀 73 第一節 藝術與人文學習領域課程綱要顯示之音樂教育價值與目的 73 第二節 藝術與人文學習領域課程綱要之音樂教育實踐內涵 85 第三節 藝術與人文學習領域課程綱要之哲學反思 96 第四章 我國國中小音樂教育實務所蘊含之音樂教育哲學觀 103 第一節 我國國中小階段學校一般音樂教育實務之現況探討 103 第二節 我國國中小階段學校一般音樂教育實務之哲學反思 116 第五章 我國國中小音樂教育哲學觀之共識建構 119 第一節 德懷術問卷之發展與實施 119 第二節 我國國中小階段學校一般音樂教育哲學觀之初步建構 126 第三節 我國國中小階段學校一般音樂教育哲學觀之再次聚焦 149 第四節 我國國中小階段學校一般音樂教育哲學觀之 最終共識 170 第六章 結論與建議 203 第一節 結論 203 第二節 建議 216 參考文獻 221 一、中文部分 221 二、英文部分 224 附錄 229 附錄一 97年藝術與人文學習領域課程綱要之音樂教材內容 229 附錄二 德懷術問卷(專家效度) 231 附錄三 第一回合德懷術問卷 242 附錄四 第二回合德懷術問卷 252 附錄五 第三回合德懷術問卷 264


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