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研究生: 張琬珮
Wang-Pey Chang
論文名稱: 台北動物園環境教育電腦軟體的評量——以「琵鷺傳奇」電腦軟體為例
The Evaluation on Taipei Zoo's Educational Software: 〝Mysteries of Spoonbills"
指導教授: 梁明煌
Liang, Ming-Hwang
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 環境教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Environmental Education
畢業學年度: 83
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 143
中文關鍵詞: 環境教育電腦教學軟體評量
英文關鍵詞: environmental education, computer software, evaluation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:204下載:0
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  • 社會環境教育已大量應用電腦為教學的工具,為了解電腦教學的
    1.「琵鷺傳奇」軟體中包括四個主題, 分別為,「琵鷺的種類介紹」
    、 「琵鷺的生物學」、「黑面琵鷺的故事」、及「黑面琵鷺的保育
    」。 所傳達概念共有165個,其中認知性概念110個,情意性敘述49
    、分布數量、遷移特性、行為、生態危機、保育衝突事件等。 大部
    分概念是由語音敘述傳達。 評量表評量結果為,教學目標、內容流
    程良好, 但軟體中用了一些生物學名詞可能不適合受訪學生程度,
    2.成就問卷調查結果顯示, 學生對黑面琵鷺的認知方面有顯著提昇。
    學生在前測時已有相當正向的保育態度, 學習之後更增強學生對珍
    貴鳥類、榮譽感、想親近牠及移地保護的態度。 學生也願意以行動
    支持保育團體及保育的工作, 其中學生偏好寫信支持保育團體的行
    3.軟體引發學生對黑面琵鷺的形態、 面臨危機、分布及數量等三類畫
    面的反應較多, 反應類型含括情緒性、詮釋性及評鑑性反應三種。
      本研究最後也針對評量的過程、 結果、研究限制、及環境教育電

    This dissertation describes the results of an evaluation
    research on an environmental educational computer software,
    "Mysteries of Spoonbills", designed by the Taipei Zoo.
    Documentation contents, achievement questionnaires and think
    aloud were focused in the sofeware in this research. The
    researcher analyzed the framework and the number of concepts
    in the software in the begining. Pre- and post-test
    questionnaires were used before and after the teaching and
    learning process, and were examined to see the degree of
    change on both cognition and attitude of students toward
    spoonbill. Two-students-group's think aloud responses were
    recorded during the learning process and were classified
    into emotion, interpretation, and judgment, three
    Ten fourth grade students were selected from a class
    from 16 primary schools who were assigned by the Taipei City
    to visit zoo during the study period. The computer room was
    filled with 22 touch computers and 8 software. The students
    Were requested to group by two and chose their interesting
    software on their own will. A total of 190 students who
    chose the tested software were studied in this research.
    The results of content analysis indicated that too much
    concepts related with morphology, distribution, migration,
    behavior, threats and conservation issues were addressed by
    the software. In which 110 concepts are cognitive statement,
    49 concepts are emotional statement and 6 are skills
    teaching oriented. The majority of concepts are disseminated
    through narration sound, few are from screen picture. The
    pre-pos questionnaires also revealed that the majority of
    students enjoyed the software and improve their cognition
    toward spoonbills morphology dramatically, and felt proud of
    having the endangered species in the country. 31 groups of
    syudent's think aloud responses indicated that the pictures
    on the screen stimulated more reaction, while the narration
    sound did lesser. The contents such as morphology, threats
    and distribution also stimulated students with more verbal
    responses than other biology contents.
