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研究生: 陳宣融
Chen, Hsuan-Jung
論文名稱: 高中職輔導教師參與焦點解決督導員訓練經驗之研究
High School Counselors' Experiences in a Solution-focused Supervisor Training Program
指導教授: 許維素
Hsu, Wei-Su
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 371
中文關鍵詞: 焦點解決督導督導員訓練督導員發展階段輔導教師輔導教師督導員
英文關鍵詞: school counselor, school counselor as supervisor, solution-focused supervision, supervision training, supervisor development stage
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203553
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:156下載:18
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  • 本研究意在探討高中職輔導教師參與焦點解決督導員訓練,並實踐督導的經驗;研究目的包含:(1)瞭解輔導教師參與本研究督導員訓練的動機、學習狀態與收穫;(2)瞭解受訓輔導教師於訓練前至受訓後一學年期間的焦點解決督導員準備度、督導實踐經驗及其轉變;(3)瞭解受訓輔導教師之焦點解決督導員發展與實踐的影響因素;以及(4)對於學校輔導教師督導員之培訓與實施提出建議。










    This study aimed to explore high school counselors’ experiences of participation in a solution-focused supervision training program and their experiences of doing solution-focused supervision. Sixteen high school counselors participated in this study. The first phase of the training program consisted of 45 hours of training over 7.5 days. The second phase involved trainees doing supervision work and participating in three supervision meetings, and one supervision meeting after a school year, all of which were three hours long.

    This study used a qualitative research methodology, including one focus-group interview, 12 in-depth interviews, and 5 follow-up in-depth interviews. The collected data was organized and analyzed using thematic analysis. The research found that:

    1.Trainees’ motivation and attitudes towards participation in the training program
    “Motivation for participation” included trainees’ sense of mission for professional development, the interest in continuing to learn the solution-focused approach and supervision methods, and the personal attractiveness factors. In addition, “pre-training preparedness and role assumptions regarding becoming a solution-focused supervisor” was mentioned.

    2.The first phase of training: Learning status and outcomes
    Trainees reported three main outcomes from training: “Understanding and preparedness based on general supervision roles and theory,” “knowledge, skills, and professional awareness of school counselor supervision,” and “experiences and learning of the functions, role, and application of solution-focused supervision.” Trainees’ mastery of and feelings towards the supervision training program was related to a sense of pressure regarding participation and the prospect of beginning to work as a supervisor.

    3.The second phase of training: Post-training supervision practice and experience
    Trainees utilized what they have learned in the training to conduct solution-focused supervision, and felt the importance of conducting supervision and further discussion. In addition, trainees mentioned “the benefit of post-supervision supervision meetings,” “changes in perception of working as a solution-focused supervisor,” “willingness, hopes, and needs for working as a solution-focused supervisor,” and “feedback and suggestions about the training program.”

    4.Trainees’ supervision experience and transformation in the school year after the training program
    Trainees mentioned their experience and utilization of solution-focused supervision in the school year after the training; also, trainees’ preparedness as a solution-focused supervisor increased during this time, included increased competency and confidence, increased willingness and positive emotions, and some remaining areas of insufficient preparedness. In addition, trainees mentioned their “approach, role definition, outlook, and needs for conducting supervision” and “feedback and suggestions for the training program” during this time.

    Based on above research findings, three sections of discussion followed. The first section discussed the trainees’ development characteristics during the pre-supervisor stage, novice stage, role transition stage, role consolidation stage, and mastery and integration stage as a solution-focused supervisor.

    The second section pointed out the factors that influence trainees’ development and practice as a solution-focused supervisor, including: (1) “participation in the training program and supervision-relevant behaviors,” which included benefits of the program, conducting solution-focused supervision and gaining positive working experience as a key factor to solution-focused supervisors’ development, and the benefits of pre-supervision preparation, discussion, supervision meetings, and “supervision of supervision;” (2) “supervisors’ other relevant factors,” including their experiences with and understanding of school guidance and solution-focused approach, as well as their motivation, characteristics, preparedness, and emotions relevant to working as a supervisor; (3) supervisee factors; and (4) work environment and cultural/institutional factors. These factors were integrated into a “diagram of factors influencing solution-focused supervisors’ development and practice.”

    The third section included two themes of the researcher’s reflections. The first theme is “supervisors’ role as a human: a diagram of supervisors’ levels of needs.” The second theme is “the value of solution-focused supervision in school counselors’ supervision,” including (1) user-friendliness, in the sense of facilitating mutual growth, and including a diagram of “mutuality between solution-focused supervision and the supervisor,” and (2) facilitating the school counselors’ egalitarian participation, cooperative production, and empowerment. One of the important achievements of this research and training is facilitating reflection and action on peer supervision among Taiwanese school counselors, as well as training and spreading solution-focused supervision.

    Finally, based on the research results and discussion, suggestions are given for school counselor supervisors’ training and practice, limitations of this research are discussed, and suggestions for future research are raised.

    目錄 誌謝詞 i 中文摘要 iii 英文摘要 vii 目錄 xi 表次 xiii 圖次 xv 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 10 第三節 名詞釋義 11 第二章 文獻探討 15 第一節 督導員的發展與訓練 15 第二節 焦點解決督導及其於學校輔導中的應用 52 第三章 研究方法 75 第一節 質化研究取向 75 第二節 研究程序 78 第三節 研究參與者 82 第四節 輔導教師之焦點解決督導員訓練方案 87 第五節 研究工具 93 第六節 研究資料整理與分析 99 第七節 研究結果之信實度鑑定與研究倫理 106 第四章 研究結果 113 第一節 參與「輔導教師之焦點解決督導員訓練」方案的動機與態度113 第二節 受訓第一階段:課程中的學習狀態與收穫 122 第三節 受訓第二階段:課程結束後的督導實踐與體會 152 第四節 結束受訓後一學年期間自發性的督導實踐經驗與轉變 206 第五章 討論 253 第一節 受訪者之督導員發展階段 253 第二節 影響受訪者發展與實踐督導之因素 269 第三節 研究者省思 289 第六章 結論與建議 293 第一節 研究結論 293 第二節 研究建議 304 參考文獻 313 中文部分 313 英文部分 319 附錄 335 附錄一 輔導教師之焦點解決督導員訓練方案之課程內容 335 附錄二 自我督導練習作業 365 附錄三 督導他人練習作業 366 附錄四 「輔導教師之焦點解決督導員訓練」報名表 368 附錄五 參與研究訓練與資料蒐集同意書 370 附錄六 研究參與者檢核回饋表 371

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