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研究生: 洪莉竹
Lee - Chu Hung
論文名稱: 臺灣諮商輔導人員在學習諮商過程中文化議題的衝擊與統整
Cultural Shock and Integration During Counseling Learning Process :Taiwan Counselors' Experiences
指導教授: 陳秉華
Chen, Ping-Wha
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2000
畢業學年度: 88
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 354
中文關鍵詞: 諮商輔導人員諮商員專業發展文化議題文化衝擊文化統整多元文化諮商
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:259下載:171
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  • 臺灣諮商輔導人員在學習諮商過程中文化議題的衝擊與統整
    中 文 摘 要
    1. 文化衝擊的經驗有助於個體增加對自我文化價值觀的意識與了解。
    2. 在學習諮商的初期諮商輔導人員會認同自己所學習到的觀點並加以運用。
    3. 全盤運用諮商理論概念或習自於國外的觀點經歷到無法解決問題的困境。
    4. 諮商輔導人員經歷挫折之後開始區辨不同的信念與經驗,調整個人的觀點與作法。
    5. 藉由不同文化觀點的整合發展個人的諮商理論觀點。
    1. 要重視基本態度與技巧的養成和培養學習專業理論的開放態度。
    2. 要增加諮商輔導人員的文化意識與反省能力。
    3. 本研究對於現有專業訓練的進行方式加以反省;同時提出培養諮商輔導人員文化意識與文化反省能力的課程設計。
    4. 其他的重要議題,包括:重視諮商輔導人員在學習諮商過程的挫折或疑惑經驗;鼓勵諮商輔導人員拓展個人的學習經驗和生活體驗;重視督導在諮商輔導人員專業與文化統整歷程的重要性。

    Cultural Shock and Integration During Counseling Learning Process :Taiwan Counselors* Experiences
    Lee - Chu Hung
    The purposes of this research are as followings: to review the theoretical perspectives of counseling and discuss the cultural issues that may induce shock in professional working contexts; to explore the counselors* thinking and reflection on their shock experiences during counseling learning process; to study the counselors* experiences of integrating different cultural viewpoints during counseling learning process; and then based on the above findings , to propose education and training strategies of Taiwan counselors.
    Twelve Taiwan counselors were invited as interviewees of this research , and had semi-structured deep interviews, data collection and analysis were offered by the approach of grounded theory. The results and discussions of the research are as followings:
    First, to compare the counselors* different viewpoints got from learning counseling process and from life environment . There are significant differences of this two kinds of viewpoints in humanity, people relationship, self, counseling. In fact, the differences of two kinds of viewpoints are the reflection on different culture systems.
    Second, the cultural shock occurred when the interviewees learned counseling theories, applied theories to professional working contexts, and applied learned concepts and skills to life context. The cultural shock experiences described by interviewees are question, criticism, shock, doubt, challenge and conflict.
    The issues provoking shock could be discussed in humanity, people relationship, counseling, and culture. These shock happened in many individual events and reflected the differences of different cultural beliefs. The anxiety and pain caused by the shock influenced the learning and works of counselors, and made the counselors to start to adjust their thinking and working ways according to the real situation and the gap between theory and reality.
    Third, four types of actions would be taken: 1.to study and relearn; 2.to discuss with other people or learn from other people; 3.to explore and think the phenomena provoking shock; 4.to make personal life experience and value viewpoint more clear.
    This research found the issue more related to self-judge would get more self-control of individual and cause less cultural shock. Counselors would keep more points learned from counseling and value belief from different cultures. Whereas other issues were more related to social environment, counselors would accept and respect original social belief instead of applying professional counseling theories which could possibly bring more pressure and conflicts.
    Fourth, there are some major points in the integration experience of these interviewees:
    (1) The experiences of cultural shock can promote the counselors to understand the value of their own culture.
    (2) Counselors would recognize the viewpoints learned from the first stage of counseling and apply these viewpoints.
    (3) When the counselors apply counseling theories or some foreign viewpoints only, some problems could not be solved.
    (4) The counselors start to category different belief and experiences, then adjust personal viewpoints after frustration.
    (5) Develop personal counseling theories by integration of different cultural viewpoints.
    Fifth, based on the above finding , to propose education program and training strategies of Taiwan counselors.
    (1) Basic attitudes and skills should be emphasized, and professional theories should be kept up with.
    (2) Cultural senses and think ability should be strengthened.
    (3) This research examines the existent training programs and proposes a new curriculum design which emphasizes cultural senses and think ability of counselors.
    (4) Other important issues, such as: emphasis of the frustration or puzzles of counselors during the counseling process; encouragement of the counselors to expand personal learning and life experiences; emphasis of the importance of supervision on cultural integration process.
    Based on the results and discussions of this research, suggestions are proposed to the counselors and the overall education of counselors. The future research direction are also pointed out.

    臺灣諮商輔導人員在學習諮商過程中文化議題的衝擊與統整 目 錄 致謝 中文摘要 英文摘要 表目錄 圖目錄 第一章 緒 論 第一節 研究動機 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 第三節 名詞釋義 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 文化衝擊與文化認同發展 第二節 與諮商有關的文化衝擊 第三節 諮商員專業發展歷程的文化衝擊與統整 第三章 研究方法 第一節 研究參與者 第二節 研究工具 第三節 研究程序 第四節 資料的分析與整理 第五節 研究限制 第四章 研究結果與討論 第一節 諮商輔導人員自學習諮商過程中所習得的觀點,與他們從 生活環境學得之觀點的對照 第二節 諮商輔導人員在學習諮商過程中經驗到的衝擊及其反映的 文化意義 第三節 諮商輔導人員經驗到衝擊之後引發的思考和反省 第四節 諮商輔導人員的文化衝擊與統整歷程 第五節 諮商輔導人員文化衝擊與統整的經驗對諮商輔導人員教育 的啟發 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 第二節 建議 參考文獻

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