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研究生: 江德楨
Chiang, Teh-Chen
論文名稱: 萍泊記憶之敘事形式創作研究
A Study on the Narrative Expressiveness of the Drifter’s Memory
指導教授: 黃進龍
Huang, Chin-Lung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 敘事記憶符號學文化語彙
英文關鍵詞: Narrative, Memory, Semiotics, Cultural vocabulary
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DFA.057.2018.A10
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:139下載:26
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  • 本研究旨在結合記憶的時間特質及敘事理論產生敘事形式的表現策略,發展以自傳式記憶故事為主題的繪畫創作。

    This study is aimed to produce a narrative painting of the autobiographical memory stories, through a narrative form expression strategy created from the integration of the memory’s temporal traits with narrative theory.
    Narratology studies use text, discourse, and narration as the foundation for structural ontology development. After the baptism of structuralism, modernism, and contemporary art thoughts since the twentieth century, narratology has become mature to present in various purpose. In narrative painting, with the new understanding of art and the catalysis of semiotics, iconology and form analysis, the narrative communication form has been separated from the imitation, into subjectivity, symbolic orientation, metaphysical expression. The time expression for painting is no longer a limitation. Both of narrator’s identity and its perspective extend to the situation where the others outside the painter co-creates together.
    The narrative painting is the image telling the story. If it permeated into cultural vocabulary, it will be more thought-provoking and inspiring. The various story event is existed independently in the form of frozen moments, which can be randomly intertwined and flipped in the time axis with the author's intent, and which also results in a sophistic combination of artistic conception and philosophical thinking. If further mixed with both memory’s linear time and subjective nature, the narrative creativity will be further enhanced.
    My study of Pingbo memory story is a kind of autobiographical memory. Firstly, the memory phenomenon and its temporal traits are analyzed to find structural forms such as synchronicity, hierarchy, immersive and contrast. From which, the form expressiveness strategy is developed in aspects of multi-viewpoint, narrative angle transformation, fence effect, and audio-visual perception. Afterwards, during painting, the story characters and scenes are constructed in accordance with the shape like such as curve shape, wedge shape, hourglass shape, or grid shape, and the use of color scheme are heterogeneous coexistence, gradation, color block. The Pingbo memory story contains 14 pieces of works, which are life-changing experience in all stages of life. They are projected into story type and spirit. They are a concern, jealousy, and happiness from the past to the future. It is just like a wandering duckweed, constantly moving around looking for the berth. It is not only an image record of my own historical memory, but also implies a common memory of the general public.

    摘要 ------------------------------------------------- i Abstract --------------------------------------------- ii 第一章 緒論-------------------------------------------1 第一節 研究動機 --------------------------------------1 第二節 研究目的與範疇 --------------------------------2 第三節 研究方法---------------------------------------6 第二章 文獻分析---------------------------------------9 第一節 繪畫敘事結構與表現-----------------------------9 一、敘事槪念演進與敘事性-------------------------------9 二、繪畫的敘事性探析----------------------------------15 第二節 繪畫敘事性建構--------------------------------25 一、敘事意圖的傳達形式--------------------------------26 二、事件的時間形式------------------------------------28 三、角色與場景的空間形式------------------------------30 第三節 記憶故事形式分析 -----------------------------37 一、故事的記憶現象------------------------------------37 二、記憶的時間性--------------------------------------40 三、繪畫的時間性創作----------------------------------44 第三章 創作實踐 -------------------------------------51 第一節 創作理念 -------------------------------------51 一、前提----------------------------------------------51 二、文本的敘事結構------------------------------------53 三、敘事形式的傳達策略--------------------------------55 四、敘述者行為----------------------------------------60 第二節 敘事形式的實現--------------------------------63 一、敘事形式的空間佈局--------------------------------63 二、色彩表現------------------------------------------67 第三節 媒材技法 -------------------------------------69 一、油彩與畫布----------------------------------------69 二、構圖步驟------------------------------------------69 三、用色與肌理----------------------------------------70 第四章 作品說明 -------------------------------------72 第五章 結論 ----------------------------------------101 參考書目---------------------------------------------103 表次-------------------------------------------------107 圖次-------------------------------------------------108


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